As soon as the order was given, the ghost generals and soldiers on the Naihe Bridge immediately responded in unison, and immediately crossed the bridge neatly.

The Ming horse was running very fast, when it reached the bridge, it suddenly slowed down, then the horse turned around and circled around the ten zhang area around the thatched hut, and then rushed towards Baiyun Tower and the others.

"Dare to charge against the Pluto, cut..." Bai Yunlou yelled loudly, and the sword light flashed in front of him, cutting off all the ghost generals within tens of meters in front of him.

Ming Ma, who had lost the ghost general, was at a loss, before he could escape, he was collected by the Lingbao Liuhua.

"Come on!" Ma Mian Guixiu didn't care about the ghost general's life or death, instead he secretly devoured the remnant soul chopped by the sword intent while ordering.

How shameless!

Baiyunlou was not surprised at all, and still condensed his sword intent to cut through the air.

But Xia Chaoyang was enraged by what the horse-faced ghost cultivator did, and immediately threw out the Wishful Immortal Vine with all his strength, and the lightning flashed on it.

The horse's face was devouring the rise, and suddenly the aura oscillated violently, which was a sign that the cultivation base was about to break through.

The air was shaken violently, and the horse's face was ecstatic. Just as he opened his mouth to laugh wildly, he was hit by a whip of lightning, and immediately flew away trembling all over.

However, his cultivation was really extraordinary, and he actually resisted the thunder light. Fang fell to the ground, and jumped up immediately, but was struck by an ice crystal sword light again.

The Xuanbing sword gang that Zi Yan cut hit the shock wave from the horse's mouth, and it exploded instantly.

Seeing that the strength of the so-called Pluto was mediocre, Ma Mian immediately burst into ecstasy, thinking that there was a great opportunity, and immediately supported the paralyzed dharma body, fully exerted the supernatural powers of the underworld, and opened his mouth to forcefully swallow the few people in front of the Sansheng Stone. Come.

As expected of a ghost cultivator who is close to the strength of the Sanxian Realm, his devouring supernatural powers are like wind and clouds, and the ghost king Xudu who stepped forward is hard to stop.

The ghost-headed knife that was cut out fell into the sea like a mud cow, and his figure was also pulled up by the powerful swallowing force.

At this moment, the condensed immortal seal in front of Zi Yan suddenly turned, and instantly turned into a firework red lotus, crashing into Ma Mian's Dharma body.

There was a "boom", and the horse-faced ghost body Dharma body immediately set off red fireworks, and the powerful force also knocked it backwards.

This change seemed to freeze time and space, the ghost rider who was speeding forward stopped suddenly, and the bullhead ghost who was rushing forward also stopped.

All the ghosts and immortals looked at the face of the flying horse, because it had already landed in front of the thatched shed.

The horse face that fell to the ground was also motionless, as if extremely worried about alarming a certain powerful person.

However, the violently ignited fireworks crackled his dharma body, as if it really caused movement in the thatched shed.

"If you want to fight, stay far away, don't set my old woman's thatched shed on fire..."

An old voice seemed to pierce through the endless years, and fell into the hearts and minds of all ghosts.

In the dim hut, an old woman with an orange skin face appeared, hunched over, holding a dead wooden stick, and walked out of the hut.

The dead wood stick touched the ground slightly, and the fireworks ignited on the horse-faced magic body immediately subsided.

The old woman raised her withered palm and grabbed it in the air. The remaining fireworks were collected in her palm, and a phantom of a red lotus appeared.

"Huh! It turned out to be..." In the middle of speaking, the old woman turned her head to look at Zi Yan, her brows were slightly frowned, but she didn't say much.

Seeing that the possessed fireworks were taken away, the horse-faced ghost immediately had a rather creepy smile on his face, and immediately jumped up, ready to escape from the area of ​​the thatched shed.

Just as he jumped up, he was tapped on the top of his head by the unpredictable dead wood staff, and fell to the ground again without any suspense.

"No soup is trouble..." The old woman murmured, stepped forward slowly, raised her withered palm, and lightly stroked the trembling horse's head, muttering something.

Such a strange scene frightened the ghosts so much that they could barely move, and Baiyun Tower had already made some vague guesses.

You don't need to tell each other in vain, but you also know the identity of this old woman.

Ghost Fairy Meng Po!

The ghost king Xudu has no way of knowing the origin of this Meng Po. Her cultivation is unfathomable, but she never asks about the affairs of the underworld, unless the peace is disturbed, or there are ghosts who want to cross the bridge of Naihe...

"Xudu..., is this mother-in-law the stunning beauty you said?" Xia Zhaoyang suddenly asked Xudu Chuannian when several people were watching.

"Yeah, although it's a bit fierce, but Po Meng's stunning beauty is well-known in the entire underworld..." Xu Du replied confidently.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan heard the rumors of the two, and they couldn't help but look at each other, showing a sense of surprise at the same time.

In order to confirm the conjecture, Chuannian of Baiyun Tower asked: "Xudu, is your original appearance also quite famous in the underworld?"

Immediately, Xudu shook his body, and said with great elation: "I think this king was so heroic back then. In terms of appearance alone, he could be ranked among the top three in the entire underworld. It is precisely because of this that he was selected by Yan Luozun." , and report to the fairy world."

"In that fairy world, the appearance of this king once moved the faces of all the immortals, so it can be seen that it is extraordinary. It happened that the heavenly demons wreaked havoc on the fairy court, and many ghosts and immortals were brutally murdered. Only this king survived."

"Afterwards, the little one was found by the fairy queen, and only then did I know the reason. Because my king's appearance was too extraordinary, the demon avatar could not possess him at all. That's why he was entrusted with the important task of guarding Yan Luo in the small world of ghosts. make…"

After the reading was over, the three people in Baiyunlou looked at each other, with smiles on their lips. Apart from knowing the cause and effect, they also heard the subtext of Xudu's words.

The reason why this extraordinary-looking Lord Ghost King sent so many messages at once was actually to express his dissatisfaction with his current appearance tactfully.

"Xudu, I'm new here, so I have to keep a low profile as much as possible. If it's not necessary, you'd better not show your true colors." Headmaster Bai patiently preached a lesson.

Xu Du immediately replied: "Don't worry, Bai Xianjun, Xiao Wang, I know how to measure..."

Try to keep a low It seems that it is impossible to keep a low profile at this point.

While Baiyunlou was thinking, the black water drawn from Mamian's body seemed to have been completed by Meng Po over there, and the black water evaporated and dissipated in an instant, and the remaining gray mist cloud was also sent to the unknown void by her.

Ma Mian, who was lying on the ground, also regained consciousness, but seemed to be much more confused.

After dealing with the ghost cultivator with horse face, Po Meng seemed to stand up quite satisfied, and with a dead wooden stick, the horse face was immediately engulfed by invisible energy and fell into the Wangchuan River.

She thought Po Meng was going to throw it into the Wangchuan River, but she didn't want the invisible energy to touch the river and immediately turn into a flat boat, carrying the ghost-like horse's face and drifting away with the waves.

Watching the boat go away, Granny Meng walked slowly back to the hut with satisfaction, and disappeared without a trace again.

When Granny Meng disappeared, all the ghosts breathed a sigh of relief, and the bull-headed ghost stared at the away boat, dazed.

At this moment, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void at the head of the Naihe bridge, and two figures, one black and one white, flashed over, and without further ado, they directly threw a black iron chain at Dongfang Ziyan.

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