As long as the opportunity is found in the future, it will be a matter of course to cultivate these dharma swords into spiritual weapons, and the dharma swords cultivated in this way are more suitable for the monk himself.

When refining the dharma sword, Xiaojing and the others discussed the results, which Baiyunlou could understand.

Although it has been a few years since the Heavenly Demon Fuzhu, the prejudices of people's hearts cannot be eliminated overnight.

The imprints on the demon cultivators and the demon people cannot be eliminated, and it is inevitable that they will attract strange eyes from the people of other states. Even if these demon cultivators are invited to Zhongzhou, they still cannot change their defensive temper, taciturn, and it is difficult to be treated by others See.

This is the difference between mind and nature, and it is inevitable that there will be conflicts when getting along.

Fortunately, Nanzhou is located in a remote corner, so the conflict between the two sides is much less, but blindly isolating is not a long-term solution.

Disconnected from other states, this prejudice will become increasingly prominent.

Relying on the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce alone is a bit difficult to support. In the end, the people of Nanzhou have to come out on their own to truly understand this small world, and let the people of other states understand Nanzhou instead of blindly fearing and rejecting it.

This change in the qi mechanism of Guanghan Palace caused the human world to turmoil, and the Baiyun Tower operated the Kyushu Great Array to protect it, and felt the difference in Nanzhou.

The luck of Nanzhou is somewhat paranoid and isolated, and it is difficult to integrate with the luck of other states.

In fact, before and after the collapse of the small tower, Baiyun Tower had been to Nanzhou several times, and it had been faintly seen that the luck of Nanzhou was in turmoil.

He even subconsciously invited Jing Wuxin and a few demon cultivators to Qingyun Sect to practice in the Liuhua Realm.

It wasn't until Baiyunlou realized the truth through the operation of the Kyushu formation that Baiyunlou really considered the matter of Nanzhou.

Now, Jing Wuxin and several demon cultivators have gone through the experience of Liuhua Realm, and they have slain countless demons side by side, and there is no barrier between them.

On the other hand, the Nanhai Xianmeng has always wanted to take advantage of the geographical advantages to open a branch to Nanzhou for the development of the Xianmeng.

Most of the disciples in the Immortal League originally resisted the land of Nanzhou, mainly because they were worried about their own safety, but this time the experience in Liuhua Realm, they have a lot of views on these accompanying Nanzhou demons.

The timing is perfect.

Therefore, Baiyunlou kept the two parties in Qingyunmen to discuss this matter, and it was a matter of course, and a consensus was reached very smoothly.

Although the monks of the Nanhai Xianmeng went to Nanzhou to open a branch alliance and recruit talents, they also brought the younger generation of demon cultivators to Zhongzhou and other places to visit and practice.

Several demon cultivators joined the Nanhai Xianmeng and became guest elders, and Jing Wuxin even took over the position of Great Elder.

With these masters of the magic way to guarantee the safety of the disciples of the Nanhai Xianmeng in Nanzhou, I can rest assured, and by the way, they can also help find young people with lofty ideals among the young magic cultivators.

The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce will also intervene and help secretly.

The growth of the Nanzhou Cultivation Sect has greatly promoted the long-term expansion of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce.

With such a result in one discussion, Master Bai was overjoyed. Not only did he help a group of monks from the South China Sea Immortal League to refine the magic swords, but he also tempered the magic swords of several magicians.

Having obtained the dharma sword personally refined by Master Bai, the monks of the Xianmeng were overjoyed and their fighting spirit was immediately high. They immediately invited several friends from the magic way to go with them. The South China Sea flees quickly.

"It's cheaper than those monks of the Nanhai Xianmeng..."

Xiao Jing was a little envious of the dharma sword forged by the senior brother in charge.

"It doesn't matter, take away the magic sword from senior brother, and Xiao Jing will be able to save you a lot of worry in Nanzhou in the future." Xia Zhaoyang said with a smile.

"That's true…"

It's over here, and the sky is already bright.

Shenzi Huotong took Taoyao to salute and bid farewell, and said something, and planned to go for a stroll in the mortal world.

Nangong Xiaojing also bid farewell and left. Last night, the human world had a toss up, and there were many complicated things in the chamber of commerce that needed attention.

Huotong also had to keep an eye on it...

Although this son of God has experienced a lot of time in the Liuhua world and knows how to measure it, sometimes it is inevitable to get carried away, and the chamber of commerce has to secretly help with the aftermath.

After seeing off a group of fellow Taoists, Bai Yunlou returned to Wenxin Pavilion with Junior Sister Chaoyang.

Looking at the magic weapon of colored glaze in the hall that was nurtured by the cloud and mist in the illusion, I was deeply moved for a while.

The fairy lotus magic weapon, which is as transparent as glass, is filled with mist, which is the manifestation of the rules of the dream.

Now the air mechanism is stable, and the grade is stable at the middle level of Lingbao.

The former Linglong Pagoda has changed into this appearance after it collapsed. I don't know if Senior Sister Qingchi can still recognize its true appearance after returning.

Senior Sister Qingchi doesn't know when she will be able to complete the fusion of Shenze...

While sighing, Baiyun Tower left a soul to take care of it in the hall, and continued to cultivate the magic weapon of refining and refining Liuhua, while the main body flashed to the top of the fairy mountain on Five Fingers Peak with Junior Sister Chaoyang.

It didn't take much effort, the peak of Xianshan Mountain was already in a mess, full of potholes, and broken stones of different sizes were scattered everywhere.

The little fat man was embedded in a fairy stone, and he dared not move.

Luo Li next to him looked helpless, as if he was having a hard time making a move, while the old white fox elder led a group of little fox demons and hid far away.

As soon as the two of Baiyunlou landed, the energy around the little fat man fluctuated accordingly, and an invisible shock wave was stirred up.

The powerful repelling force shook away the rocks around him, and the little fat man also escaped, even soaring into the air nearly ten feet high.

The broken stones shot in all directions, halfway through the journey, they all paused, and then returned to the place they came from.

Immediately, it hit a layer of void barrier, turning into pieces of fairy stones of different scattered within a radius of several feet.

A slight fluctuation in the mind will cause such a change...

It seems that the extraterritorial rules devoured by the little fat man have begun to show their power, and they are gradually integrated into the basic knowledge. If they want to control it, they need to get used to it slowly.

As Baiyunlou's figure fell, a sword light field cover fell around the little fat man's body, and the vibrating energy calmed down.

Peaceful Sword Domain.

Immediately, he calmed down, and the little fat man let out a sigh of relief, and slowly crawled out from the sunken place on the other side.

Such a body shape paired with slow movements, with a bit of panting, really doesn't violate harmony at all.

Under Tianyantong's careful observation, Baiyunlou gradually saw the clues, the little fat man's physical body is not as simple as dense and heavy...

There is a trace of regular power hidden under its body surface, and it will protrude out if you don't pay attention, pulling and shaking the nearby rocks.

The earth-moving-metal-moving-qi mechanism in the rocks is most affected by it.

The earth qi machine was condensed and compressed, and the gold qi machine was forcibly pulled.

Under heavy pressure, the balance in the mountain rock will inevitably fall apart.

"Eldest brother, it seems that Ayang's new supernatural power is becoming more and more uncontrollable..." Luo Li said worriedly.

Bai Yunlou waved his hand and comforted him: "Junior Sister Luoli, don't worry, this supernatural power is too powerful, it's just that it doesn't match Feiyang for the time being, and after getting used to it for a while, you can control it as you like."

"Yeah, Xiaoli, do you think I can walk now..." While speaking, the little fat man took two strenuous steps to the side.

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