There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1071: Intoxicating beauty

The latest website: Burn thoughts and souls, and become the blazing sun.

The endless flames dispelled the heavy fog and illuminated the deep chaos.

The turbulent heat wave swept across the boundless void, warming the cold and lonely.

Looking at the blazing sun-like light cluster in the mid-air, Xia Zhaoyang's eyes were filled with color.

Turning his head to look at the quiet void, the gray fog slowly churned, as if it had no end.

"It's the same everywhere, I'm sure you'll get sleepy if you look at it for a long time..." He muttered softly, and the white clouds around Xia Chaoyang's body billowed out.

Thin clouds and mist are as light as spun gauze, and the light of the scorching sun shines through them, emitting colorful rays of light, and the chaotic void reflected is colorful.

Xia Chaoyang sat on the head of the cloud, swinging his two little feet leisurely. Seeing the manifested rainbow light, he yelled in surprise.

"Senior brother, look quickly, the rainbow light, I will also join my junior sister, haha..." Accompanied by the laughter like silver bells, Xia Zhaoyang moved with him, making the clouds and mist like veil like a mantle, circling around the scorching sun.

The dull and dark void not only has more light and heat, but also adds a little bit of vividness.

After a while, suddenly, thousands of miles away, there was finally a response.

A small group of firefly lights flashed out, suddenly like a fire in the sky, fleeing for thousands of miles.

The closer you get, the more dazzling the flame will be.

As he got closer, Ziyan's goddess-like figure appeared.

The fluttering shadow came on the fire lotus.

"Burning thoughts and burning soul..., little girl, I understand..."

While speaking, Zi Yan's eyes showed a bit of wantonness, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and her figure turned around, and her cold figure changed immediately.

The karmic fire of the red lotus spread up along the dress until it enveloped the entire dharma body, and the karmic fire of the body protection instantly merged into the dharma body.

"Brother..., it's a good thing you're here." Ziyan waved her hand to the fiery sun, and shouted melodiously, with endless enthusiasm in her casual manner.

This greeting immediately awakened Shen Nian's soul-burning Baiyun Tower, and immediately the flames stopped and fell in front of Junior Sister Ziyan.

"Sister Ziyan, and me, and me..." A cloud of mist drifted down, and Xia Zhaoyang jumped down.

"See, the colorful rainbow light, senior sister, I came here following the rays of light." While speaking, Zi Yan slightly restrained the red flames of karma around her body, and reached out to grab the gentle and soft hand of Junior Sister Chaoyang.

"Sister, you are so beautiful..."

"Of course, senior brother... How about it?" Zi Yan raised her eyebrows and smiled, with a bit of wantonness, a bit of free and easy, turning her body a little bit, showing her beautiful figure in front of the two of them.

Facing the glamorous Junior Sister Ziyan, Baiyunlou was fascinated by it, and blurted out in his mind, "It's as bright as a spring flower, as bright as a bright moon, fortunately, brother, I practice the way of immortality..."

"Oh? Senior brother has a common idea?" Zi Yan approached a little bit, smiling sweetly, and when she spoke, she naturally shook senior senior's big hand.

Unexpectedly, Ziyan let go of her small obsessions after completely merging with her own thoughts. Baiyunlou's eyes could not help but shine, and she hurriedly stretched out her hand to meet that slender hand.

Just as he was about to say a few words, the soft and silky feeling from his fingertips swept through Baiyunlou's mind like a huge wave.

It's not that she hasn't held Junior Sister Ziyan's little hand before, but this time it seems to be very different.

"Moving the worldly thoughts..., the worldly thoughts..."

The question seemed to still be lingering in his ears, Zi Yan's face was radiant in his eyes, and Xiao Chaoyang beside him was cute and cute...

There is a faint word in my ear...

"With the help of senior brother, I found my true self, and that little girl also helped senior brother once..."


Accompanied by a crisp sound, Baiyun Tower suddenly woke up, and before he knew it, he had already fallen into an illusion.

Really beautiful and intoxicating...

