"Fellow daoists, the moon palace in the upper realm has suddenly changed, and the four seas are turbulent. Those who are above the foundation-building stage, if they want to return to help, hurry back to the shore of the **** stone lake in the wilderness as soon as possible."

Sect Master Bai's thoughts moved all domains, and passed this matter to the spiritual consciousness of every fellow Taoist.

"All the monsters of the four seas, return to the upper realm with the lord of the palace, and calm the four seas."

The Chaoyang Palace Master directly transformed the crown into form, and the majestic words spread throughout the Liuhua world.

Not long after the words were spoken, a stream of light came from the Northern Territory first, it was the young Kun with the cloud-pattern dharma body.

Not seen for many days, the young Kun has grown to the size of three feet, very spiritual, not only understands Chaoyang's words, but also looks like he considers himself a great demon from the upper realm, and seems to want to join in the fun.

"Little Kun, you can rest assured to keep it in the Xuanbing eyes. You can't go to the upper realm for the time being, and I will come to play with you next time." Xia Chaoyang touched the young Kun's big head, and scratched the soft skin a few times. Soft belly.

You Kun was very useful for this, and didn't care whether he could go to the upper realm, played for a while, and then fled back to the Northern Territory.

On the shore of Shenshi Lake, outside the small bamboo building, figures flashed out from the teleportation circle.

To Baiyun Tower's surprise, almost all the monks returned in response, even the little monks in the condensing period rushed back.

It is said that as a monk in the world, even if his cultivation base is low, he can still do what he can.

What surprised Baiyunlou even more was the choice of Luo Li and the elder Baihu.

Just now, Baiyun Tower specially sent a message to Luo Li to let him continue to practice in the Liuhua Realm, there is no need to worry about the human world, but this little fox still insists on going back, presumably because he is worried about Qingqiu and other monsters.

However, that Elder Qingqiu White Fox did not accompany him, but was going to take a group of little fox demons to continue their training in the Glazed Flower Realm, saying that his cultivation was too unbearable, so he would not leave the Glazed Flower Realm to join in the fun.

After pondering for a while, Baiyun Tower left a few words of advice to Linglong through the void, and then she was relieved.

Taking advantage of the slow movement of time and space in the Liuhua Realm, Baiyun Tower briefly talked about the accidental meteorite breaking into the Moon Palace that day.

Then roughly evolved the impact of changes in the qi mechanism of the lunar palace on the human world, nothing more than shaking the mountains and shaking the ground, churning the seas, tsunamis in the mildest cases, and volcanic eruptions in the severe ones.

Everyone was dazzled by all kinds of scenes, but they didn't panic. After all, most of them had experienced the battle of killing demons in the past year, and they were still practicing in the Liuhua world for many years.

After a lively discussion and arrangement by Xiaojing and others, they all stopped to meditate.

When everything was ready, Master Bai opened the space-time passage, wrapped up everyone's consciousness and returned to the human world.

Spiritual consciousness returned to the body, everyone was orderly, and went to work according to the established arrangement.

Before the star fragments appeared, Baiyun Tower and Xia Chaoyang rose from the sky, came to the light curtain of the dome, and found the hiding place of Jiuding with the help of the connected air mechanism.

With the joint efforts of the two, the real Kyushu formation was secretly aroused, and the human world was quietly protected.

With the help of Sect Leader Bai, A Li followed the dome air mechanism and returned to Nanzhou in an instant.

With the secret cooperation of the four great beasts, the Kyushu formation became more and more stable.

It was midnight, and the people of Kyushu were sleeping.

But just in case, with Emperor Xia's permission, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce activated the magic weapon of sound display in the entire Kyushu.

The sound of clear rhyme sounded from sleep, waking up all the sleeping people.

This unvoiced sound exudes the charm of wind, spirit and energy, and the thought of going out to watch the moon reverberates in the deep consciousness.

The full moon is clear and bright, and the night is clear.

