"Senior brother and sister, you've already woken up..." Xia Zhaoyang lost his scruples and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

This void is also strange, it is obviously empty, but it can evolve all things with thoughts, just one thought is too drowsy, and the bright sunlight immediately shines through the endless void.

In the midst of it, if you really exist like a **** of creation, of course there will be gains and losses, but what is consumed is the power of the mind and soul of the thought-provoking person.

The green grassland derived from enlightenment just now has not dissipated, and the emptiness within a radius of one hundred feet has even derived mortal energy, so the words that blurted out are very clearly floating around.

"Congratulations to Immortal Ruyi's sudden enlightenment." Baiyunlou and Zi Yan smiled at each other, and then stepped forward to congratulate them, and even made a hand-cup salute between Taoist couples.

"Xianjun..." Being called so suddenly, Xia Chaoyang felt a little uncomfortable for a while, and muttered: "What's so good about Xianjun, it's better to be a fairy..."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but smiled and said: "Chaoyang's words are reasonable, and this place is not a place to stay for a long time. Anyway, I have gained something. It is better to return to the Nether Realm as soon as possible, so as not to cause problems."

"Okay, okay, this time I had an epiphany, no matter what, I have to bring this wisp of knowledge back..." Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly responded, seeming to be very concerned about this epiphany.

"Chaoyang, what great way have you realized this time?" Seeing Xiao Chaoyang's excited appearance, Zi Yan asked with a sweet smile.

"Uh... that evergreen technique... anyway, it's about the alternation of withered and prosperous..." Just now, when he had an epiphany, he still had a lot of insights, but at this moment, Xia Zhaoyang was at a loss for words.

Looking at Chaoyang's anxious little face, Baiyunlou smiled and comforted him: "The great way, you can only comprehend it, you can't express it in words, not to mention that junior sister has the talent of sitting and forgetting."

"Sitting and forgetting..., yes, yes, it must be this one, hehe..." The senior brother reminded Xia Zhaoyang, who suddenly felt full of confidence, and then cheerfully dragged his senior brothers and sisters to escape at high speed on the sunny prairie.

It's just this quick escape that immediately surprised the three of them.

The original location was only a few miles away from the green karmic fire light, but when the three of them moved, the mutated red lotus karmic fire suddenly fled away, and within half a breath, they had already fled ten miles away. miles away.

If it weren't for the extraordinary realm of the three of them, this small group of karma would have disappeared from sight.

Seeing this abnormal situation, Baiyunlou immediately stopped and watched the change quietly.

Interestingly, as soon as Fang stopped to escape, the group of fireworks immediately stopped quietly in the distance.

Afterwards, the three of them tried various methods one after another, and found that no matter where they escaped, the fireworks would follow them away.

This strange power of rules makes Baiyunlou quite helpless...

"This place... is really strange. The red lotus fire turned green, and the white soul light group also turned gray and black here..." After several attempts, Xia Zhaoyang Looking at the green light spot that is getting farther and farther away, I am deeply moved.

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had the heart. Hearing Xiao Chaoyang's exclamation, Baiyunlou and Ziyan couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they realized something in their minds at the same time.

Putting aside the previous cognition and re-examining the small world in front of me, I immediately gained insight into the problem.

All things can be derived by moving thoughts. Of course, the derived things are illusions and not real, but for the three people who are connected by energy and mechanism, there is no real flaw.

It is obviously just an illusion, but it has the breath of the real thing. According to this deduction, the red lotus fire should not have changed, but it has changed the virtual image in the eyes of the three people in Baiyunlou.

There is also the white soul light group, once entering this small world, it manifests the appearance of chaos.

There are various indications that this small world is a bit like the reflection of the main world, and everything is the opposite. Perhaps this is the anti-world mentioned by Senior Sister Qingchi...

With such an inference, Baiyunlou's mind suddenly brightened.

The Clear Land, which seems to have no power of rules, still has unique rules after all.

If this is the case, there is also a reason for the strange phenomenon that he fled towards the entrance of the Karmic Fire just now but kept getting farther and farther away.

Cultivation is to deduce the truth of the Dao, and it is also to explore the truth of all appearances.

At the point of thought, Baiyun Tower already had a new way of probing, and then pulled the two junior sisters to escape in the direction away from the fire group.

The three of them worked together and had the same thought. After a while, their eyes suddenly lit up, as if they had escaped into a world of light.

First it is white and dazzling, and then it is radiant and fascinating.

The Baiyun Tower operates the Tianyantong to observe intently, and immediately understands the truth, which is the mysterious embodiment of the space-time avenue.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower directly asked Junior Sister Chaoyang to lead the way casually.

Since the elder brother's words are not hindered, Xia Chaoyang is fearless, and he casts the fairy art, and a green vine appears at the feet of the three of them, leading the three of them through the majestic and splendid illusion like a dragon.

The ignorant is fearless, Xia Chaoyang is extremely relaxed, and passes through the layers of colorful clouds like a play, until he breaks through an invisible boundary wall, his eyes darken, and he has successfully returned to the Nether Sea Eye.

The red lotus karma reappeared in front of the three of them, and its shape and color returned to its original state. Zi Yan didn't say much, raised her hand and lightly held the gray line, and led her brothers and sisters along the void passage, fleeing away from Haiyan.

This adventurous investigation really yielded a lot of rewards. Xia Chaoyang had an epiphany, and Baiyunlou and Ziyan also deduced the ninth joint move.

This type of sword move is too mysterious, after several years of honing, the two of them have also discussed it with Master Ziyang many times, but there is still not much progress.

Today, feeling the changes inside and outside the black spots, and watching the evolution of Xiao Chaoyang's evergreen technique, I finally have a clear understanding.

Wuji is the beginning of all things, Tai Chi is the end of all things.

Wuji is the foundation of Taiji, and Taiji is the form of Wuji.

Comparing with the inheritance of the fairy queen, observing all kinds of changes, and deriving the ninth form of the combined move for many years, Taiji Wuji, it is finally considered to be the beginning.

I am very pleased to have obtained this harvest in Baiyun Tower~www.readwn.com~Getting started means having a clear direction of practice, and the rest of the long derivation process is actually the most interesting...

Zi Yan holds the gray thread in her hand and goes retrograde in the eyes of the Nether Sea. In order to avoid accidents, Baiyun Tower put away her distracting thoughts and followed her to escape.

In just a moment, the three jumped out from the eyes of the sea, and each escaped back to the incarnation of the split soul.

The subconscious mind merged into the subsoul, and what he realized was truly transformed into the original consciousness. Bai Yunlou sat down contentedly and nodded to Qingshuang Junior Sister who was watching curiously.

Seeing the three of them woke up at the same time, Chen Qingshuang breathed a sigh of relief, and gently spread out his tense palm, a crystal clear crystal bead appeared in his palm, and said with emotion: "Brother Bai, you really can If you don't wake up today, this crystal bead will be lost."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou asked with some surprise: "Oh? It's been seven days?"

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