There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1089: Reinforcement Appears

"A little immortal from the upper realm, who wants to stop this deity with just this tiny part of his soul?" Patriarch Minghe ignored Baiyun Tower's cultivation level, and his words were full of disdain.

With contemptuous words on his lips, he raised his hand and condensed a dense black banner, which immediately shook.

This black banner seems to be able to directly shake the soul of a monk, but for Baiyunlou who has won the position of True Martial Immortal, it just hit the blade.

Master Bai's soul has not only been baptized by Huafan Immortal Pond, but also tempered by the Heavenly Punishment Sword Intent. The will condensed in the immortal soul is extremely tenacious, and it cannot be shaken by the virtual image of the black banner at all.

"Zi Yan..."

With a call from Baiyun Tower, Zi Yan's beautiful figure flashed out immediately, two sword intents shot up into the sky, the Immortal Seal Qi Machine operated to the extreme, and a real Tai Chi Eight Diagrams sword intent appeared, smashing at Old Styx Zu's black water avatar.

"Chop!" A clear shout fell with the sword light, crushing the black banner directly, and also locked the Styx clone by the way.

The powerful sword light followed like a shadow, and landed steadily on the fleeing black-robed figure, fixing it in the void barrier.

At the same time, a dazzling red lotus fire quickly escaped from the immortal seal between Zi Yan's eyebrows, and fell straight to the black robe in midair.

However, this Styx is really powerful, and in just a moment, he forcibly broke free from the soul lock of the sword intent, and woke up from a trance.

Immediately, the black-robed Dharma Body soared nearly double, and instantly rushed away from the Eight Diagrams Sword Light, ready to escape through the air.

It's just that a two-foot-long black iron ink pen suddenly flashed in the void, the tip of the pen was a little, the void trembled, and the ink was like a ribbon, instantly bound the black-robed Dharma body of the ancestor Minghe.

As the dharma body was fixed again, the red lotus karmic fire must have submerged in it, and the crimson flame immediately rose up.

This time, Po Meng didn't make a move, she just watched curiously, Styx's black-robed dharma body struggled with all its strength, but it was of no avail.

Being bound by the ink stain, it took only a few breaths of time before and after, and was finally burnt out by the red lotus fire.

The doppelgänger was destroyed, tens of thousands of years of calculations were in vain, the main body of the Styx River seemed to be berserk, and the Wangchuan River once again set off huge waves.

Baiyun Tower did not look at the Wangchuan River, but looked up at a void above the Wangchuan River.

There was a faint phantom flashing there. Although his cultivation was extremely high and his hidden supernatural powers were extraordinary, he could not escape the divine sense of Master Bai.

To be able to stand floating on the Wangchuan River, apart from the unfathomable Granny Meng in front of the thatched shed, maybe the only one who is the master of the Nine Halls.

"Thank you, senior, for your help." Baiyun Tower cupped his hands in a salute, although the etiquette was casual, the words were full of sincerity.

"Hahaha... Senior Pluto's senior brother is really extraordinary." With a burst of laughter, a figure appeared in the void.

This person's appearance is quite normal, wearing an ancient official robe and five long beards, he looks very dignified.

"Pluto..." Baiyunlou muttered softly, then turned to look at Ziyan.

"It went well. After secretly opening the Hall of the Lord Yan Luo, I got the approval of the other nine hall masters. I just joined forces to open the Great Formation of the Underworld and unseal the restriction of the Nine Halls. It was a bit late." Zi Yan immediately passed on Come up with an idea and tell the general situation.

When walking on Huangquan Road before, the three of Baiyunlou went through many deduction, and finally decided to take Huangquan Road in the open and cross the Wangchuan River in secret.

Ziyan hides her figure, and goes to the main city of Yan Luo in the underworld alone, and secretly opens the hall of Yan Luo with the order of Yan Luo.

With the guidance of Ghost King Xudu, the location of Yan Luo's main city and the main hall has long been clear.