The moonlight was falling, illuminating the entire world, making the night sky look extraordinarily bright tonight.

It should be said that the bright moon tonight is extraordinary, the light of the moonlight is nearly twice as bright as usual, and monks who have practiced Dharma Eye can even see the ring-shaped phantom on the bright moon as long as they concentrate on watching.

Those are craters that were smashed down by star fragments. At that time, I didn't feel much in the moon palace. Looking at it from such a distance is really emotional.

While everyone was sighing, the human world suddenly stagnated, and the entire void seemed to be suddenly pulled by an invisible air mechanism, and it began to vibrate.

it has started…

The mountains and rivers of Kyushu trembled, and the waters of the four seas churned.

All the people who hadn't left the house in time just rushed out. After hearing the news, countless monks woke up in advance and started patrolling everywhere in the world.

Ordinary houses are not a big problem, but there may be some unpredictable risks on the banks of river banks and lakes.

With the support of Kyushu's large array of qi, the feeling of shaking the mountains and shaking the ground is weakened by most.

The nine cauldrons operated on their own, and Xia Chaoyang's crown appeared on his head. He was dressed in a golden cloud robe, standing in the clouds, and his voice spread all over the world.

The monster clans of the four seas responded in unison, the green dragon of the East Sea, the yellow dragon of the South Sea, and the two dragons of the West Sea and the North Sea all took shape, working together to calm the waves and tides.

Even the spirit monsters in the rivers and lakes all responded in unison, each trying their best to eliminate the churning waves.

At this moment, a stream of fire appeared in the sky.

The fragments of the stars appeared in the ninth heaven of the human world, and Huo Ling'er made a move accordingly.

This extraterrestrial meteorite is worthy of being a fetish in the upper realm, and its power is even more powerful in the human realm, and its falling speed is extremely fast.

The divine fire air machine and the regular force on the blue meteorite criss-crossed, arousing dazzling flames, and the space seemed to be torn apart.

When I was in the Immortal World, there were Immortal Dao rules to suppress and Immortal Pond to assist, but I didn't realize how difficult these half-foot-sized star fragments were to deal with.

By this time, Baiyunlou had a new understanding of this fragment.

While thinking about it, the wind around Baiyunlou's body turned sharply, bringing his figure straight up.

A clear magic sword appeared in his palm, which was being transformed by sapphire. Master Bai decided to go all out to smash the meteorite outside that day.

Just after the Four Seas Monster Clan was settled, Xia Chaoyang fled with him, a multicolored glow flashed through the sky, and the Ruyi Immortal Sword escaped from the fairy pool in the upper realm to the human realm.

Sensing the aura of the fairy sword, Baiyunlou's heart and mind were full of pride, and his aura was wrapped up, leading the two of them to rush up to the top of the sky.

"Feiyang, White Wolf, come up..."

An ethereal voice was left in the air.

Hearing the call from the senior brother in charge, the little fat man and the white wolf immediately fled towards Yunxiao~www.readwn.com~ The two of Baiyunlou didn't use their magical powers of dodge, they walked swiftly all the way, carrying a mighty sword power, one after another Breaking into Lihuotian, breaking through the sky thunder field, and finally met the star fragment in the wind layer of Jiuchongtian.

With a bang, the mountain-breaking sword move struck the crack on the meteorite forcefully, and a circular void shock wave manifested in the air.

Huo Ling'er has been using the divine fire to confront the star fragments, and has gradually controlled the speed of his escape.

By the way, remove the extremely cold air hidden in it little by little.

With this combined move and a sword slash, the escape speed of the meteorite dropped a bit again, and the cracks on it also extended by more than half.

As the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven in the world, Baiyun Tower has become more and more transparent in viewing the meteorite outside the sky.

The body of the originally blue meteorite was smelted by the divine fire, and the extreme cold inside it gradually dissipated, revealing a dark blue appearance in its true form.

It is very dense, and it also has a strong polar magnetic force.

It is less than half a foot in size and weighs tens of thousands of catties.

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