Hearing the junior sister's question, Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitched his mouth, he was worried about this, and then he didn't say much, and directly sent the phantom of the sundial magic weapon to Xiao Chaoyang.

Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly watched it intently, muttering something, and was immediately pleasantly surprised after a while.

"It doesn't seem like a long time has passed, but sister Ziyan is still very powerful..."

"It's just the use of the Dao of Dreams, Chaoyang, if you have the time to integrate those perceptions just now, you can easily use them." While speaking, Ziyan put the dream cloud and mist that escaped together into the eyebrows, and slowly put it Gathered around Xianyin.

The misty halo of the fairy seal is the manifestation of the law of dream.

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, a cloud of mist condensed between his raised hands, and he wanted to incorporate it into the immortal seal between his eyebrows.

Xia Chaoyang on the side also followed suit, concentrating on his thoughts, and a cloud of mist gradually appeared between his palms.

"I can't handle this phantom cloud, the phantom inside is not real at all..."

"That's okay, and it doesn't affect the function..., and it's the most favorite of those little dolls."

"Brother said, hehe..."

With the approval of his senior brother, Xia Chaoyang's confidence increased greatly, and he raised his hand and pressed the mist in his palm on the immortal seal between his eyebrows.

With Meng Dao supernatural powers to protect the original consciousness, you will not easily get lost in the storm of time and space.

When she was ready, Zi Yan raised her slender hand and flicked in the void, a gray line appeared.

This gray line is extremely tough, coming from the body of Pluto outside the Nether Sea Eye, and the other end is connected to the gray ribbon of the incarnation of the mind in the void channel.

"This is a method borrowed from my senior brother's Xuantian Immortal Vine. It really works. It's just that it took a lot of work to refine Yan Luoling's Qi mechanism into such a shape."

Speaking of this, Zi Yan paused for a while, with fireworks in her eyes, she turned around and looked towards the end of the void passage.

"Brother, let's go and see together?"

The soft and willful words instantly ignited endless pride in Baiyun Tower, and immediately replied: "Go!"

This time he didn't bother to turn into a butterfly, Bai Yunlou tightly held the little hands of the two junior sisters, his figure was as light as flying snow, without any mortal thoughts, he went straight to the end of the void.

It didn't take much effort to catch up with the group of white light clusters that just passed by.

After drifting away for a while, the black spot as deep as ink reappeared within the sight of the three of them.

I have successfully come to this place several times before, but after the divine sense escaped into the black spot, it never came back, and no message was sent back.

After that, the three worked together to deduce it many times, but they didn't gain anything.

This black spot may be an existence beyond cognition...

Return to the ruins, the place where all souls return to the ruins...

With curious thoughts, Baiyunlou pulled the two incarnations of the two junior sisters, and fled towards the black spot in the void again without hesitation.

This time, Ziyan re-refined Yan Luoling's energy mechanism and incorporated the red lotus fire, which greatly increased Baiyunlou's confidence.

The small black dot, which was as black as ink, became bigger and bigger as it got closer, and the three figures quietly entered without causing any waves.


In the silence, there was a buzzing sound again.

All thoughts are gone, it is pure emptiness.

Then one thought was reborn, and thousands of thoughts reappeared.

When all the thoughts are reunited, among the six consciousnesses, one of the first senses to recover is the ear consciousness.

Compared with the extremely quiet, the humming in the mind is more intimate.

Then consciousness was awakened, after all, it was only an incarnation of divine sense that escaped here.


The first thing the consciousness feels is still the emptiness.

Unlike the vacuum in the vast universe, there is no sky, no land, and nothing exists here. It is really empty to the extreme.

What is the place of returning to the ruins...

As soon as Fang thought about it, his vision consciousness gradually recovered.

Dark, gloomy, as far as the eye can see, it is still black and gray.

Subconsciously looked down, the dharmakaya no longer had its original form, it was empty, and as far as the eyes could see, it was extremely pure.

With the complete awakening of consciousness and the full return of original consciousness, the dharma body gradually showed its true form, and the two junior sisters who were connected with their aura also slowly appeared on both sides of them.

The three of them still held hands and stood in the void, but the extremely tenacious Yan Luo Ling Qi was broken!

It really is an unknown place beyond previous cognition, and can only escape into the body of pure soul...

Just as she was feeling emotional, Zi Yan beside her also gradually regained her senses, with a rare dazed look on her face, calling each other softly in the mist: "Yunlou..."

"Here..." Baiyunlou Chuannian responded, and couldn't help but tighten the soft little hand in his palm.

So far, all six senses have returned.

Ziyan opened her eyes, and her confusion disappeared instantly. Her clear eyes made the dark place a little brighter.

The fire lotus imprint between his eyebrows suddenly came alive, and at the same time triggered a wave in the void.

A small group of green fireworks suddenly jumped out from tens of feet away, and its rhythm perfectly matched the fairy seal on Zi Yan's eyebrows.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan looked at each other, with judgment in mind.

Red lotus industry fire...

Although its color and shape have changed, and the aura cannot be sensed, this group of fireworks is obviously the red lotus karmic fire that escaped along with the aura of Yan Luoling.

The two of them were about to take action when Xia Zhaoyang on the other side also made a movement. After opening his eyes in confusion, it took a while before he fully woke up.

"There seems to be nothing here, there should be nothing..."

After watching for a while, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help muttering softly in his spiritual thoughts.

Turning his head to look around, he saw that the senior brothers and sisters seemed to have realized something, and then they didn't dare to disturb each other, quietly restrained their minds, and continued to look around curiously.

There is almost nothing in this vast and unknown void. Xia Zhaoyang didn't think he could comprehend any void avenue, but became interested in the whereabouts of the hundreds of soul light groups that walked into him.

Where the mind moved, hundreds of phantoms flashed suddenly, but their appearance changed greatly from that in the Nether Sea just now. When the original white soul light group reappeared, it turned into a gray and chaotic appearance.

Hundreds of gray light clusters drifted away from the fireworks in a mighty direction, and then sank into the endless darkness, disappearing from this unknown space without a trace.

Reincarnation, the fusion of the dark side should be the human world...

This unknown void connects the underworld and the human world. If it is said that the gate of **** is from life to death, this place is life to death.

The avenue of life and death goes back and forth.

At this moment, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly realized, and for the first time in his life, he realized the Dao by himself.

From Liliyuan to the grass, one year old and one year old...

With the accumulation of perceptions, the dark void gradually brightened in Xia Chaoyang's eyes.

When I think about it ~www.readwn.com~ the scene in front of me changes accordingly.

The vast green grassland alternates between prosperity and decline with time.

Where there is glory, there must be dryness, and when dryness ends, glory begins.

The way of evergreen and the avenue of dry glory gradually merged with the epiphany.

The land of returning to the ruins is clear and pure, and the mind is more clear and free of time. All the ways of life and death are all brought into the depths of the original consciousness.

After waking up from the epiphany, Xia Zhaoyang was in a happy mood, with a smile on his eyebrows, and couldn't help but scream out.

"Brother, sister, I also have an epiphany..."

In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly remembered the situation when his senior brothers and sisters enlightened to the Tao just now, his voice stopped abruptly, and he quietly turned his head to look around, but met two pairs of eyes full of affection.

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