This black water is really powerful, but just now Granny Meng wiped it out very easily...

As soon as such thoughts came up, the black shadow's momentum increased sharply, and its strength skyrocketed. Once again, it slapped several palms on the wishful barrier, each palm was stronger than the last, and it also carried extremely strong erosive power.

Fortunately, the Wishful Bead was also extraordinary, and it was supported by the Samadhi True Fire, so it could last for a while, but the shock wave was so powerful that aftershocks actually penetrated the barrier and the heavy sword domain.

If Baiyun Tower hadn't seen the opportunity to cut out the three-foot barrier, it would have really aroused Zi Yanniang's entangled obsession.

It is about the safety of the two mothers, Baiyun Tower immediately activates the magic weapon of the sundial, prepares to open the void channel, takes it into the Liuhua world, and escapes back to the human world together.

At this time, a soft hum came from the thatched shed: "Hmph, it's not your turn to be so presumptuous."

Following this old voice, Granny Meng appeared in front of the hut again, the dead wooden stick paused slightly, and the enchantment with a radius of ten feet outside the hut immediately manifested.

The man in black seemed to be quite afraid of Granny Meng, and when he fled to her just now, he deliberately avoided the hut.

Hearing Po Meng's words, the black-robed body froze, and then the aura around him suddenly rose. A ghost claw with the power of the most powerful rules forcibly pierced through the wishful barrier, and instantly landed on the three-foot fence's sword glow .

It seems that this posture is intended to forcibly break through the sword marks and blockade Zi Yanniang before Po Meng makes a move.

Before, I thought this ghost was doing unscrupulous things for Yan Luoling, but I didn't expect that Yan Luoling disappeared and found Zi Yanniang.

The action of the black robe seemed to have completely angered Xia Chaoyang. Not only did he transform into the dragon king's crown, but he also reached out and took out two stacks of talismans that he had saved up on weekdays.

With the support of the ultimate knowledge, the two stacks of talismans were activated in an instant, and they hit the black-robed ghost almost at the same time.

These talismans are all four-pattern and five-pattern talismans, and their functions are different, and their power is not small.

The black robe was immediately shaken by the dharma body smashed by countless talismans, and it backed up a few feet. Before it was over, a cyan thunder light pierced through the sky, piercing through the void and the black robe's dharma body.

At the same time, the barrier of thatched shed exploded, expanding to a radius of a hundred feet in an instant, just covering the entire Naihe Bridge.

Although he knew that Po Meng was extremely powerful and that he was going to attack Heipao, Baiyunlou didn't have the slightest intention of stopping.

The Dao-slashing sword intent that had been brewing just now came out through the eyes, and the Dragon Scale Magic Sword re-condensed in the Immortal Seal between the eyebrows was held in his palm. With a surge of momentum, his body slashed and fell towards the retreating black robe and go.

Although this dragon scale dharma sword is only a phantom, it also condenses the regular power of the dharma sword itself.

Dense, polar magnetic.

Slashing down with a single sword, with a mighty momentum.

Even though the black robe is powerful, the dharma body is still unmoved by the lightning piercing, but he is very afraid of this sword.

The black robe was attracted by the sword, and the Dao Slashing Sword Intent slashed in the void behind him quite smoothly.

In an instant, the sword light bloomed at the place where the cut fell, and countless black silk threads manifested in the void.

These silk threads are densely packed, and there are as many as thousands of them. It is the energy mechanism connected to the unknown existence at the bottom of the river. Just now, it cut off nearly half of the energy mechanism with a single sword, but it has already reached the limit.

Although the Dao Slashing Sword Intent hadn't done its best, it still affected the black robe. The dodging black shadow suddenly stagnated, and fell out tens of feet away, and was targeted by the dragon scale sword that came with Baiyunlou. cut in.

This sword had a mighty momentum and extremely magnetic power, and it directly cut the black robe into a pool of black water.

This is the true form, it is the undercurrent of the black water that was suppressed and sealed by the Wangchuan River, and it is also the tiny body of the unknown existence.

After tens of thousands of years of secret planning, the black water body of the Wangchuan River escaped through countless evil spirits, and it looked like a mass of about a foot.

A sword cut the black robe out of its original shape, and Baiyunlou didn't have the slightest intention to stop. A mass of real fire mixed with Lieyang's true intentions came along, enveloping the black water that rose from the ground.

Meng Po in front of the thatched shed seemed to be shocked by the bright Dao-slashing sword light of Baiyun Tower, and she slightly slowed down her originally prepared method until the black robe was cut out of her true form, and then she made a bold move.

As the dead wood stick stopped, the Qi within a radius of one hundred feet stagnated, and the rising black water was fixed in the void, but it did not affect the burning of the immortal fire on it.

However, the black water is really powerful, and it seems that it is difficult to damage its roots after being so suppressed and calcined.

At this moment, the countless black threads that manifested in the void seemed to be torn apart by invisible giant hands, and only half of the remaining black threads were instantly broken.

The connected Qi machine was cut off, but the aura of the black water suddenly soared, a powerful and incomparable will appeared, and it broke through the suppression of the barrier, and it took shape impressively.

The black robe dharma body reappeared, and the flames burning around it were extinguished by the black air.

This is the true spirit of the unknown existence at the bottom of the river!

Baiyunlou, which was inherited by the fairy queen, naturally knew the truth of this will.

The opponent was too strong and safety was paramount, Bai Yunlou immediately dodged decisively and returned to his junior sister.

"Grandma Meng, you and I are both true spirits of the underworld, so why bother each other." The black robe didn't attack the three of Baiyunlou again, but instead set up a field of black mist around Zhang Xu's size, and instead fought with Granny Meng. We talked about friendship.

"You crossed the line!"

While speaking, Granny Meng was not at all polite, and the dead wooden stick stopped again, a dry tree vine broke out of the ground, and instantly entangled the black robe.

Countless vines protruded from the gray tree vines, with powerful absorption power, not only the waves that pulled the void, but also cracks appeared in the black robe's transformation body.

The dharma body of the black robe was originally formed by the fusion of a series of qi mechanisms, and it was pulled from all directions, and it suddenly showed a shattered appearance.

But in the next moment, the black robe turned streaks of blood spun out of the robe, forming a shield of blood light around his body, and immediately stopped his decline.

"Minghe, you are willing to escape 30% of the true spirit, and you are not afraid of losing tens of thousands of years of Taoism." Granny Meng saw the strength of the black robe, and immediately raised her hand, and a black cauldron appeared void.

Seeing the cauldron, the black robe froze slightly, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Meng Zun, why bother with your friends who have been in the same way for many years, since your honorable master likes this living soul, my ancestor Minghe will give it up..."

After saying that, the incarnation of Patriarch Styx Heipao immediately turned around and fled, looking at his posture, he really planned to leave.

"My old lady and you are not friends of the same way. If we disagree, we don't conspire with each other..." As she spoke, Granny Meng's face softened a little, and with a dead wooden stick, she opened a gap in the barrier towards the Naihe Bridge.

"Meng Zun is really happy, hahaha..." Patriarch Minghe smiled all over his body, flicked his sleeves, and was about to run away.

Such a result...

Baiyunlou frowned slightly, his figure flickered, and he held his sword to block the head of Naihe Bridge. A powerful celestial energy came out through his body, directly sealing the path of escape of Patriarch Minghe.

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