Nether sea.

The mysterious yin energy in it is integrated with all kinds of powers of the underworld rules, and there is huge energy in the dark sea water, and those blue fluorescent groups are the manifestations of all kinds of underworld powers.

The infinite power of the underworld attracts the real water of the underworld to flow endlessly, and the eyes of the underworld are formed because of this.

Huang Quanyan.

Fang Yi escaped into it, Tianyantong was working at full capacity, and the powerful spiritual sense made Baiyunlou instantly see the location of Ziyan's original consciousness.

Take a closer look, the place where the air is pointing is the space-time storm on one side, the power of rules in it is vertical and horizontal, and driven by the power of the underworld, it circles around the indefinite at a very high speed.

The phantom clouds in the space-time storm churned, completely covering Zi Yan's figure.

Just now Chen Qingshuang was able to see a blurred figure, which may have something to do with the aura of grandeur.

Baiyunlou and Chaoyang stood holding hands, they did not rush into the storm to search, but restrained their energy and concentrated on watching.

The void passage where the two stand is extremely stable, as long as the mind is calm, they will not be involved in the space-time storm outside the passage.

At this moment, hundreds of white light groups suddenly poured into the passage, each of which was the size of a fist, with a peaceful and pure breath.

It's time for ghosts to reincarnate again, and these white light clusters are just the ghosts of the past.

After drinking a bowl of Mengpo soup, he will be judged by the ten halls of Yama. As long as he has not committed any crimes, he will be given an edict of reincarnation.

The edicts are transformed into qi and integrated into the ghosts, turning them into a light cluster of souls without thoughts and thoughts, so that they can pass through the eyes of the underworld and be re-accepted by the world and heaven.

The white soul light group drifted away along the air machine to the end of the distant passage, and the two of Baiyunlou hid their bodies and waited with bated breath, so as not to disturb these soul light groups.

After the waves of light drifted past in groups, the two of them slowly appeared.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou raised his hand to call out the phantom of the magic weapon of the sundial, and poured the power of the soul into it, directly activating it.

This energy fluctuation immediately attracted the fluctuation of the space-time storm, and the power of Dao Dao ruled out from the storm, instantly wrapped the figures of the two people, and pulled the two of them out of the passage together.

There have been many times of coping experience before, Baiyun Tower did not panic, operated the magic weapon of the sundial, and with the force of the pull of the void, followed the air mechanism left by Zi Yan to escape to the side of the space-time storm.

Fortunately, the connected air mechanism was extremely tenacious, and under the protection of the phantom shadow of the sundial magic weapon, the spiritual incarnations of the two escaped into the cloud and mist in the storm quite smoothly.

With the eyes of the sky, this cloud of mist is formed by the fusion of Ming Dao and Meng Dao's supernatural powers.

The rules of time and space outside it are churning endlessly, but this group of transformed clouds and mist can move with the trend. Although it is swaying and erratic while floating, it is extremely stable inside.

While feeling emotional, the clouds and mist in front of Baiyun Tower gradually faded, and a slim figure like a dream appeared.

Chu Yang Shenhui, standing sideways, leaning on the railing, his silhouette is like a fairy.

"Yunlou, you are here..."

There is wanton enthusiasm in the ethereal voice, and there is a different kind of vividness in Xianyun's extraordinary face.

"Here we come..." Baiyunlou could not help but answer.

"Here you come? Sister Ziyan? Where is it?" Xia Zhaoyang's voice of surprise came from the side, which immediately awakened Master Bai.

Baiyunlou secretly sighed, his mind concentrated, and the beautiful figure in front of him immediately shattered and dissipated.

Ziyan's magical powers of the dream path became more and more perfect, and when she escaped into it, the phantom deep in her mind would appear in front of her eyes.

A certain person doesn't take it seriously, and every time he has to watch it for a while before he wakes up.

Heart of beauty in everyone…

After secretly reading a sentence, Baiyunlou replied to Junior Sister Chaoyang: "Ziyan went to the depths of the dream this time, and I think it's not a small gain. Let's go, take a look..."

While speaking, a phantom of a blue butterfly appeared behind Baiyunlou, flapping its wings, fleeing to the deep dream.

Flowing light danced, full of illusions, and as the blue butterfly retracted its wings to hide, a scene of the mirror lake on a moonlit night was displayed in front of the two of them like a poem and a painting.

Zi Yan sat cross-legged on the mirror lake, stroking the strings with her fingertips, and the quiet sound curled up.

The moonlight is accompanied by infinite light, and the snow yarn fairy clothes and the few white water lilies beside her all emit a moving silver light.

"Senior brother, this sister Ziyan...couldn't be another dream come true..." Looking at the beautiful and picturesque scenery in front of him, Xia Zhaoyang rubbed his eyes and asked with some uncertainty.

As soon as the words fell, Zi Yan's figure suddenly turned into a cloud and slowly dispersed, leaving only the aftertaste of the piano sound echoing ethereally.

"Ah, it's really an illusion..."

Accompanied by Xia Chaoyang's exclamation, the dispersed cloud and mist suddenly condensed again, turning back into Zi Yan's true form.

The black underworld dress, the gray underworld pattern ribbons in front of the eyes manifested, and the red lotus karma mark between the eyebrows was particularly eye-catching.

The ethereal and fairy rhyme just now has been fully restrained, and the re-formed Pluto Dharma Aspect has added a bit of solemnity.

"You two lovers of impermanence, why do you have time to find me today..."

As if intimidated by Lord Pluto's aura, Xia Chaoyang hurriedly hugged his senior brother's arm tightly, and then softly replied: "Sister, don't tease little sister..."

"In this realm of the underworld, it has to be called..."

In the middle of speaking, Zi Yan's figure suddenly became blurred, and the red lotus imprint on the center of her eyebrows immediately began to move.

"Sister..." Xia Zhaoyang reacted extremely quickly when he saw this, and even when he was about to cast a spell, he was stopped by his elder brother.

Baiyunlou did not rush, reaching out to grab Zi Yan's little hand.

Under the fusion of Qi and Qi, the breath of the sundial magic weapon and the breath of karmic fire moved together. It didn't take much effort, and Ziyan's dharma appearance gradually stabilized.

Seeing that Xiao Chaoyang was still puzzled, Baiyunlou immediately explained: "Ziyan didn't just play the piano just now, but also used the sound of the piano to harmonize with the space-time storm outside the clouds and mists of the dream, so as to maintain the stability inside the dream."

"After the sound of the piano was cut off, the space-time rules inside and outside the dream were unbalanced, and this place began to collapse. Fortunately, Ziyan borrowed the rhythm of the power of Karma to re-fit the frenzied space-time storm."

Xia Zhaoyang was slightly stunned when he heard this, then sighed softly, and then said with emotion: "Sometimes I really feel that my basic knowledge in this extreme state is just a decoration, although they are all in the same state, compared with senior brothers and sisters, hey..."

"Especially the law of time and space, I can't understand it no matter what..."

The sound of exclamation Yan, who was facing the two of them, suddenly woke up.

"Brother, you should lead me out of here."

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, without saying much, the sundial magic weapon in his palm released aura, the phantom of the blue butterfly manifested again, and with the flapping of the butterfly wings, he led the two junior sisters out of the storm of time and space in a short time.

Back to the stable void channel, the three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

As soon as Fang stood firm, Ziyan pointed out, and it landed on Xiao Chaoyang's eyebrows.

With the influx of massive insights, Xia Zhaoyang's newly sober mind became confused again.

After a while, Xia Zhaoyang woke up again, and immediately asked, "Senior Brother, how many hours have we spent together?"

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