According to what Senior Sister Qingchi said, the God Realm planned to accept all the immortals in the Immortal Realm as a family of gods, but they didn't want the Immortal Emperor to rise strongly, set up the Immortal Court, and step out of the lineage of the Immortal Dao.

Now that he knew the name of the God of Xuanming, from the paw prints deduced so far, it can be seen that his heels should be the demon gods derived from the God Realm.

The demon **** with a human face and a bird body threw this meteorite into the fairy world, but he didn't dare to escape directly...

Asking for directions?

Judging from the appearance of the meteorite, it should have penetrated one or more small worlds before fleeing here.

After all, the paw print was left on the body of the meteorite, which was not only covered by a mile-sized layer of meteorite iron, but also covered by a layer of ice more than ten miles thick.

This Xuanming acted like this, I don't know if he is afraid of Senior Sister Qingchi, or the Immortal Realm...

But now it seems that, in any case, there should be no trouble in a short time.

Because of Ruoshui Tianhe's accidental shot, the remaining marks and aura on the meteorite were instantly erased.

With such a result of throwing stones and asking for directions, I think that Xuanming High God should have some scruples, at least he will not easily escape into the fairy world for a few years.

At least... the human world will not come here for three years, after all, the fairy queen is still here.

When thinking about it like this, the sense of consciousness trembled slightly, as if it was in harmony, Baiyun Tower knew immediately, as long as there was no accident, it should be so.

The Immortal World will be restored within three years, and when the Immortal Court Formation is re-established, relying on the method of incarnation in it, it should be able to bluff many powers who covet the Immortal World.

And three years later, Senior Sister Qingchi's spirit is estimated to have been fused long ago...

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou put away his supernatural powers, looked at Zi Yan and nodded, both heaving a sigh of relief.

Now that he has figured out the meteorite's footsteps, Baiyun Tower immediately stopped staying here. After bidding farewell to Junior Sister Ziyan, he regained his senses and returned his original knowledge to his body in the human world.

After some deliberation and deduction, a lot of work was delayed, and after a little induction, the void where the magic weapon of the sundial was fixed had already loosened, and the aura of the magic weapon of Liuhua was about to be fully formed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Baiyunlou followed Junior Sister Chaoyang's aura and directly escaped his original knowledge into the Liuhua Realm.

In Liuhua Realm, as soon as Fang woke up, a thought came to him, and it was from Linglong.

The task of breaking the boundary was completed very smoothly, and the elder white fox did not show any abnormalities except for giving advice to the little fox demons.

As for the opportunity to belong to the fox demon clan, Linglong purposely kept it at the end, just waiting for Master Bai to come and watch in person.

What makes Baiyun Tower even more gratified is that Junior Sister Chaoyang shines in the endless demon realm, uniting with experts from all realms, and leading a group of monks and demon clans to overcome obstacles.

Like in the endless darkness, flashes of lightning flashed out, finally baptizing and illuminating the entire Demon Realm.

In the photo sent by Linglong, Chaoyang is calm and extraordinary in the demonic energy all over the sky, with a wise expression in his eyes and brows.

As light as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming.

The junior sister's figure is always particularly eye-catching in front of the monks.

Where the heart moved, Baiyun Tower stepped out, stepped across many boundaries, and came to a tall snow mountain.

Hundreds of monks gathered here precisely for this final task of breaking the boundary.

Climb to the top of the snow-capped mountain, break the illusion, and see the truth.

The ultimate task is not to kill some big devil, but this.

The faint moonlight, the vast snow-capped mountains, and endless snowflakes falling among the clouds.

On the snow-capped mountain, there are waves of gentle air blowing past, combined with the falling snowflakes, which can easily pull the monks on the mountain path into a deep illusion.

The closer to the peak, the stronger the illusion.

Many monks were deeply involved, and some monks walked together, staggering and moving on the winding mountain road.

There are also many powerful monks who can resist confusion and walk on the snow-white mountain road.

Shenzi Huotong, Huo Ling'er, Nangong Xiaojing and others are all listed here, and the Qingqiu Fox Clan headed by Luo Li is also extraordinary in breaking the illusion.

A figure with fluttering robes walked leisurely in the front, it was the calm and clear Princess Chaoyang.

There was a flash of inspiration in his eyes, as if he had broken through many obstacles. When he turned his head to look at the peak, he nodded slightly as if he had some insight.

Being outside the situation, Baiyun Tower can see clearly. There is a phantom of a white fox hidden in the clouds and mist on the peak, which is exactly the opportunity of the fox clan mentioned by Linglong.

This phantom is not a mysterious inheritance, it is just a phantom transformed by a demonic thought, but its shape is extremely special.

The whole body is silver and white like moonlight, and the nine-tailed body is as bright as dust.

With such an appearance, it should be the phantom of the nine-tailed sky fox.

This phantom is the remnant consciousness of the great black fox monster from outside the territory. Presumably, in that distant unknown demon domain, a nine-tailed celestial fox once appeared.

Or the **** fox demon has seen the virtual image of the divine beast Sky Fox.

After all, this phantom remained motionless, like a statue on an altar.

However, this phantom cannot be underestimated. The phantom of the snow mountain in front of him is the manifestation of the invisible energy revealed by this phantom of the celestial fox.

If the fox family can collect it into the demon consciousness, and then visualize devoutly every day, even if they can't transform into the nine-tailed sky fox, they still have the opportunity to awaken one or two powerful magical powers.

Baiyunlou was secretly feeling emotionally, but saw Junior Sister Chaoyang suddenly soaring up from the middle of the mountain, waving her sleeves to scatter the snowflakes all over the sky, and with a flash of figure, she escaped from the illusion of snow mountain.

"Senior brother!" Fang Yi appeared on the cloud, Xia Zhaoyang immediately sensed the breath of senior brother, although he was pleasantly surprised, he was much calmer and more elegant.

"Chaoyang, it seems that you have also seen the phantom on the peak." Baiyunlou sighed casually.

"Exactly..." Xia Zhaoyang nodded and replied, and then Chuan Nian continued: "Senior brother had secretly reminded me before that the reason why the fox family hides in this endless demon realm is presumably the white fox phantom on this peak."

"Since it's Sister Luo Li's chance, it's better to get out as soon as possible."

"Then let's wait and see what happens..." Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and gently held the junior sister's little hand.

Immediately, the two stood side by side on the and looked down intently, the air around them slowly flowing, so that they could strike at any time.

To the surprise of the two of them, in the end Luo Li got this opportunity very smoothly without any accidents.

First of all, Luo Li seemed to have comprehended the way to break the delusion from the aura hovering on the snow mountain, the more he walked, the easier it was, and he quickly surpassed Huo Tong and the others.

Although Huo Tong and Huo Ling'er each had extraordinary means of breaking illusions, they were obviously suppressed by the power of the rules here, almost one step at a time, breaking one stage after another.

Seeing this opportunity, the elder Baihu, who was weak in consciousness, followed immediately, as if he was passing on something secret to Luo Li.

With a solemn expression on his face, Luo Li immediately wrapped Elder White Fox with his Qi machine, and fled towards the peak together.

In a moment, two white fox demons, one old and one young, came to the peak.

Baiyunlou thought that Elder Baihu would have some abnormalities, but this elder not only didn't make any abnormalities, but also patiently pointed out.

It didn't take much effort, Luo Li smoothly incorporated the phantom of the nine-tailed sky fox into the demon consciousness.

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