"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"Really, is Xiao Xiyue a demon, what kind of demon, don't all demons have tails?"

Talking about Baiyunlou, pulling Xiao Xiyue up to investigate, he said: "Come on, let senior brother see, where is the tail?"

"I hate it, senior brother, how can the banshee's tail be easily seen by scholars and students." Junior sister Xia twisted her body and started to play with senior brother.

Dongfang Ziyan at the side couldn't stand it any longer, cast a magic spell, cleaned the bowls and spoons on the desk in a short while, walked past the two people who were playing around, turned around and left the room, and closed the door behind her. closed.

Hearing the sound of the door, the two people who were playing around in the room suddenly fell silent, and Baiyunlou realized that Junior Sister Dongfang had already left the door.

He couldn't help secretly marveling at the supernatural powers of this Dongfang Junior Sister, maybe she just used some supernatural powers, and under her powerful spiritual consciousness, she was able to disappear without a sound.

Seeing that the door of the room was closed, Xiao Xiyue's hair was casually scattered on her shoulders in front of her, her eyes fluttered, and her smile was pleasant, Baiyunlou couldn't help but hugged her into her arms, and gently told her junior sister what happened on the way back. miss.

Dongfang Ziyan, who walked out of the room, stood in the small courtyard, looked up at the stars all over the sky, her mind was agitated for a while, and the sea of ​​consciousness throbbed like waves.

In the junior sister's hut, Dongfang Ziyan felt the beautiful love in this world so clearly for the first time from her senior brother and junior sister.

The caring love between the two hearts, the ecstasy of selflessness, is like the warm wind in spring, bringing endless spring to the buds in the sea of ​​consciousness, and like the turbulent river in summer, The rolling waves stir up the power of life.

Feeling the wonderful throbbing in the heart and mind, the young lotus seedlings in Dongfang Ziyan's sea of ​​knowledge seemed to be absorbed into the fine nectar, shaking gently as if drunk, causing the avenue to fluctuate, and Dongfang Ziyan's heart involuntarily rose Layers of perception.

Slightly shaking her head and smiling, Dongfang Ziyan glanced at the door of her junior sister's room. Dongfang Ziyan raised her hand and drew out the ice crystal sword.

As soon as she entered the rear mountain formation, Dongfang Ziyan appeared, turned into a ray of white light and fled straight to the wood vein cave.

The night was dark, and the spiritual grass and fairy medicine in the Mumai Cave radiated gleams of light, and the moonlight reflected into the cave sky through the barrier. Dongfang Ziyan's face was slightly flushed, and she sat cross-legged under the giant tree.

The pure fairy wood energy was poured into the Eastern Ziyan Sea of ​​Consciousness, and was continuously absorbed by the denser and denser roots of the fairy lotus seedlings. The seedlings kept shaking and grew up in the blink of an eye.

The avenue kept trembling, and Dongfang Ziyan kept realizing, not only the way of wood, but even the way of water, which she had already comprehended very thoroughly, had a new understanding.

During the perception, Dongfang Ziyan's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness trembled for a while, and a drop of nectar appeared out of thin air, and then a second drop, gradually converging into a crystal clear water of consciousness.

The water mass gathered more and more, and gradually gathered at the fibrous roots of the fairy lotus seedlings. The fairy lotus seedlings seemed to be startled, and then frantically sucked up the water of divine consciousness.

The seedlings stretched out their slender waist branches, and suddenly pushed them hard, and the two young leaves slowly opened, gradually like umbrella covers.

Dao Dao's epiphany is over, and Dongfang Ziyan wakes up from the epiphany, watching all the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness with her spiritual sense, but thinking about her senior brother in her heart.

In daily practice, Dongfang Ziyan has almost no distractions, so her practice is advancing rapidly.

It was rare for her mind to be agitated today, Dongfang Ziyan took advantage of the changes in her sea of ​​consciousness, and remembered that moonlit night, her senior brother suddenly escaped into the cave, and her heart was flustered.

