After being reminded by the elder brother's transmission, the little fat man immediately understood, and then he opened his mouth and directly swallowed the star crumbs in front of him.

Until the crumbs were contained in his mouth, the little fat man then operated the soil qi machine to wrap them up, and then swallowed them into his stomach with his magical powers.

Such a method of engulfing is really extraordinary, the power of the law of heaven operates on its own, and with the mysterious energy of the soil, it is integrated into the body in an instant, and some of the energy on the debris is also integrated into the soul.

Although the crumbs were not big, they weighed tens of catties, and the little fat man's figure couldn't help but sink, and almost fell out of the sky because of it.

Seeing that the little fat man swallowed so smoothly, Baiyunlou couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then he slashed at the crack on the star fragment with all his strength.

With a crisp sound of "click", the fragments of the meteorite, which had been chopped hundreds of times, finally split apart completely.

Perhaps it was Master Bai's Perfect Realm Zhenzi Jue that played a role. When the meteorite fragments split apart, apart from the two meteorites, one large and one small, there were still a lot of fragments left.

After all this tossing, these meteorite fragments have pierced through Lihuoyu, and are not far from the human world below.

Without the slightest hesitation, Baiyun Tower used the power of divine consciousness to directly wrap around the biggest star fragment.

At this time, with the pressure of Gangfeng and Shenhuo, Baiyun Tower successfully imprinted the imprint of divine consciousness on it, and then pulled it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

After solving this hidden danger, Baiyunlou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and told the white wolf to swallow up the debris, leaving only the nearly 40% star fragment to continue to fall.

At this time, Huo Ling'er immediately withdrew the Shenhuo, and stepped aside to watch.

After the white wolf swallowed the crumbs, he felt that his spirit was a little turbulent, he immediately greeted him, and immediately jumped back to Qingyunmen, and went to sleep on a random mountain to rest his mind.

The accompanying little fat man saw the remaining fragments of the stars and roughly understood what the senior brother was thinking. He couldn't help being a little apprehensive, and immediately greeted him, ready to run away.

The remaining fragments are bigger than ordinary steamed buns, how can they be swallowed up...

"Feiyang, don't worry, wait for the senior brother to think of a way..." Bai Yunlou replied casually.

It's just that the falling speed of the star fragments has not slowed down, and there is not much time left.

If it was imprinted with the imprint of spiritual consciousness, it would be okay for the little fat man to devour it. After thinking about it for a while, Bai Yunlou was worried that the imprint of spiritual consciousness would affect the unknown function, so he decided to let Junior Brother Feiyang taste the original taste.

With a thought, Baiyun Tower summoned a fairy mountain in the sky, which is one of the two fairy mountains in the Kunlun Immortal Realm that entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Immortal Mountain who suddenly appeared stunned Huo Tong, who was accompanying him to watch the excitement, as if he didn't expect Senior Brother Bai's portable space to be so huge, and then he was attracted by the collision between the two.

Baiyun Tower summoned it, intending to use this tough fairy mountain in Kunlun Immortal Realm to catch the falling star fragments, but it seems that something is counterproductive.

"Kach, click..." There was a continuous sound of cracking, and the pieces pierced through from the peak of the fairy mountain, smashing one piece after another of the fairy stones.

In just a moment, the fragments of stars have already pierced through the land of the fairy mountain. Although the speed of escape has slowed down, the Kunlun fairy mountain failed to stop it.

At this time, everyone has escaped to the place tens of miles above Qingyun Cave.

"Feiyang, there is only one chance, you must swallow it, otherwise, once this meteorite hits the human world, it will definitely cause great damage." In order to let the little fat man get rid of his worries, Baiyun Tower did not hesitate to scare him with words, and conveniently smashed the meteorite into the human world. Some of the cracked fairy mountains were brought back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Hearing what the elder brother said was so serious, and seeing that the star fragments were getting closer and closer to the human world, the little fat man became more and more anxious.

"it is good…"

The little fat man reluctantly complied, and at the same time, the star fragments just passed through the boundary wall of Qingyun Cave.

In an instant, the star fragments were imprisoned in the void by a group of powerful space forces.

After entering the Qingyun Cave, Baiyun Tower used the space supernatural power of the sundial magic weapon to run most of the power of the soul, and finally fixed the remaining star fragments in the cave.

"Quick..." Baiyun Tower called out with great effort.

Sensing the senior brother's strenuous effort, the little fat man flew forward without thinking too much, and swallowed the hot star fragments in one gulp.

The problems of not being loud enough and being burned were all forgotten by him.

But the scald matter is really nothing, just after swallowing the pieces here, Princess Chaoyang's Evergreen Art has already fallen along with it.

Before he could feel the pain of the scald, the little fat man's soul was shaken by an extremely itchy feeling.

What's more troublesome is that as the star fragments were swallowed, the little fat man felt that his hands and feet could no longer be controlled, and the evasion technique seemed to have failed. He fell directly from the void and fell to a floating mountain below and go.

With a "boom", the floating mountain was pierced by the little fat man, leaving a rather clear human figure on it.

The little fat man didn't feel any pain, and apart from the violent tremor of his consciousness, he seemed extremely silent.

The Suspended Mountain was pierced through, Baiyun Tower did not give up, once again a complete Kunlun Fairy Mountain was created, and it took advantage of the opportunity to pick up the little fat man.

With a "bang", smoke and dust rose everywhere, and a big hole was smashed out of the peak of Xianshan Mountain, but finally resisted the little fat man's falling force.

Baiyun Tower used the power of the soul to support the entire fairy mountain, and also the little fat man on it.

In the end, this fairy mountain was placed on Wuzhi Peak, the largest floating mountain, and the head master Bai was completely relieved.

As the little fat man devoured and refined the body and energy of the star fragment, his whole body's energy gradually stabilized, but the little fat man looked resentful and speechless.

The physical body is more than a hundred times so much so that I have to lie on the bottom of the pit on the top of the fairy mountain to get used to it for a while.

Moreover, he had to be reminded by the brother in charge that he could not get up directly for the time being.

After all, the load-bearing surface of lying down is relatively large, and this Kunlun Fairy Mountain can bear it. If it is standing and walking, then it may not be possible.

If it's just a sudden increase in weight, it's fine, and you may get used to it while lying down, but the new polar magnetic power is also very troublesome.

Just now, he only pierced through a floating mountain, and the little fat man's body has already absorbed more than ten pieces of precious metals, large and small.

Fortunately, there are very few golden immortals on this fairy mountain that Baiyun Tower randomly picked, otherwise the little fat man might be overwhelmed by golden immortals.

Looking at the appearance of the little fat man, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but laugh a little, but he still praised him a few words.

Shenzi Huotong on the side had long been dumbfounded, as if he hadn't thought that the meteorite fragments could be used in this way, and the effect seemed to be really good.

Bai Yunlou looked at it and nodded slightly, and while helping the little fat man remove the treasures that were stuck on his body, he asked him casually.

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