Following Elder Baihu's instructions, Luo Li silently recited the Inheritance Mantra, and sent out the demon consciousness to the place where there was a faint feeling in the divine mind.

A phantom image of a sky fox tens of feet high manifested out of the sky. After incorporating Luo Li's demon consciousness, it became a little more agile.

The half-closed eyes of the virtual image suddenly opened, meeting the light of Luo Li's eyes, the mysterious aura fluctuated slightly, and a mighty aura of heaven and earth emerged from the virtual image.

The huge phantom suddenly retracted, and escaped between Luo Li's eyebrows.

As the virtual image blended in, a silver-white foxtail imprint appeared on Luo Li's brows, with an extraordinary aura.

Elder Baihu, who was showing signs of decay all over his body, held his staff and stood guard at the intersection of the peak. Seeing the phantom of the nine-tailed celestial fox blending in, his eyes showed endless joy, and the tense air around him relaxed. .

The scene on the top of the peak was thoroughly observed by the two Baiyunlou on the clouds.

Linglong also appeared on the cloud, after all, the two senior brothers and sisters were so concerned about this matter.

Huo Tong and the others also rushed to the top of the Snow Mountain in time to witness this change together.

When the phantom of Tianhu manifested, the illusion dissipated within hundreds of feet, and Huotong and the others immediately fled to the peak.

Seeing this situation, she knew that this was Luo Li's chance, even if the white fox elder didn't block her, she wouldn't rush forward to disturb her.

Moreover, this opportunity is useless to others, and it is estimated that even the virtual image cannot be manifested.

The Eye of the Sky, the Baiyun Tower is even more real, this virtual image is just a virtual image after all, even if it manifests a bit of agility after being integrated into the demon consciousness, it is actually caused by Luo Li's own thoughts, not some great demon's remnant thoughts hidden in the virtual image.

In the final analysis, Luo Li just obtained a very mysterious object of visualization, and it seems that the ghost of the sky fox is very suitable for it.

The method of visualization is a common practice method of the monster race, and the things to be visualized are naturally powerful and fit well.

Luo Li got this phantom, just like Ah Li got the Vermilion Bird album. Although the road is long, he has a direction of practice, but how far he will go in the end depends on his own luck.

Breaking through the illusion and seeing the truth, the phantom of the sky fox has been closed, and the energy mechanism of the entire Liuhua world began to vibrate.

With the completion of this last boundary-breaking task, the power of rules in Liuhuajie ushered in a chance to transform.

The void oscillated slightly, and endless aura fell from the dome.

Everyone looked up, and the sky above them seemed to be broken.

Suddenly, a shocking sound of cracking burst out.

The sky shattered and turned into spiritual energy scattered...

Moonlight and starry sky, the sky is clear and bright.

The enchantment between the star field and the outer space dissipated, and the boundary of the Liuhua world expanded again, and the small fantasy world in the entire Liuhua magic weapon was completely connected.

The turbulent void gradually calmed down, and a feeling of vastness penetrated the consciousness of every creature. The Liuhua Realm under one's feet has been explored briefly, but now there is a wider unknown starry sky waiting for everyone to go.

The sky was shattered, and the minds of all the monks were widened, as if they had broken free from the invisible shackles.

Countless stars then fell and entered the bodies of a group of monks, and the strength of their spiritual consciousness increased to varying degrees.

Along with the starlight, there was another thought.

If you have no support for your spiritual consciousness, you can consider coming to the Liuhua Realm to take shelter...

The exquisite phantom manifested in the starlight all over the sky, this is a gift from the spirits of the Liuhua world.

The monks who escaped from the human world helped the Liuhua world to take shape stably, and all of them left imprints of their spiritual consciousness here, which were also engraved in Linglong's heart.

The growth of spiritual consciousness is a surprise, but many monks are thinking about the message of Linglong World Master.

Losing the physical body, breaking away from the soul, and even losing the true essence and dharma body is the only way to have no support for spiritual consciousness.

In other words, once the body dies, only a solitary spiritual consciousness remains.

If it is really in such a situation, it is really a good choice to escape back to the Liuhua Realm by chance, at least you can live a lifetime here again.

Of course, if you escape into the Liuhua Realm with all your original consciousness, you must completely abide by the rules of this realm, and then you will be no different from the creatures derived from the realm.

The most gratifying thing for everyone was that the idea mentioned that because the monks helped Liuhua Realm transform into form, the imprint of their spiritual consciousness had already been integrated into this place, so Waitoruo left a retreat for everyone.

Even if the soul of the original consciousness in the human world is completely wiped out, there is still a wisp of original knowledge in the Liuhua world.

But at this time, I just think about it. If there is no accident, no monk is really willing to give up his body and body to try this method.

Everyone was sighing with emotion, a familiar breath spread into the spiritual thoughts of all monks and demon cultivators, the human world...

The Liuhua Realm is completely stable, and if the refining of the Liuhua Magical Treasure is completed, all the Qi remaining after the collapse of the small tower will melt away, and the space-time barrier that seals the Dream Dao Magical Treasure will also be withdrawn.

The phantom of the sundial magic weapon reappeared in the palm of Baiyunlou, and Linglong also took advantage of the situation to release the space seal of the Liuhua world, and the monks could escape back to the human world by themselves at any time by following the body's aura.

The cloud head fell on the top of the snow mountain, and Baiyunlou said loudly: "This time the Liuhua world can be stabilized, I really want to thank all the fellow Taoists for your help. The magic treasure Liuhua is temporarily stored in the Wenxin Pavilion. If you plan to continue to experience it, it will be fine."

"However, in the next month, the flow of time here will be synchronized with the human world. How to arrange it is up to all fellow Taoists to decide on their own."

As soon as Baiyun Tower finished speaking, the crowd below suddenly became lively.

"Master Bai is too polite, we have already gained a lot."

"The flow of time is the same, so let's go back to the world..."

"Go back to the world first, take it easy..."

After the monks escaped from the Liuhua Realm and returned to their bodies, most of them bid farewell and left.

In the end, Baiyun Tower kept Jing Wuxin and other demon cultivators and the group of monks from the Nanhai Xianmeng, and brought everyone to the Sword Qi Hall of Qingyunmen.

Taking advantage of the fact that the wonderful tree in the spiritual consciousness has not returned to chaos, and there are still thoughts of immortality in the mind, the Baiyun Tower came up on a whim, leaving a few people to discuss and solve the remaining problems in Nanzhou.

Hearing the meaning of the elder brother's words, Shenzi Huotong followed curiously, UU reading www.uukanshu. com also wants to see the methods of the senior brother in charge.

The Protoss boasted that they had the duty to manage the heavens and worlds, and sometimes it was a headache to deal with such lower realms. After this period of experience in the Liuhua Domain, Huo Tong deeply realized that thunderbolt methods could not solve all problems.

Nanzhou's magic cultivators have always had various problems, whether it is their temper or their integration into other states.

Some disputes in the sea area, conflicts between monks, Baiyun Tower has heard a little bit.

Standing at a certain height, these so-called disputes and conflicts are just prejudices at work.

Although he had a clear understanding of the cause and effect, Master Bai didn't bother to waste much time talking, and he still handed over the discussion to Xiao Jing and others casually, while he concentrated on refining the magic sword.

After a heated discussion over there, the magic sword here has also been refined.

The precious materials used are all high-quality, but the final finished magic sword is only a top-level treasure magic sword.

This was done deliberately by Baiyunlou, because the monks of the South China Sea Immortal Alliance are limited in strength, and the magic sword of the treasure rank is the most suitable.

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