Wait until the void in front of him fluctuates slightly, revealing the true appearance of the small world of ghosts, and the beautiful shadow has disappeared without a trace.

Sighing a little, Baiyunlou turned to look at the pretty and charming Xiao Chaoyang beside him, his heart fluttered slightly, and he asked casually, "What did Zi Yan say?"

"Senior sister made an appointment tomorrow to go to the gate of the underworld together, saying that she wants to walk around the world right now."

After a short pause, Xia Zhaoyang continued to say with a sense of miss, "Senior brother, I also want to go back to the capital."

"Well, let's talk about this matter..."

After saying that, Baiyunlou turned around and looked at the Xudu Ghost King standing quietly beside him, there was already a dark mark between his brows.

Ghost King Seal!

As far as the eye could see, Baiyun Tower already knew the reason for the manifestation of this mark, and Ziyan had already activated the order of Yan Luo to seal the first ghost king.

"Xudu, do you want to go to the world with me?"

The Ghost King of Xudu was startled when he heard the words, then he raised his head and looked towards the void, with a hint of fear in his eyes, he immediately replied: "Not for the time being..., back to Xianjun, the little king has been given the name Xudu by Venerable Pluto, crossing the river."

"Xudu..., it sounds good to my ears, this is not a place to stay for a long time, you should go back to the Liuhua Realm and wait."

While speaking, Baiyun Tower recruited Lingbao Liuhua, and immediately included Xudu Ghost King in it.

Something happened here, thinking of Xiao Chaoyang's old friend, Baiyunlou used colored flowers to reveal the recent situation of Feng Qimei and Hua Shishi. It seemed that the two were meditating in a quiet place.

Xia Zhaoyang was very pleased to see the two people's efforts to practice hard.

Waiting for Xiao Chaoyang to watch the Liuhua world to his heart's content, Baiyunlou put away the magic weapon of Liuhua, turned his head and looked around for a while, with a sway of his figure, he pulled his junior sister through the air and escaped out of the cave of ghosts.

On the cliff of Xuanyin Mountain, Baiyun Tower stands side by side with Xiao Chaoyang, admiring the beautiful scenery of Xuanbing Waterfall in the setting sun.

"Brother, where's your wonderful tree?" Xia Zhaoyang held his big hand tightly, and habitually searched for the wonderful tree, but found that the wonderful tree had disappeared, and couldn't help but make a sound in surprise.

"After I got the position of True Martial Immortal, I was cut to pieces by the sword intent... Now senior brother, I don't need Miao Shu anymore." Bai Yunlou replied very casually.

"No more?" After a short pause, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly realized, and was overjoyed: "Brother, so everything is back to normal?"

"Everything is as usual... It's still close." While speaking, Bai Yunlou raised his hand and pulled out his heart mirror.

I saw the originally clear and mysterious heart mirror, with cracks all over it, as if it would break if touched.

"Brother, what should I do? If the mirror of my heart is cracked, what should I do with the memories stored in my memory?" Seeing this situation, Xia Zhaoyang immediately panicked.

"Chaoyang doesn't need to worry, this mirror of the heart is that It is also thanks to Ziyan's shot to break it that the senior brother can see the real me."

Baiyunlou comforted softly, his eyes were extremely clear.

"With all appearances in the mortal world, the mind is like a mirror, carefree and at ease, calm and peaceful."

Accompanied by the unvoiced rhythm, the heart mirror shattered and dissipated, and the countless memory clouds sealed in it escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows like birds returning to their nests.

The sea of ​​memory that was once empty is now full again.

In the sea of ​​shallow memory, clusters of memories are like floating clouds in the view of floating clouds, drifting leisurely, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

In the deep sea of ​​memory, the original thoughts are like stars, shining brightly.

"Senior Brother, Junior Sister wants to see..." Following the senior brother's thoughts, he sank into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, seeing such a strange scene, Xia Zhaoyang was very curious.

"I'm not in a hurry right now, I'll take my junior sister to watch it slowly when I have time." Once he regained his true self, Bai Yunlou's mind was at ease.

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