And in that catastrophe in the fairy court, all the ghosts and fairies who went to the fairy court were poisoned by the demons. After the fairy queen found all the remaining ghosts and fairies in the world, she immediately sent them back to the underworld to hide.

Most of these ghosts and immortals are currently sheltering in the Nine Palaces of Yama, but they are still relatively safe.

And because the four leaders of the ghost soldiers had no restraint, they did not know where they got the method of devouring ghosts, and they could devour the evil thoughts of evil ghosts to improve their cultivation.

Then he secretly devoured countless evil spirits floating in the Wangchuan River, which made his strength skyrocket, and now he should have a cultivation level close to that of a Sanxian.

And the ghost commanders under the Nine Lords of Yama died when they suppressed hell, so the leaders of these four ghost soldiers dared to run amok in the underworld.

Moreover, the riot of evil spirits in **** may be related to the leaders of the four major ghost soldiers.

Having figured out the general trend of the Nether Realm, Baiyun Tower decided not to wait any longer. After more than a month of deduction and planning, it was finally time to see the sun.

And what made this plan come true was the attitude of the Nine Palaces of Yama.

Because according to the inheritance information preserved in the Yan Luo Order, the last decree of this Yama Order is to let the Nine Halls of Yama stay in their respective halls.

Now it seems that at least these nine Yan Luos still abide by the ancient decree. If the Yama's order reappears, there should be a greater chance of gaining their support.

Of course, Baiyun Tower also found a way out.

After more than a month of observation, the obscure way of time and space in the underworld was deduced and understood by Baiyunlou and Ziyan, and they also found a place that fits with the human world.

That is to say, if there is any discord, at worst, with the help of the power of the law of heaven, the imperial emissary's sundial magic weapon should be combined from the inside to the outside, forcibly opening the void passage, and taking Zi Yanniang to escape from the underworld.

In this way, there will be no worries, and you can give it a go.

After walking slowly for more than a month, Huangquan Road finally came to an end.

The road was completely foggy, revealing a blood-yellow river and a dark-yellow long bridge.

In the big river, there is a strange yin thing surging, and it rises and falls with the river water, bringing out gusts of fishy wind.

And the bridge of the void is only about three feet wide, spanning the two banks, but it is several miles long.

From this point of view, this is the end of the road.

Forget Riverside, Naihe Bridge.

And the shabby thatched shed at the head of the bridge, which is difficult to shelter from the wind and rain, should be the place of the ghost vessel, Po Meng's soup shop.

Finally came to the end of Huangquan Road, but Baiyun Tower did not hurry to lead everyone to the thatched hut, but stood at the same place and looked around.

On the riverside not far away, a fissure in the knife gang several feet long and wide was still faintly shining with flames, and a dark token was embedded in the bottom of the fissure.

"That ghost general..." Xia Chaoyang exclaimed.

Zi Yan nodded in response, raised her hand to draw the order talisman into her palm, and took away the wisp of red lotus karmic fire on it, gently squeezed with two fingers, and the ghost general order talisman instantly shattered into fly ash.

It seemed that the arrival of the three of them had already been known to the ghost generals and ghost kings, and there was no sound around the riverside, not even a single ghost was seen.

The place at the head of the bridge is quite spacious, not far from the hut, leaning against the dark void, there are a big blue stone and a high loess platform.

The big stone is about ten feet high, one side is as smooth as a mirror, and four ancient inscribed characters are engraved on it.

Fated to three lives.


"Look, Erniang, this boulder is the Sansheng Stone. Sister Ziyan once said that you can use this boulder to view your past, present, and future lives."

After a short pause, Xia Chaoyang continued: "The high platform next to the boulder should be the Wangxiang Terrace. Ordinary ghosts can look back at the world from this high platform..."

Hearing this, Niang Ziyan seemed to be in a good mood, and immediately walked towards the blue stone, the three of Baiyunlou followed each other, and Ghost King Xudu followed behind everyone very quietly.

