Latest URL: "Forget it, I've had enough fun with you..."

Hearing the wicked man's slander, Baiyunlou was speechless, too lazy to sharpen his sword intent with this villain. While speaking, his divine sense suddenly condensed, and the sword intent in his hand soared, instantly cutting into the wicked man's eyebrow.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the sword light pierced through the head, and the whole scene became illusory.

After beheading the villain, is this going to break out of the world...

As soon as his thoughts moved, Baiyun Tower was in a trance.

Ancient streets and old roads, weeds and leaves fluttering in the wind...

Seeing this familiar scene, Baiyun Tower was startled, and returned to the original place.

The small world of sword spirit is indeed not simple.

After a short pause, Baiyunlou planned to deduce it, but felt that his spiritual thoughts were heavy. It was already very good to be able to use the sword and sword intention based on feeling. If he wanted to use his basic knowledge to deduce the way of breaking the boundary, it would be impossible for the time being up.

The matter has come to this point, let's continue, try again a few times, maybe we can find a flaw.

Thinking about it, Baiyunlou retracted the hand that was about to touch the branch on the ground, and walked towards the side of the ancient street.

When I passed by just now, I glanced at it and saw a blacksmith's signboard.

In the deserted blacksmith's shop, after a lot of work, he finally found a broken sword in the debris pile in the backyard.

The remnant sword is also a sword, after the sword energy has been washed away, the two-foot-long remnant sword reveals a bit of sharpness, and it can be regarded as regaining a bit of its former glory.

With the remnant sword in hand, the sword energy condensed from Baiyunlou became more and more solid.

The wealthy family was killed, the wicked came out, and a great battle started again.

To Baiyunlou's surprise, his sword intent became stronger, and the villain's strength also increased a bit.

After fighting again, let Baiyunlou see what an extremely evil person is.

The villain had no scruples in his strikes. Seeing that Baiyunlou's sword was very measured, and he blocked many knives that were slashing at the townspeople, he laughed wildly, and deliberately used his swords frequently to innocent passers-by during the fight.

Really omnipotent, Bai Yunlou suppressed the anger in his heart and concentrated on drawing the sword, finally found an opportunity, and a powerful sword energy pierced through the eyebrows of this wicked man.

As the scene resumed again, Baiyunlou did not leave in a hurry, but returned to the blacksmith shop, took the broken sword, found a quiet place, and sat cross-legged to meditate.

The basic knowledge of the extreme realm is filled with powerful sword intent, and the thoughts of thinking are limited, which still makes Baiyunlou aware of the abnormality.

The villain's strength is getting stronger and stronger, it should be driven by the power of the rules of the sword spirit small world.

But the sword energy he condensed became more and more solid. This is the strange part of Baiyun Tower. This small world did not generate spiritual energy or the like to help accumulate the original consciousness, but the sword energy and sword intent became stronger inexplicably.

If the original consciousness of the extreme state is still there, it is possible to understand the cause in an instant, but the remaining original consciousness is too weak, and can only be deduced a little bit.

In the first scene, the power of the last sword was actually somewhat beyond Baiyunlou's expectations. This time, he was enraged by the villain's despicable deeds.

By comparing the two, Baiyun Tower roughly understood the reason.

It should be because of seeing the evil deeds of the wicked that the sword will have a breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou shook the broken sword in his hand, and the sword energy emanating from it was indeed a bit stronger.

The root of it is to have a real killing intent towards that villain, and the sword energy that was cut becomes more and more solid because of this.

After thinking about it, Baiyun Tower gradually realized that this small world of sword spirits wanted the practitioners to know why the sword came out and why it was cut.

It turns out that this trial is quite appetizing...

While sighing, Baiyunlou stood up and walked out of the courtyard, the sword intent on the broken sword in his hand became more and more intense.

Before reaching Zhumen, Baiyun Tower did not break in this time, but jumped up and set foot on the gate tower.

In a wide compound, a vicious scene is being played out. More than ten men, women, old and young are tied to several wooden stakes, and some of them seem to have been tortured and killed by the villain.

Sure enough, it was time to kill, seeing the smile on the villain's face, the broken sword in Bai Yunlou's hand trembled violently, and the condensed sword energy suddenly transformed.

Jian Gang was finally condensed by a powerful killing intent.

The villain felt something, and turned his head to see, a sword light had already cut in front of him.

This villain was really good, and instantly opened up the blood-red protective energy.

"嗤啦" There was a sound of cracking brocade, and the blood-red shield light of the stellar qi was shattered, and the villains could not escape this catastrophe.

The void also fell into a trance again following the fall of the sword...

After a while, looking at the familiar scene of the ancient street in front of him, Baiyunlou was not disappointed. Instead, he cleared his mind and walked forward again unhurriedly.

The small world of sword spirits is a very strange illusion, layer upon layer, one layer after another, after repeated trials, Baiyun Tower began to see the truth clearly.

Although there is no magic weapon of the sundial, I can feel it. This small world specially arranged for experience is like a dream within a dream.

The methods of the ancient immortals really cannot be judged by common sense.

It's been half a day here, maybe the outside world is only a moment, Ziyan's junior sister Chuannian also talked about the Guanghan Immortal Token, when the fragments of the stars were fixed in the void, it only took a few breaths, but Ziyan experienced an unknown number of years.

Therefore, the Baiyun Tower is neither fast nor slow, and uses this heavy sword spirit illusion to hone a new sense of sword intent.

This sword spirit trial did not leave behind any inheritance of sword moves, but through the illusion, Baiyun Tower realized the true meaning of the sword.

Regardless of the sword qi and sword aura, the more it fits the heart, the stronger its power will be.

Knowing the evil of the opponent, having a clear conscience and a clear mind when dropping the sword, the stronger the condensed will, the sharper and stronger the sword move will be.

With this realization, Baiyunlou deduced a sword intent that best suits his heart with only a trace of remnant thoughts.

This sword intent itself has no moves or styles, but it can be integrated into any sword move or style.

As soon as the brand-new sword intent was condensed, it was randomly named by Baiyunlou.

Heaven's Punishment Sword Intent!

I think back then, how happy it was when a storm wiped away the ghosts and demons of Xizhou.

In Baiyunlou's mind, the word "Heaven's Punishment" does not really represent Heaven's punishment of evil. It is named after that, just to remember that happy event.

For the most evil, to punish their hearts and behead their souls, there is a lot of fun.

After countless trials, Baiyun Tower has become familiar with the road, and thoroughly understood the evil karma of the villain, and also knew the reason for the depression of this ancient town.

That restaurant, that blacksmith shop, almost all the good people in the whole town have been bullied by this villain.

All the phenomena in the realm of the trial illusion are as real as they are illusory, but Baiyun Tower gradually blends into it, and understands the heart of the Tao in the way of swordsmanship.

Whether it's a fantasy world or the human world, or even the upper realm of immortals and gods, it's just a place for living beings to hide their spiritual consciousness, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Just like the illusion seen in front of you, although you know it is false, as long as you integrate into it and accept it, and feel the existence of this small world, you will be able to resonate with it.

The so-called resonance is to arouse the general trend.

The power of rules, the energy of heaven and earth, and even the power of the entire small world can all be used for one's own use.

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