At the same time, the air around the little fat man shook violently, and a magnetic force swept out.

Baiyunlou took the opportunity to put away a little of the forbidden power of Jianyu.

"Swoosh..." Several sword lights came from the clouds not far away, and they were the magic swords in the hands of those monks from the Southern Sea Immortal Realm.

These dharma swords were attracted by the extreme magnetic force, they hit the fairy mountain in an instant, and all of them shattered without accident.

The magic sword shattered, these monks looked surprised, but their eyes were full of joy.

"Brother Nangong, are you okay..."

"I heard from the Great Elder that senior brother Nangong just resisted the meteorite for the sake of the human world, and he may have been injured. Let's come over and have a look."

"Elder Nangong seems to be fine..."

Seeing the several fellow daoists who came forward to inquire enthusiastically, the little fat man was very moved. After regaining his footing, he hurriedly replied: "It's okay, there's nothing wrong with it. Let Xiaojing send a few more handles."

"No, no, our magic sword is not worth mentioning..."

"Not worth mentioning..."

Several monks from the South China Sea Immortal Territory spoke in unison and declined the proposal of Great Elder Nangong.

"Since Great Elder Nangong is fine, I can rest assured and leave..."

After saying that, several people turned around and left directly on the cloud head.

Looking at the leaving figures of these people, Luo Li asked softly with some doubts: "These fellow Taoists are not high-level, and the magic sword is broken, why don't you care about it, they seem to be quite happy?"

"Humans, it's normal to be difficult to understand sometimes... Sister Luoli, let's go back to the Liuhua world with my sister later." Xia Zhaoyang responded softly to the invitation.

"This..." Luo Li hesitated, and turned to look at Nangong Feiyang inside the Xuanjia.

"Xiaoli, let's go with the second sister, and help the brother to calm the Liuhua world, it will only take an hour or two..."

Hearing this, Luo Li nodded in response, and obediently stood beside Senior Sister Chaoyang.

The sky is getting brighter, the moon is getting brighter, the atmosphere in the human world is gradually stabilizing, and the turbulent world is also calming down.

Now that something has happened, Baiyunlou returned to the Wenxin Pavilion with the two junior sisters, and opened the space-time channel.

This time Baiyun Tower did not accompany them, but Xia Chaoyang led a group of juniors and most of the monks to escape into the Liuhua Realm first.

However, when the space-time channel was opened, Baiyun Tower once probed in, found Linglong, and asked about the recent situation of Liuhua Realm.

After all, two hours in the human world, but half a year has passed in the Liuhua world.

During the period when the monks returned to the human world, not only did the boundary mission not stop, but more than half of it was completed.

According to the information obtained from Linglong, the one who contributed the most is actually the elder white fox in Qingqiu.

For more than half a year, this elder white fox has been conscientious, not only earnestly imparting various magical powers to the group of little fox demons, but also exhausting his energy to complete many complicated tasks of breaking boundaries.

Other than that, there are no other abnormalities.

Because of what was seen at that moment, Baiyun Tower was not really relieved of this elder Baihu. This time when all the monks entered the Liuhua Realm again, the Headmaster Bai not only told Linglong to continue watching, but also secretly entrusted the matter to Junior Sister Chaoyang .

Today's Junior Sister Chaoyang is quick-witted and extremely intelligent, and Baiyun Tower can rest assured that she is in charge of the overall situation in the Liuhua world.

The final integration of the Liuhua world is important, but the safety of the human world needs more attention.

All the changes this time came from that meteorite, and it seems to be related to the fairy world and the human world, so we need to meditate and explore one or two.

Since Huotong Shenzi mentioned the word "Xuanming", it should be related.

After finishing everything in the human world, Baiyunlou's original consciousness escaped back into the body of the ghost in the fairy world.

Here is the Immortal Pond of Rewards and Punishments, the boundless light of Junior Sister Ziyan, and the fragments of stars that are gradually melting into Guanghan Palace.

According to what Huotong said, the extremely cold true meaning on those star fragments is very likely to be the aura of Xuanming.

This Xuanming Qi is quite similar to Xuanbing’s true meaning, but it is not the same. It should be regarded as two branches of the Ice Dao. Take the initiative.

The mysterious aura on those star fragments has not completely dissipated, Baiyun Tower intends to take this opportunity to gain insight into various reasons, and try to deduce one or two.

After the divine sense has penetrated into the extreme state, even without the help of the sundial magic weapon, the divine sense has the ability to deduce insight.

And deduced in the Immortal Pond of Rewards and Punishments, there is the awe-inspiring Immortal Dao covering the aura, and even the protection of the Weak Water Tianhe, so it should be no problem.

Meditating beside the fairy pond for a moment, Baiyunlou just penetrated the soul core into it.

Transformed into a shadow, the virtual image fled through the sky in the vast fairyland, and returned to the main hall of Guanghan Palace in a moment.

In the Guanghan Great Hall, Zi Yan has not completely escaped into the realm of enlightenment, and she is quite curious to see her senior brother return.

Following a thought of immortal consciousness, he immediately knew the cause and effect.

"Xuanming..., knowing the name of Jihan's true meaning, I have a direction in my perception." Ziyan sent back.

Immediately, the two of them connected with each other, deducing and comprehending together.

The avenue is vast, but there are traces to follow, even if it is the divine way.

It was deduced from the time when this meteorite broke through the boundary, then penetrated through layers of time and space barriers, was then shattered by the weak water Tianhe, and finally fell into the Guanghan Palace.

The clues were stripped out little by little, and finally the scene returned to when the meteorite had just broken into the sky eye. As the light blue ice layer and black iron layer disappeared, a paw print appeared on the back of the blue meteorite body.

The paw prints are light and shallow, but revealing an extremely deep blue light.

This meteorite really did not escape by accident...

No accidents, no accidents, the body of this extraterrestrial meteorite was thrown from outside the territory by the God Xuanming.

Judging from the paw prints on it, some resemble the claws of a bird.

This is normal, although Senior Sister Qingchi didn't manifest all the protoss, but she also roughly described the situation of the four major protoss.

In the eyes of the gods in the God Realm In the heavens and myriad worlds, there are only four major races that can be called the gods, and the creatures derived from the gods are naturally the gods.

The creatures of these gods are divided into two groups. One group has a complete body of gods and humans, and they are collectively called the group of gods.

The other type has a demon body and a human head, and they call themselves the lineage of demon gods.

Although the remaining two major protoss are not creatures of the divine domain, they are recognized by these two major protoss.

One is the divine beasts derived from the Dao, including the four major divine beasts in the human world, and there are also many in the heavens and myriad realms, such as Qilin, Phoenix, Bai Ze, and Nine-Tailed Sky Fox.

These beasts have their own divinity, and they all have powerful supernatural powers.

In addition to the beasts, the last kind of gods are called gods. Most of these gods are derived from the Dao of Heaven in a small world, and their strengths vary.

Some gods are favored by heaven, conform to the law of the great way, and possess supernatural powers that far exceed those of the gods.

Because of this strength, the heavenly gods derived from these small worlds have been recognized by the God Realm, and they have been included as a branch of the Protoss.

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