There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1017: Tempering the Magic Sword

A moment later, above the peak of Xianshan Mountain, clouds and mist billowed, and sword energy overflowed.

This is Master Bai personally doing it, running the pure Yang sword to temper the little fat man's body as he pleases, like forging a piece of iron.

Anyway, there were only two people left here, and they were temporarily banned by layers of sword domain barriers. Baiyun Tower didn't take much care, and directly used the method of divine forging.

The little fat man has already been tempered cleanly by Dao Dao Jian Gang, and he was not used to it at first. After being tempered for a while, he suddenly felt a little lighter, and the invisible oppressive feeling weakened a bit. The elder brother tossed himself over and over again and forged him back and forth.

Seeing that the little fat man cooperated very tacitly, Baiyunlou immediately left a small part of his spiritual consciousness to continue to help him exercise, and most of his spiritual consciousness escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness with his thoughts.

Escaping into the Sea of ​​Consciousness came for the star fragments that were collected in it. The little fat man swallowed half of the star fragments to have such a miraculous effect, and Baiyunlou would not miss it.

In the mighty Sea of ​​Consciousness, the soul-splitting body of Baiyun Building stopped for a while on a mountaintop on the planet Consciousness Sea, and then directly escaped down, piercing through thick rock formations, and fled to the depths of the Sea of ​​Memory.

The star fragments easily pierced through the surface of the sea of ​​consciousness planet, passed through the entire memory sea, and fell on the extremely tough star core.

When it was brought into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Baiyun Tower sensed this matter.

Realizing that the star core blocked it in the end, and there were not many abnormal signs, he temporarily put aside the matter of the star fragments, and only then took his thoughts in to investigate.

After careful inspection, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but be quite surprised. The star fragments fell on a crack evenly, and just happened to be stuck between the cracks.

And this sword mark was left by the chaotic demonic consciousness of Punishing the Heavenly Demon, and there is still a powerful sword intent to kill all thoughts on it.

After being hit by the star fragments this time, the crack obviously increased a bit, and there was an extremely mysterious aura in it, which could not be concealed by the remaining sword intent or the aura of the star fragments.

The law of space and time!

Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful avenue of time and space hidden inside the star core.

For Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World, this is both a crisis and an opportunity.

If the laws of time and space in it get out of control, it may bring disaster to the entire sea of ​​consciousness. If you can comprehend the laws of the great way in it, that is a great opportunity.

This change also allowed Baiyunlou to see another function of the star fragments. The dense and polar magnetic regular power is the key to breaking and triggering the laws of space and time.

After some thinking, Baiyun Tower had no intention of devouring the star fragments like the little fat man, but planned to refine them into the Dragon Scale Sword.

The Dragon Scale Sword is a natal magic sword, and now it is a spiritual weapon magic sword of not weak grade. If this piece of meteorite from the sky is integrated into it, it is not impossible to advance to a spiritual treasure.

A Lingbao magic sword that weighs tens of thousands of catties and possesses extremely magnetic power must be of extraordinary strength.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou became more and more interested, and immediately started to do it.

In his own sea of ​​consciousness, there are many methods, and the head of the sect, Qingyu, can control changes without hesitation.

In a moment of thought, the sapphire turned into an extremely sharp sapphire dharma sword, and the sword's edge passed through, completely cutting off the broken star core near the meteorite fragments.

Immediately afterwards, the sapphire turned into a cloud of smoke again, forcibly holding up the meteorite and star core fragments, passing through the memory sea, and returning to the surface.

The fire of samadhi erupted, sword gangs manifested with thoughts, and the power of the rules in the sea of ​​consciousness changed, hammering away at the meteorite fragments and star core fragments on the sapphire cloud.

Therefore, Baiyunlou's heart is divided into two uses, one half is used to temper the meteorites in the sky with the sword gang in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the other half is used to temper the little fat man's star magic body on the top of the fairy mountain.

Before you know it, the inside and the outside are synchronized.

After Baiyunlou regained his senses from the divine forging state, the little fat man in front of him had already stood up.

"Senior brother, you really beat me like a piece of iron..." The qi around the little fat man was surging like a tide, even if he was joking with his senior brother, he didn't dare to stop the real qi that was running.

Just now with all his strength, Baiyunlou helped the little fat man re-open the meridians inch by inch with the strength of Jian Gang.

Driven by the soul of the Yang God Realm, the little fat man finally turned around the big and small heavens and regained control of the dharma body.

It's just that this dharma body is too heavy now, and it's difficult to move if you are carrying more than ten thousand catties of utensils, let alone Yujian flying away.

"You can't do your best, your Taoist companion is already waiting outside the barrier, if you see your appearance just now..." Bai Yunlou replied with a smile.

Hearing this, the little fat man panicked: "Senior brother, wait until you withdraw this barrier, wait for me..."

Halfway through the conversation, the little fat man couldn't help but froze on the spot, and said sullenly: "Brother, you all know..."

"Qingqiu Sacred Tree, became a Taoist couple, and you are so mysterious. Your second sister and I have seen through it... Do you need a magic robe?" Bai Yunlou patted the little fat man on the shoulder, and took it out casually A set of rather roomy robes.

"Uh... Forget it, it takes a lot of effort to raise your hand, and the Xuanjia is enough." The little fat man said quite casually.

"Xuanjia, I'm not afraid that I won't be able to take it off after putting it on."

The little fat man replied confidently: "With my current spiritual cultivation, I might be able to control it freely in a day or two."

Since Junior Brother Feiyang is so confident, Baiyun Tower is perfect. He thought of taking out a suit of black armor, and put it together, covering the little fat man's body in a short time.

With a crisp sound of "Kang Dang", the Meteorite Sword was firmly attached to the back of Xuanjia. Seeing the strength, even Sect Master Bai would have to spend a lot of effort to tear it off.

"Take it easy these two days, and then go back to Kunlun together after fully adapting to the rules of the human world. With the power of polar magnetism and immortal energy, the realm of spirit and soul will surely advance by leaps and bounds... By the way, there is an opportunity waiting for Luo Luo in the Liuhua world. Li, wait for your help and persuasion."

"Okay, listen to senior brother..." The little fat man responded with a vibrating Seeing that the little fat man was well prepared and his aura was stable, Baiyunlou waved his hand to disperse the barrier of clouds and mist, closed most of the sword domain, and reappeared the fairy mountain On Five Fingers Peak.

Outside the barrier, the two daughters Xia Chaoyang and Luo Li stood in the air, and there were seven or eight monks standing on the clouds beside them. Judging by their attire, they were all fellows of the Nanhai Xianmeng.

When Luo Li saw the cloud and mist enchantment dissipate, she immediately fled to the top of the fairy mountain, and Xia Chaoyang floated to the side of her senior brother.

"Xiao Li, I'm fine..." Seeing Luo Li's worried look, the little fat man cheerfully comforted Luo Li through the glass sheet of the black armor eye protection.

In a moment of excitement, the little fat man habitually raised his foot and took a step forward.

With the movement of Qi, the magic circle on the Xuanjia took effect, and it really lifted his right foot by an inch.

These changes immediately excited the little fat man, and under the fluctuation of his mind, the force of the rules that had been suppressed burst out instantly.

There was a crisp "click", and when this step fell, it directly crushed the peak of Xianshan Mountain. Although it was lifted by the magic circle, Xuanjia's right leg still didn't reach his knee.

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