One step at a time...

The little fat man walked steadily, but also very slowly.

"Relying on the Peaceful Sword Domain, it's hard to make progress, Feiyang, follow me to Kunlun later..." Baiyunlou patted the fat man's Xuanjia and said with emotion.


"Luo Li, why don't you go to Kunlun together?" Xia Chaoyang saw Luo Li's thoughts, turned around and invited her.

"It's okay..." Luo Li's eyes lit up, and she replied casually.

At this moment, Elder Baihu walked forward leaning on a wooden stick, and said in a hoarse voice: "My lord, let's go back to Qingqiu first..."

Hearing his tone was very persistent, Luo Li couldn't help hesitating.

After pondering for a while, Baiyun Tower said: "Luo Li, you might as well listen to the elders and go back to Qingqiu first. Feiyang has a few of us to take care of you, so don't worry."

"Xiao Luoli, that nine-tailed sky fox phantom is a great opportunity, why don't you go back to Qingqiu to have a look..." Xia Zhaoyang continued the words of his senior brother, and persuaded the little fox demon.

Hearing this, Luo Li realized something, nodded in response, and then left with a group of little fox demons.

Watching Luo Li leave, Xia Zhaoyang said softly: "Little Hualing woke up..."

"That's just in time, and the Immortal World can be repaired." Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and raised his hand to call out the magic weapon of the sundial.

"Huoling, dark night..." Xia Chaoyang called the two of them together through voice transmission.

Here, Baiyun Tower has entrusted Qingyu Yanyun to support the heavy little fat man, put away the fairy mountain, and opened a void portal in the sky, connecting the Kunlun Immortal Realm.

Time flies, more than a month in the human world, and more than three months have passed in the Kunlun Immortal Realm.

A figure jumped between the peaks of the extremely cold Ice Crystal Fairy Mountain, splashing icy **** as it rose and fell, looking extraordinary.

As the ice slag, snow and fog dissipated, Nangong Feiyang's rather robust figure appeared.

After three consecutive months of body training and adaptation, the elder Feiyang's figure has changed a lot. His originally fat body has been restrained, and his height has even increased a little.

Even Xia Chaoyang changed his tune and stopped calling the second young master of the Nangong family a little fat man.

The change in Nangong Feiyang's figure is mostly due to the power of the devouring rules.

The extremely dense power of rules can not only condense the true energy of the earth at any time, but also condense the flesh body.

In just half a month, Nangong Feiyang's cultivation has already broken through from the middle stage of Golden Core to the late stage.

The realm of body refining even directly broke into the fairyland of the earth, and it is precisely because of this that he quickly adapted to the physical body after devouring the meteorite from outside the sky.

With the comprehension of the power of dense rules, Nangong Feiyang gradually mastered the method of operation.

It can even control the weight of the legal body.

When jumping, you can rise quickly like ordinary people, and when you are competing with others, you can sink and fall, and you can carry a lot of momentum.

Cooperating with the meteorite iron greatsword re-forged by Master Bai, it is impossible for ordinary monks of the same level to fight against it.

Another even more peculiar polar magnetic power, because it is often stirred up by Nangong Feiyang's thoughts, so that the state of the soul is changing rapidly.

Coupled with the frequent exercise of the soul in the Fierce Sun Wonderland, the Yang God Realm has been cultivated to more than nine pavilions.

It is estimated that there will be more than a month before you can try to break the realm and divide the soul.

The reason why Nangong Feiyang came to West Kunlun today was to absorb some mysterious ice energy to ease the heat in his heart, and the main reason was to rush to the bank of Tianchi Lake in West Kunlun.

On the bank of Tianchi, Tingtao Pavilion.

A fairy mountain pavilion far away from the Yaochi Palace, there are clouds and mist churning inside it, showing a fleeting appearance.

Luo Li would come here to practice for two or three days every half a month.

Nangong Feiyang was looking for the reason why the pure yang qi was too strong, so he would come here to calm down the restless qi.

It was the same today, but it was different from the past, Nangong Fei raised his eyes and brows with joy, showing a bit of anxiety.

Obtained the double cultivation method from the senior brother in charge, this elder of Qingyun sect was a little at a loss for a while, and his mind was a little vain.

When striding and flying, it is difficult to restrain the energy, so the ice crystals and snow mist aroused along the way splashed and fell.

Fortunately, Nangong Feiyang has been cultivating diligently lately, noticing abnormalities in his mind, he immediately calmed down his distracting thoughts, and gradually regained control of his body shape.

Stepping on the snow without traces, stepping on the water without waves, across the entire Tianchi Lake, floating in front of Tingtao Pavilion.

At the same time, two phantoms loomed from the clouds above Tianchi Lake.

"Senior brother, is it too early to pass on the dual cultivation technique to Xiao Luoli and Feiyang..." Xia Chaoyang asked his senior with some doubts.

"It's not too early, Junior Sister Luoli is thin-skinned, and she has been refining the illusion of the monster race for a while, Feiyang..., she should know how to measure it."

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou then added: "Brother, I have specifically told you when I was teaching his exercises, that you can try to cultivate both mind and soul in the illusion first... Chaoyang, how about Luoli?"

"Junior Sister Luoli... She was quite shy at first, but after hearing that it is an orthodox exercise in the fairy world, and it can help both parties stabilize the realm of energy, then she settled down to practice."

After a short pause, Xia Chaoyang then said with emotion: "Xiao Luoli seems to be very talented in this way, and after a little practice, she can run the kung fu smoothly and smoothly."

Headmaster Bai nodded slightly, and responded: "It is expected that this is the The white fox family is born with magical powers of charm and the ability to destroy delusion. Practicing this dual cultivation method will get twice the result with half the effort."

Seeing Nangong Feiyang walk into the Tingtao building calmly, and the phantoms scattered outside the building gradually receding, Xia Chaoyang sighed: "I hope Xiao Feiyang can keep his mind, so that the power of rules will not cause trouble."

"It shouldn't be a big problem, just now the restraint is in place..."

As soon as Baiyunlou finished speaking, a shock wave came from Tingtao Xiaolou.

Accompanied by the sound of "creaking and creaking", the pavilion shook violently for a moment, then stabilized again, and it was considered to have resisted the shock wave.

"Hey..., maybe I can adapt quickly, Feiyang, after all, I have seen big scenes..." Baiyunlou sighed secretly, and casually explained a few words for his brother.

After a long while, inside Tingtao's residence, the phantom clouds and mist gushed out like tides, and the inner energy mechanism was constantly changing, and one after another magic circles were laid down to protect Tingtao Pavilion tightly.

"The meaning of pink... is so strong, how can you keep your mind, Feiyang..., this disappointing..."

In the eyes of headmaster Bai, the enchantment is all illusory, but the situation inside it has been seen clearly.

In Tingtao Pavilion, Nangong Feiyang had already lost his mind, his body was full of vigor, he couldn't sit still, he got up and rushed towards the little fox demon.

After all, the little fox demon has the strength of a big demon. Recently, the visualization of the phantom of the sky fox has achieved initial results. He is not afraid of Nangong Feiyang's pounce, and immediately scuffles with him.

"What should I do now? It seems that the situation is getting out of control..." Xia Zhaoyang had never seen such a situation before, and his calm mind couldn't help but panic.

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