Standing in front of the Sansheng Stone, Zi Yanniang watched it carefully for a while, she seemed a little dazed, and after a while, she silently walked aside and began to think.

"Mother, what did you see..." The appearance of the three-living stone can only be seen by herself, and Zi Yan sensed the fluctuation of mother's mind, and then asked curiously.

"Ah..., just some old things..." Zi Yanniang replied quietly, without saying much.

"Can you really see the past? Then I'll take a look..." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang jumped in front of the big blue stone and looked at the smooth stone surface.

As the eyes penetrated into it, it seemed that an extraordinary existence had been activated, and for a moment the multicolored rays of light burst forth, revealing the true nature of Ruyi Zhenxian completely.

Wearing a crown of xiapei on her head and wearing colorful xiayi, the celestial light from the Ruyi Immortal Seal between her brows seems to penetrate the nether world.

Baiyunlou, who was still thinking about how to make a commotion, couldn't help but twitched his lips. The commotion seemed to be quite serious.

Xia Chaoyang was taken aback by the sudden change, but then his eyes lit up when he heard the sound transmission from his senior brother, and he pressed the thought of putting away the Dharma Body.

Waiting until Xiao Chaoyang raised his eyebrows and flashed his body, Baiyun Tower also stepped up to the big bluestone.

As the eyes fell, a breath was captured by the Sansheng Stone, and the subtle meaning of the vibration instantly activated the immortal seal hidden between the eyebrows.

Baiyunlou didn't try to calm down the fluctuation, but let the immortal seal appear, and the aura around him also increased.

The aura of the True Martial Immortal Lord is mighty on the banks of the Wangchuan River.

Take a closer look, there is not much manifested on the Sansheng Stone, the gate of the underworld has just been reopened in the human world, so the previous life has not been seen, and since the immortal position has been obtained, the next life has not been seen.

Cultivating the way of life... is very satisfying.

Withdrawing his gaze, Baiyun Tower dissipated his magical powers, and the immortal position manifested, and his spiritual strength was also exposed.

It looks extraordinary, but in fact it only has the cultivation base of the soul-combining state.

The change of opportunity in front of the Sansheng Stone seems to have attracted the attention of the unknown existence here, and Baiyunlou clearly and faintly sensed that spying gaze.

Zi Yan didn't care about this, and still walked forward slowly.

"Lord Pluto..." Ghost King Xudu suddenly reminded him behind him, it seemed that he was also worried that the Three Life Stones would cause some misfortune to Pluto.

"No problem." Zi Yan waved her hand slightly, took two steps forward, and looked at Sansheng Stone through the gray ribbon.

This glance seemed to shake the entire underworld, and the entire void began to tremble. Yan Luoling, who was put away by Zi Yan, jumped out of his own accord, suspended in midair.

The gray ribbon formed by the phantom of the ghost's face fluttered without wind, and Yan Luoling immediately turned into a black crown and fell towards Zi Yan's Luoling appeared, and Hades returned to his throne.

The Three Lives Stone once again aroused the change of Qi mechanism in the underworld, this time the movement was even more massive, an invisible shock wave swayed from the crown.

Huge waves set off on the Wangchuan River, and the fog on the Naihe Bridge was instantly blown away, revealing hundreds of tall ghost figures.

All the ghost riders of the underworld, possessed by black armor all over their bodies, and the ghost generals sit on the underworld horse with black flames all over their bodies, with extraordinary momentum.

Without the fog covering their bodies, most of the dark horses chirped, as if they had been impatient for a long time.

"I thought it was Lord Pluto who arrived, but I didn't expect...just a female human cultivator, hahaha..."

A majestic voice sounded from the void, and two tall figures appeared at the head of Naihe Bridge.

The laughing ghosts are muscular, with their upper body naked, and one of them has a huge bull's head on it.

Another horse-faced ghost cultivator waved the giant ax in his hand, and roared: "Little ones, give it to me, whoever can grab the token will be sealed as the ghost king immediately..."

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