And those who accompanied the few people on Huangquan Road were only transformed by a ray of real fire condensed by Ziyan, and with Baiyunlou helping to cover it up, they would not reveal any flaws.

At that time, the Imperial Envoy Yan Luo ordered to open the main hall, and Zi Yan was temporarily attracted by the news of the lifting of the ban, and then Bai Wuchang took the opportunity to smash the ice crystal clone.

Fortunately, the main hall of Yan Luo was successfully opened, and the other nine halls were also unsealed, so a hall master was called to help.

Knowing the cause and effect roughly, Baiyunlou nodded slightly, and then Chuan Nian asked out the doubts in his heart.

After pondering for a while, Ziyan thought back: "Now my little sister has opened the main hall of Yan Luo, and I have Yan Luo's order to protect me, so I can protect myself from danger, and the nine hall masters are all loyal people, so don't worry, brother."

Hearing Ziyan's words, Baiyun Tower immediately felt relieved. Looking at the mighty Wangchuan River, he said in a deep voice: "Black and White Impermanence fled to Huangquan Road. At this time, I should escape from the gate of hell. I will deal with it earlier."

After saying that, he dodged to the Three Lives Stone.

"How about, I'll accompany senior brother..." Zi Yan followed immediately.

"No, when they are in the human world, they have nowhere to escape." After saying that, Baiyun Real Estate sits in the void and concentrates on reciting his thoughts.

Under the high cliff, the gate of **** is outside.

As soon as he woke up, Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled. The void barrier sealed by the power of heaven is now a mess.

Fireworks are everywhere, and sword marks are everywhere.

Looking up, Baiyunlou already understood most of the reasons.

Thousands of ghosts carried by Black and White Impermanence escaped from the underworld ahead of time by using the magical power of the Black and White Command Talisman, but they were blocked by the Heavenly Dao Barrier.

A group of ghosts suddenly escaped from the ghost gate, probably startling Bai Zhan and the others, and then Bai Zhan Tianyin and the others should have shot with all their strength, because the ground near the ghost gate looked the most dilapidated.

However, there is the law of heaven to suppress here, and the strength of these ghosts will immediately drop.

The two black and white ghosts just appeared, presumably they were struck down by the sky thunder from mid-air, there are two big pits outside the gate of ghosts, and there are still thunder light and the aura of the two ghosts inside.

By the time Baiyunlou's original consciousness escaped, the two ghosts had been fixed in the void by Zi Yan's unconscious body, and were being calcined with wisps of real fire, and their strength had already exploded to around the level of distraction.

The strength of the hundreds of ghost cavalry who escaped along with them was instantly suppressed to the primordial spirit level, and the remaining ghost soldiers appeared to be even weaker, but it was very suitable for Bai Zhan and others to practice.

After regaining consciousness, UU Reading Baiyun Tower immediately knew what his body was doing unconsciously.

Introduce the power of the heavenly way to run the enchantment with all its strength, seal the gate of ghosts, cut off the escape route of all the ghosts, and secretly operate the sword gang and sword intent to protect several brothers and sisters.

It seems that this instinctive method works well in actual combat.

In fact, the one who was even more astonishing was Junior Sister Ziyan.

Facing an unknown enemy, Ziyan responded calmly and killed decisively.

Not only will he take action to suppress the most powerful black and white ghosts, but he even sensed the existence of the black water by himself.

In each of the raging flames, most of the small **** of black water were wrapped, which really made Baiyunlou breathe a sigh of relief.

The strongest ghost was suppressed, and Bai Zhan and the others all showed their full strength, blocking hundreds with one, and the scene was very lively.

Bai Zhan's golden elixir has just been formed, with a profound foundation, and the powerful power of the sun **** is hidden in the sharp sword light, which makes all the ghost cultivators fearful.

When Wan Jian Jue was fully exerted, the sword qi was criss-crossing, and the ghosts fell under him.

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