Latest website: Hearing the words of the younger sister, Baiyunlou was slightly taken aback, his face straightened, and he nodded immediately and replied: "Feiyang..., yes, it's him, the status of the master of the underworld is so honorable, and he is worthy of the nine-tailed sky Fox bloodline inheritance."

"Ah..., is that so? It seems to be right..." Xia Zhaoyang was taken aback by his blurted words, but he didn't expect to be affirmed by the senior brother, and suddenly became a little confused.

"Brother, don't tease Chaoyang, this brand will be refined by me, my little sister." Ziyan reached out and pinched Yan Luoling on her fingertips while speaking, and looked at the senior brother stubbornly with her clear and soft eyes, secretly softly A thought came through.

"The fairy world has to be in charge of the big brother..."

Looking at Junior Sister Ziyan's clear eyes, Baiyun Tower already understood, but the Nine Nether Land is full of ghosts and demons...

"It's just a way to divide the soul. In the fairy world, Guanghan is still the younger sister's dojo. In the human world, there are senior brothers and Chaoyang to accompany... When the senior brother reopens the fairy garden, the younger sister will look up at the nine heavens in the land of nine seclusions."

Halfway through the chanting, Ziyan's fingertips suddenly revealed a celestial light, and Baiyunlou sensed something was wrong, and quickly sent a true thought of basic knowledge to Yan Luoling, but it hit a icy flame light.

The refinement of Yan Luoling had already started, and it was too late for Baiyunlou to stop it.

"Why did you grab it..." Sensing the fierce collision of the two air mechanisms on the dark token, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but uttered in surprise.

"Hey, I was thinking of going to the underworld to see the situation, but now it's good..." Looking at Ziyan who was sitting cross-legged in the void and trying her best to refine Yan Luoling, Baiyunlou sighed with emotion.

Xia Chaoyang turned his head to look at his senior brothers and sisters, and then at the Ghost King with a Void Belly who was still pleasing to the eye after changing his figure, and suddenly laughed crisply: "Sister Ziyan refined Yan Luo Ling, it's actually okay, I will finally I figured it out, the refining brand needs to have the position of Immortal Monarch, after all the calculations, in fact, there are only the three of us, Xiao Feiyang has no qualifications at all, haha..."

Hearing the junior sister happily talking about this matter, Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled, secretly thinking that this little Chaoyang has the basic knowledge of the extreme state, and sometimes he is still confused, but what does the junior sister's words mean nothing...

Fang thought about this, but heard Xiao Chaoyang continue to say: "In my opinion, the underworld is not an extremely scary place, otherwise Xudu wouldn't be in a hurry to go back, right, Xudu... Fellow Daoist..."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang turned around and looked at the Xudu Ghost King.

"Yes, yes..., how can the underworld be scary..." When asked suddenly, Xudu was startled, and then hurriedly replied.

As if worried that the two immortal lords would not believe it, Xudu recalled and said seriously: "Compared to this time, everything in the underworld is missed by this king...Xiao Wang. On the long road to Huangquan, the roadside is full of beautiful flowers The flowers bloom for thousands of years, and the delicious Mengpo soup, the beautiful Mengpo..."

"That's enough..." Hearing that this person was getting further and further away, Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly raised his hand to stop him from recalling the past, turned around and said to the elder brother:

"Brother, since this is the case, it will be an extra place to relax, but the head of the family has been taken by sister Ziyan."

"Besides, there are countless vacancies in the fairy world, and there must be many in the underworld. At that time, let sister Zi Yan use this talisman to go through the motions. It will not be easy for the two of us to occupy the two palace master positions in the underworld..."

"Uh..., Junior Sister's words are serious... wake up, haha, what Fei Yang said is good, Junior Sister is worthy of being my Qingyun Sect's immortal pet." Being reminded by Chaoyang, Baiyunlou was in a good mood.

Being praised so much by the senior brother, Xia Zhaoyangle's eyebrows curved, but he immediately squinted his eyes when he heard the last two words: "Xian Chong..., what a fat man, see you next time, hehe..."

Bai Yunlou gently pulled Chaoyang into his arms, and said softly: "Hey, that little fat man, junior sister will take care of it slowly in the future, but in the eyes of senior brother, this pet means petting..."

"Hmm..." Warmed by his senior's soul, Xia Chaoyang nestled in it, not wanting to move lazily.

Immediately, the two embraced and stood, chatting softly while waiting for Ziyan to wake up.

After a cup of tea, Yan Luoling's aura fits with Heer Ziyan, and everything seems to be normal.

After another cup of tea, the refinement of Yan Luoling was still proceeding in an orderly manner, but the progress seemed much slower.

Although the mind connected with Junior Sister Ziyan is safe and sound, Baiyunlou always feels that something is wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou didn't care about other things, condensed a pure yang energy machine to wrap up a thought, and sent it to him along the connected mind.

As the thought penetrated, I immediately knew the reason.

All the normal appearances are deliberately made by Ziyan's original consciousness, but the truth...

Extremely cold, gray, long, lonely...

This is a state of mind trial, a necessary trial for becoming the master of the underworld.

Although the outside world has only passed two cups of tea, Ziyan's basic knowledge has been stuck here for an unknown amount of time.

Thinking of this, a trace of irritability arose in Baiyunlou's mind.

What breaks the trial, it is better to cut it...

Beheaded... Maybe it's not a way.

An idea flashed by, and Baiyun Tower immediately passed it on to Junior Sister Chaoyang.

A moment later, Xia Zhaoyang's figure suddenly appeared in the cold and gray void.

"Brother, is this the place of trial? It's cold and dark, sister Zi Yan, is everything okay..."

"It's okay, it's just that this trial is endless, and I don't know how many years will pass before it can be considered recognized." Looking at the endless drowsiness in front of him, Baiyunlou sighed leisurely.

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang also realized immediately, and said impatiently: "What kind of trial is this, senior brother, where is sister Ziyan? Let's go and take her out of this trial, at worst, we don't need some kind of Pluto!" position."

"That's true..." Baiyun Tower paused for a while, and then said: "Zi Yan should have sensed that we are here, but the air mechanism disappeared after arriving here..."

"So, sister Ziyan still doesn't want to give up, alas..."


While sighing Baiyunlou's basic knowledge was running quickly, thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds.

mood test...

Enduring thousands of years of cold and lonely, the state of mind is extraordinary...

If you can break the rules, see through the truth, and find your true self, wouldn't it be another manifestation of an extraordinary state of mind.

After figuring this out, Baiyunlou was overjoyed, and immediately planned to pass on this insight to Junior Sister Ziyan, but couldn't help being taken aback.

Ziyan restrained her aura, and it was no longer possible to pass on her thoughts.

There is no way to pass on, the chaos is vast...

Then illuminate this chaos and let Junior Sister Ziyan find it by herself.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou's heart and soul were full of pride, and he immediately rose into the sky, with immeasurable flames shooting out through his body.

The Lieyang Immortal Art was fully used, and the true meaning of Lieyang that had been cultivated in the sea of ​​knowledge for many years finally revealed its true form.

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