Dongfang Ziyan couldn't help laughing when she thought of her senior brother's helplessness when she took out the scroll, the reluctance in her senior brother's eyes after she took away the scroll, and her loneliness when she left.

Since that day Dongfang Ziyan enlightened with her senior brother on the flying boat, a kind of spiritual connection has been lingering between the two of them.

Even if she was in her junior sister's room just now, Dongfang Ziyan could sense that deep in her senior brother's heart, she always had her own shadow, but it was sealed very deeply.

It is enough to have it, and it is Dongfang Ziyan's heartfelt wish to see her junior sister happy.

While Dongfang Ziyan was thinking, the fairy lotus in the Sea of ​​Consciousness had a new change.

In the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, the thread of love seemed to touch the fairy lotus seedling, and a small emerald green stem protruded from the root seedling.

Following the fluctuation of Dongfang Ziyan's mind, the small stem gradually grew up until it protruded out of the water ball, and then an extremely young flower bud grew on the top of the small stem.

When Dongfang Ziyan took out the scroll from Yu Jue and slowly unfolded it, the small flower bud suddenly became bigger and fuller and fuller as if drinking enough wine.

Suddenly, the buds trembled, and a three-foot-circle barrier appeared in Dongfang Ziyan's sea of ​​consciousness, covering the fairy lotus and the water of the sea of ​​consciousness, isolating it from the boundless chaos.

The water of the Sea of ​​Consciousness slowly gathered at the bottom of the fairy lotus enchantment, like a crystal clear round pool, on the half-floating pool of the fairy lotus, two lotus leaves were about to drip, and the innate wood spirit wafted out while swaying , wandering back and forth within the enchantment.

The light pink flower buds stand in the pool, and the multicolored rays of light are slightly revealed in them.

Dongfang Ziyan~www.readwn.com~ who had been watching the scroll for a long time suddenly became sober, and then sensed the earth-shaking changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, so she carefully rolled up the scroll, put it in Yu Jue, and probed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Watching the great changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, after a little thought, Dongfang Ziyan understood the reason for the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, and couldn't help sighing softly.

With this soft sigh, Dongfang Ziyan sat cross-legged on the spot, and when her state of mind and sea of ​​consciousness returned to calm, she began to practice again without distraction.

In the small courtyard, the autumn wind was blowing, the shadow of the moon was whirling, only the candlelight in Junior Sister Xia's room was flickering.

Thinking that there was something important to do, Baiyun Tower and Junior Sister warmed up for a while, and then let Junior Sister go to practice.

There is no way, the junior sister said that she had been lying on the bed for a long time, and the little flower spirit started making troubles in the Flower Palace again, and if she didn't practice, the big lotus seed would not feel good.

After the senior brother went out, Junior Sister Xia sat on the edge of the couch in a daze for a while, hugging the quilt and giggling for a while.

It wasn't until the consciousness hurt and exclaimed that he said again and again: "Okay, I got it, practice, just practice, don't smash it, if you smash it again, you won't be able to meditate."

After finishing speaking, Junior Sister Xia hurriedly sat down cross-legged obediently, and began to cultivate with her heart.

Today, the spirit gathering array in the small courtyard has been replaced by middle-grade spirit stones by Baiyun Tower, and a lot of innate energy has been injected into it. The spiritual energy in the small courtyard is very full, surpassing the main peak of the five veins in the inner courtyard. It is suitable for cultivators in the foundation building period.

Generally, on the day of studying subjects in the academy, the four people in the small courtyard will practice in the small courtyard, and only when they break through the realm will they go to the Five Elements Cave or Qingyun Cave in the inner courtyard.

After leaving the door of Junior Sister's room in Baiyun Tower, he couldn't help but sweep across Junior Sister Dongfang's room with his spiritual thoughts, but found that it was empty, and went to the next room, but the little fat man was not there.

The little fat man got the top-grade foundation building pill, and he might have gone to the cave in the back mountain to try to break through the realm. Could it be that Junior Sister Dongfang has to break through.

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