With the current strength of Baiyun Building, the immortal mountain of tens of thousands of catties can be easily refined and collected into the sea of ​​consciousness.

But this meteorite cannot be manipulated in this way. First of all, the power of rules on it is extremely powerful, and it cannot be imprinted with the imprint of divine consciousness for a while.

To move tens of thousands of catties of the fairy mountain, it is not relying on the strength of the body to lift it with one hand, but relying on the powerful power of the soul to wrap the entire fairy mountain.

Xianshan is huge in size and has a much larger area of ​​impact. This meteorite is less than half a foot in size but weighs tens of thousands of catties.

Moreover, the force of the rules of the meteorite from the sky can easily crush the human world, and ordinary methods cannot stop such a rapid fall.

After slashing dozens of swords in a row, Baiyunlou sent out a sword intent of a gang wind, which attracted countless wind winds, and finally turned into a wind tornado.

After all, it is the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind that can be compared to the rules of the immortal way. Although it cannot completely stop the falling trend of the star fragments, it makes its speed more and more slow, and finally maintains a constant speed.

Being engulfed by the strong wind, the power of the rules on this fragment seems to have been restrained a lot. Through the strong wind sword intent, Baiyun Tower found an opportunity to refine it.

It's just that the star fragments are too heavy, and it's difficult to attach thoughts for a while. If you cut them in half, you should be able to manage to collect them into the sea of ​​consciousness.


If you follow the cracks on the star fragments, it will be effective.

After trying several sword moves and magical powers again, the two finally came to a conclusion.

Star fragments that are so dense are born with extremely strong resistance to magical powers. Instead of starting with magical powers and sword intent, it is more useful to directly cut them with a fairy sword.

The fairy sword is originally a thing of the fairy world, and it will not be at a disadvantage when cutting the meteorite from outside the sky.

And the magical sword transformed by the sapphire was beyond their expectations, and the blade seemed to be tougher than expected.

Immediately, the two of Baiyunlou simply stopped using their swords and swords, and directly followed the falling trend of the star fragments, holding their magic swords and slashing towards the cracks on it.

Not only that, but Baiyun Tower also displayed all the Zhenzi Jue that he had been practicing hard recently.

For a while, the mid-air scene was rather strange.

Huo Ling'er walked beside him, encircling the fragments of stars with fire wires, continuously burning them.

The gangster tornado below blows from bottom to top, it seems to blow the surrounding line of fire even more powerfully, bringing out a long tail flame.

Baiyunlou and Xia Chaoyang swung their magic swords with all their strength and slashed down...

If it weren't for the fluttering robes of a few people, falling from the top of the clouds, they would really be like those blacksmiths in the mortal world.

However, under this operation, the results are remarkable.

Cracks extend and debris spreads.

At this moment, two figures came through the air, it was Huo Tong and Tao Yao.

It seems that Huotong Shenzi has lost interest in the moonlight energy all over the sky, and instead became interested in this extraterrestrial meteorite that fell into the human world.

Seemingly seeing the magic of this meteorite, he probed to pick up a piece of debris.

At this time, Huotong's original consciousness has returned to the divine body, and the strength of the divine body makes him very confident.

It's just that as soon as the crumbs were touched, Huo Tong couldn't help frowning, and a piercing pain came from the palm of his hand.

Although the divine body can bear the weight of the debris, it still clearly feels the pain of the sword's edge piercing the palm.

It took a while for the divine fire to run, before Huo Tong burned the debris into fly ash, and did not try to refine other debris, but watched Senior Sister Huoling's fire control technique with great curiosity...

Senior Sister Huo Ling could clearly use the divine fire to burn these debris, but she was quite restrained, she just used the divine fire to suppress the regular power on the meteorite fragments.

The few people followed the meteorite all the way down, and they had already left the Gangfeng domain and penetrated into the Tianlei domain.

The eighth heaven, the seventh heaven, finally saw the figures of the little fat man and the white wolf in the sixth heaven.

With their current strength, these two barely broke into the thunderfield of the sixth heaven. The little fat man relied on his powerful physical body and the soul of the Yang God Realm, while the white wolf relied purely on devouring supernatural powers.

Seeing the three senior brothers falling into the sixth heaven together with the meteorite, the little fat man rushed forward, but as soon as Fang approached, the mysterious armor on his body trembled, and he led the little fat man towards the meteorite at a fast speed .

This extremely magnetic force caught Xuanjia and directly pulled it over forcibly.

Xuanjia suddenly lost control, the little fat man reacted quickly, and immediately thought of exploding it, intending to store it in the treasure bag, but found that it was all in vain.

Xuanjia seemed to be pulled by an extremely strong force, and he didn't listen to his thoughts at all.

In a hurry, he only had time to put the Meteorite Great Sword, which was already the magic weapon of his life, into his body, and those black armor pieces turned into black lights and fled away.

When he was in the Liuhua Realm just now, the little fat man heard his senior brother talk about the power of the star fragments in detail, and the polar magnetic power was also mentioned in detail, but the little fat man didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, the little fat man had specially felt the magnet in the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and with his pure earth skills, he could even mobilize the magnetic force on the magnet.

Unexpectedly, the polar magnetism mentioned by the senior brother is so powerful, and just as soon as I met it, my mysterious armor was stripped away by it.

At this time, the little fat man recalled his senior brother's words, and finally realized that the golden artifact absorbed by this meteorite would be compressed dozens of times in size by the force of rules on it in an instant.

Just when the little fat man was feeling distressed, many Xuanjia pieces that were running upwards suddenly disappeared without a trace.

While he was in a daze, he suddenly heard the elder brother call out: "You two come and accompany me, Feiyang, I will take Xuanjia first..."

Hearing this, the little fat man was overjoyed, and he dodged to catch up with the falling meteorite. Seeing how his senior brothers and sisters swung their swords, he asked cheerfully, "Eldest senior brother, what can I do for you?"

The white wolf also came along with him, looking at the dark blue crushed stone curiously, as if he was amazed at the strength of this stone~www.readwn.com~ Feiyang, White Wolf, these two pieces of debris, you try And swallowed it. " Baiyunlou said quite casually.

While speaking, two debris that had been imprinted with divine consciousness by Baiyunlou floated up, and fled to the little fat man and the white wolf respectively.

"Swallow it..." The little fat man was still a little hesitant, and the white wolf over there had already used his magical powers to swallow the debris.

"This kind of debris is fine, but it's not easy to swallow if it's bigger." The white wolf replied while devouring.

The Baiyun Tower on the side also noticed that the white wolf's cultivation is limited now, and it is already a little bit reluctant to swallow the debris of this extraterrestrial meteorite.

After devouring a small piece of debris, the Qi mechanism around his body will fluctuate for a while.

Although it took a lot of effort to devour it, it seemed that the benefits were not small, and the energy was obviously enhanced.

The little fat man also sensed the change of the white wolf, and excitedly raised his hand to grab the piece of debris.

"Wrap and swallow it with the breath of the soil..." Baiyunlou hurriedly passed on a reminder.

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