The latest website: In the villa of the villain, the Baiyun Building stands on a high platform, and the villain is being nailed to a thick wooden stake by a sword.

Fragments of supernatural powers and breaths of life burst out from the sword gang, constantly shattering the wicked man's soul, but leaving him with a trace of vitality.

In the courtyard not far away, there were more than 20 ordinary townspeople standing, being protected by a sword light.

"Evil thief, you will end up like this today..."

"It should be killed by a thousand knives..."

Some masters acted to punish the evil, and finally the courage of the townspeople grew a bit, and they all spoke out indignantly.

"A group of... untouchables..."

The villain endured the severe pain, cursed disdainfully, and then turned his head to look at the person on the high platform: "If you want to kill... then kill, if I... frown, I'm not... a good man."

"Sure enough..." Baiyunlou curled his lips, raised his finger and popped out a sword gang, propping up the Awakening Sword Field near the wooden stake.

All of a sudden, the pain of being crushed and soul-shattering increased tenfold, and the sound of screams rose violently.

Headmaster Bai nodded in satisfaction, and greeted the townspeople in the courtyard: "You enjoy it slowly here, I'll go around the town, maybe I can find some bitter masters..."

Hearing this, the villain on the stake seemed to be in a hurry, and immediately roared: "Kill..., kill me..."

"Don't worry, kill, you have to kill after all, it's just... this scene is a little deserted." Bai Yunlou said casually.

While speaking, he waved his sleeves and walked out of the courtyard.

"Earth..., underground palace..." The villain was in excruciating pain, and some wanted to die.

"Oh? And the underground palace?" Baiyunlou paused, turned his head to look at the villain, and acted out his true feelings in cooperation, with curiosity in his eyes, and raised his hand to recall the Awakening Sword Domain.

"Yes... yes, there are countless gold jewels in it, and hundreds of beauties, all of which are given to Master Sword Master, just please..." The severe pain suddenly subsided, and the villain seemed to see a glimmer of life, so he hurriedly spoke out his plan to survive. Word.

"Wait for me to take a look..." Baiyunlou raised his hand to press the wicked man's words, and then the clouds and mist rose under his feet, floating into the air.

With a flick of the big sleeve, countless sword lights escaped, and all of them disappeared into the backyard.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the ground shook like a mountain. Amid the exclamation of everyone, the entire backyard manor was lifted up by countless sword lights, revealing a brightly lit underground palace.

"This is... the fairy art."

"It turns out that the gods are here..."

"Will Master Immortal..."

"It turns out that the gods have descended, the little ones have eyes but no pearls..." The villain's words were less fearful and more hopeful.

Looking at the underground palace with a radius of tens of feet, Baiyunlou sighed: "This underground palace is really magnificent, with countless gold, silver and jewels... Hey, it even hides alchemy techniques..."

"The little one occasionally got the method of refining blood pills, but he couldn't live forever..."

"Oh? I still want to live forever..., the aptitude is good, but it's a pity that I went astray." Baiyunlou said with emotion.

"The little one must correct the evil and return to the right..." The villain seemed to hear the meaning of cherishing talents from the words of the elder, and suddenly became greedy.

"Forget can go to die."

The villain was taken aback by the casual and gentle words. He just saw the chance of immortality, but he was about to be snuffed out...

"It's full of evil, it should be punished!"

With a soft shout, countless sword lights in the midair gradually merged into one, turning into a huge golden sword gang, slashing downward with a mighty force of annihilation.

"No..." the villain roared unwillingly.

"According to your aptitude, even if you are beheaded, the ghost may escape into the underworld and turn into an evil ghost. If you have a chance, you may be able to walk on the way of ghost cultivation and achieve longevity..."

"..." The villain suddenly looked up.

"It's a pity... I don't leave evil souls under the sword of this fairy, let the souls be wiped out!"

The golden sword gang fell slowly with the sound of the fairy, and the ashes that were crushed by the villain were wiped out amidst the wicked man's unwilling roar.

When the sword fell, the scene became illusory again, until the eyes of Baiyun Tower were clear, and the scene in front of the Fairy Queen's Palace appeared.

Finally broke the sword spirit small world...

I learned a lot and gained a lot, but I seemed to be a little bit wordy just now. Although I said the heart-wrenching words quite happily, I should be more agile next time...

While feeling emotional, the memory of this experience suddenly blurred a bit.

"Make the best use of everything..." With a soft mutter, Baiyunlou summoned his mind mirror, and collected all the scattered memories into it.

The celestial light reflected in the mind mirror on the imprint between the brows gradually recedes, and it seems to have broken through the realm, which can be regarded as initially recognized by the fairy.

Of course, the current cultivation base is weak, and the immortal power that can be mobilized by the immortal position is limited. Only after years of cultivation and improving the strength of the cultivation base as soon as possible, can the true power of the immortal monarch position be truly exerted.

After initially refining the immortal jade token, the original consciousness was finally released, and the transparent feeling of the extreme world returned, and Baiyunlou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Xiaohualing's surprised voice suddenly came from behind: "Eldest Brother..., have you really refined the Immortal Token Talisman?"

"That's right..." Baiyunlou turned around and replied, put away his mirror in his mind, and asked casually: "Little Hualing, how long has it been?"

Xiao Hualing tilted her head and thought for a while before replying: "It should be time for a cup of tea..."

"That is not bad…"

As soon as the words fell, Baiyunlou suddenly remembered that his original consciousness had been restored, and then he conjured up the phantom of the sundial magic weapon.

After a little calculation, there are still two days before the decree can be completely formed, Baiyunlou decided not to wait here, and planned to go to the Miaocheng Immortal Realm through the teleportation gate.

Hearing that the senior brother in charge was about to leave, Xiao Hualing didn't say any more, and immediately used the power of the Immortal Pond to send the senior senior brother away from the Fairy Queen's Palace in an instant.

The remnants of broken walls are floating around, and dead branches and leaves are scattered in the void.

Seeing the dilapidated scene in front of him, Baiyun Tower couldn't help being taken aback.

The hundred-foot-high ancient tree was very eye-catching, and the head of the mountain and Huo Ling'er were all busy under the tree.

This was directly teleported to the Miaocheng Immortal Realm. It seems that the Immortal Pond is full, and the little flower spirit is indeed much more heroic...

Gathering his mind, UU Reading Baiyun Tower greeted Shanzhang and the others.

"Yunlou... you are here, hurry up and help me take a look..." Hearing this, he turned around and saw the former college student, and the head of the mountain was very happy.

"Yunlou is here, what are we going to do..." While speaking, Aunt Xia directly withdrew the fairy formula.

Old Immortal Mei followed up with the plum stick, retracted the supernatural powers attached to the ancient immortal tree, and nodded slightly to Master Bai.

Huo Ling'er was overjoyed, and immediately jumped up from under the tree, came to the elder brother, and talked about the current situation of this Miaocheng Immortal Territory in a hurry.

To say that this Miaocheng Immortal Realm is really extremely mysterious.

Several people traveled nearly thousands of miles, but they didn't find a trace of wandering spirits. What's more, the most interesting thing is that the roots of this ancient fairy tree were deeply embedded in the cores of more than ten large and small fairylands.

According to what Xiaohualing said, there are already a lot of fragments left in the core of the fairyland, and it has already made up 20% of the number.

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