The questions asked by Master Bai were nothing more than how the meteorite tasted that day and whether it was difficult to swallow.

Xia Zhaoyang, who was at the side, was curious, and asked a few more questions along the lines of the senior brother, and was very eager to study.

Huo Tong, who was behind the two of them, was quite speechless, looking at the slightly twitching face of Great Elder Fei Yang, he always felt that the two senior brothers and sisters were a little bit worse.

The little fat man was also a little speechless, but he really couldn't speak. The drastic changes in his physical body made it difficult for him to adapt, and he couldn't even blurt out ordinary words.

Not only that, but the little fat man's consciousness seemed to be abnormally heavy, although there were some fluctuations, he didn't send out any thoughts.

The very careful headmaster Bai immediately released a light mist, which resonated with the slightly fluctuating spiritual consciousness of the little fat man.

", is this... okay?" The little fat man's words were reproduced by the mist, and after the slight adjustment of Baiyun Tower, the somewhat blurred voice gradually became clear.

The little fat man was not surprised by the method of the senior brother, and immediately answered the questions of the senior brother and sister very seriously.

"The interior of this meteorite is extremely cold. Due to its large size and uneven surface, it is extremely difficult to swallow."

"Its surface was scorched extremely hot, but fortunately, as long as you calm down, the pain of swallowing will only be felt for a moment..."

"Of course it's because the Second Sister's Evergreen Art was cast in time..."

"After swallowing that meteorite, the dharma body is too heavy, and the arm alone weighs a thousand catties."

"It's okay to lift a thousand catties on weekdays, but I just can't lift a heavy arm, and this supernatural ability to absorb gold and precious materials... I think I can get used to it after a while..."

Hearing senior brother Feiyang's careful response, Huo Tong finally realized that he had underestimated the tacit understanding between the three of them, and that the two senior brothers and sisters didn't mean to add insult to injury, they were really just exploring the unknown.

This feeling... seems to be very warm.

Huo Tong thought for a moment, then with the remaining power of his divine body, he set up a line of fire, circling around them rapidly, temporarily sealing off the spatial fluctuations in a radius of several feet.

"Senior brother, I learned something that I will tell you about something. The extremely cold air remaining in this meteorite is quite familiar, and it is very similar to the supernatural power breath of a high **** in the God Realm..."

Huo Tong said very seriously.

"Shangshen..." Hearing these words, Baiyunlou couldn't help but get serious.

"Exactly, the Goddess of the Son of God has completely mastered her own gods, and after some...experience, she can be promoted to the High God. The Goddess has almost endless divine power, which is much stronger than the ordinary Goddess of the Son of God..."

While speaking, Huo Tong raised his hand and summoned a ball of lavender divine fire, which instantly changed into the original shape of the meteorite, and then said: "But it is only similar to the extremely cold air, and it is extremely thin, and there is no trace of it on it. There is a trace of **** clan breath, maybe it's my junior brother, I think too much..."

Maybe I really didn't think much about it, Baiyun Tower secretly sighed, this small piece of meteorite that fell into the world was washed away by the weak water of the Tianhe River, where there is still the breath of the gods, and it has been calcined by Huo Linger in turn. The extremely cold air is naturally incomparably weak.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou asked casually, "Does this chill have a name?"

Hearing Senior Brother Bai asking each other like this, Huo Tong already knew what the chill in the words meant.

"Up to the Xuan and down to the Underworld."

God Xuanming...

Baiyunlou nodded slightly, then murmured: "How is it compared to Xianjun?"

"That is incomparable..." Huo Tong replied with certainty.

"Since that's the case, there's no need to care about the meteorite, but Junior Brother Huo Tong, your divine fire seems to have transformed, and it seems that you are not far away from completely merging with the gods." Bai Yunlou changed the subject casually.

Speaking of the divine fire, Huotong Shenzi was quite excited, and he thought of turning the phantom of the meteorite into a small ball of divine fire, and the lavender flame was beating endlessly in his palm.

"That's right, this trip to the Liuhua Realm has really yielded a lot. Although the divine power has not recovered, the divine sense and the divine body are more in harmony..., such a harvest is due to the enlightenment of several senior brothers and sisters, Of course, I also learned a lot from many friends in the same way.”

Hearing Huotong's words, Baiyunlou nodded secretly, and said smoothly: "Junior brother has a good temperament, and he can get along well with this lower realm monk. He is really a fellow, haha..."

"Hey, there's nothing serious about it. The so-called upper bounds and lower bounds, great roads and trails, that's all there is to it. Otherwise, junior brother, I wouldn't swear heresy." After saying these words, Huo Tong felt extremely at ease.

"Junior brother is right. As a **** race, you should have this kind of tolerance." Huo Ling'er praised it very positively.

Seeing the less arrogant Huotong Shenzi in front of him, Xia Chaoyang also felt much more pleasing to the eye, but he couldn't think of a suitable word of praise for a while, so he said casually: "Your brother is good, and senior sister likes your temper. , this Qingyunmen is the home of the younger brother, with the two of you here, it can be quite lively, hehe..."

After saying that, Xia Chaoyang took Taoyao's little hand, pampering her very much.

"Ah... yes, Senior Sister." Suddenly being directly praised by the two senior sisters, Huo Tong suddenly felt very warm, and he was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded.

As soon as the words fell, the Qi around his body suddenly trembled, and there was a faint sound of breaking in the void space.

On the side, Baiyunlou's Tianyantong used it, and he could see clearly that one of the three seals that banned Huotong's divine body suddenly shattered and dissipated.

Between Huo Tong's brows there is a ghostly image of the gods, and although the gods have not manifested, there is an air mechanism connected with the gods.

As if sensing the growth of the soul, the aura of this dao **** began to fluctuate, causing Huo Tong's divine body to vibrate.

As the divine body and spiritual consciousness became more and more compatible, the boy who was originally ten years old grew up a After the body shape gradually stabilized, Huo Tong finally transformed into a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

Seeing the change in the figure of the young master, Taoyao at the side turned around, and the petals of peach blossoms fluttered around her body, and she also grew taller in a moment.

"Wow, you two really save trouble, you've grown up like this in a blink of an eye..." Xia Zhaoyang was inexplicably moved by the changes.

"Senior Sister Chaoyang, it didn't happen in the blink of an eye. I have been practicing in Liuhua Realm for two full years." Huo Tong was very concerned about the harvest of these two years of experience, and it seemed that he did not regard it as an ordinary trip to the illusion.

Xia Zhaoyang nodded and responded: "Younger brother said the same thing. The stars change and time flows. Senior sister, I also gained a lot in the Liuhua world."

During the slow time in the Liuhua world, Xia Zhaoyang took the opportunity to cultivate the meaning of perfection, and thus achieved success in one fell swoop.

Not only that, but with the expansion of the boundary, several residences were conveniently arranged, such as the lakeside of Shenshi Lake, the mountain inn, the top of the waterfall, the clear spring in the forest...

In addition to the growth of spiritual consciousness, those good memories are the biggest gains in Xia Zhaoyang's mind.

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