"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

With a hint of doubt, Baiyunlou rises with the sword, hides his body, and goes to the top of the mountain in front of the academy.

After a while, a sword light fell from the top of the mountain, and a figure appeared in midair.

As if he knew that someone was coming, the head of the mountain actually set up a desk and put two ivy futons on the stone platform on the side of the peak.

The head of the mountain is sitting on a futon, leisurely making tea and drinking tea.

Seeing the Baiyun Tower fall, the head of the mountain laughed and said, "Yunlou, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

It seems that the head of the mountain already knew about the Linjiang County incident, and the slight worry that had arose in Baiyun Tower disappeared immediately.

After paying respects to the head of the mountain, Baiyunlou leisurely walked to the other side of the table, pulled the ivy futon and sat down.

Although the head of the mountain may have known about Linjiang County, Baiyunlou still told the whole story before and after going to Linjiang County today.

After listening carefully, the head of the mountain nodded slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Yunlou's attack is really extraordinary. In fact, your Aunt Xia also went this time, but she was worried that the demon cultivator in the city would notice it, so she used the flying boat to hide away. A little bit."

"Ah, Senior Sister Xia has also gone. It seems that the disciple is troubled. With the ability of Senior Aunt, who will get the disciple's shot?" Bai Yunlou couldn't help sighing.

The head of the mountain laughed, and said in a smooth voice: "Yunlou knows what your Aunt Xia said when she came back. She said that when she was about to make a move, Qingyun Sword Immortal, who had appeared once in Zhaojiaji, appeared again."

"The first move is to kill the demon cultivator, kill the water monster, and save people cleanly. In the end, the demon cultivator in the late stage of the demon core state was killed on the spot by his thunderbolt method. Even she sighed."

"When Aunt Xia came back and said it, I vaguely guessed that it might be Yunlou's illusioned figure. I didn't expect Yunlou's method of dealing with demon cultivators to be so miraculous. It's beyond the imagination of us elders."

Baiyunlou couldn't help but blushed when he heard it, and secretly thought, it's a good thing Xia Shigu has never seen the finished Soul Exploding Jade Talisman, otherwise it would have shown its true form at that time.

Taking out a jade talisman and handing it to the head of the mountain, Baiyunlou shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "There is no way, the disciple's cultivation base is limited, so he can only rack his brains and figure out some small methods, otherwise how dare he face the magic cultivator with profound magic power."

"Furthermore, the formation in this jade talisman was developed through study and discussion with Aunt Xia and other formations."

"Yunlou is too modest to say this."

The head of the mountain picked up the jade talisman and looked at it carefully for a while, then exclaimed: "Sure enough, it's a good idea, but you still need the Zhiyang and Yin Zhenqi of Yunlou and Ziyan to exert its true power."

After putting down the jade talisman, the head of the mountain continued: "Yunlou, don't underestimate yourself. Maybe your cultivation base and Taoism are far behind your Aunt Xia, but when it comes to the means of eliminating demons, your Aunt Xia is probably not as good as you."

"If you want to talk about this soul-exploding jade talisman, it is really the nemesis of demon cultivators, because most demon cultivators are monks who have been bewitched by the demon clone and entered the demonic way."

"After entering the magic way, these monks have indeed increased their cultivation speed greatly, which is far beyond the comparison of ordinary monks."

"However, the deeper you get into the devil's way, the more the demon avatar will erode the monk's soul, until these demon cultivators completely lose themselves and become victims of the demon soul."

"However, even if these demonic souls completely replace the original monk's divine soul, it is still difficult to match the monk's physical body, so these high-level demonic cultivators are using demonic energy to cultivate the physical body and refine the demonic body."

"If the demon body is perfect, the demon soul and the demon body will be able to fit together without any hindrance, then the demon cultivator can take advantage of the opportunity to cultivate the demon baby, and this soul-exploding jade talisman will no longer be useless."

After listening to what the mountain chief said, Baiyunlou understood the function of the soul-exploding jade talisman completely, and asked aloud: "In this case, can the students of the golden core state of the academy use this jade talisman?"

The head of the mountain thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be necessary. Although the Golden Core cultivator has cultivated the Golden Core, it will inevitably be affected by this jade talisman."

"Besides, the price of detonating the spiritual thoughts of Jindan monks is not small. I'd better leave these jade talismans to a few of you juniors with deep talents and opportunities for self-defense."

Talking here, the head of the mountain suddenly remembered something, and asked casually: "Just now I heard Yunlou talk about Yan Qi from Donghai Pavilion?"

"Exactly, that Yan Qi with a big beard who is holding a big yellow wooden mallet." Bai Yunlou couldn't help smiling when he remembered the appearance of the monk carrying a big mallet.

"Haha, it really is that big stick. This Yan Qi has met twice at the cultivation conference before. He has a good character. Except for some greedy petty problems, he is a person worth paying attention to." Shan Zhang heard the old way. You can't help but say a few more words.

"The disciple also admires Senior Yan Qi's demeanor very much."

Bai Yunlou thought for a while and then asked: "Shan Zhang, the demon cultivator has made such a big fuss this time, will it become more and more unscrupulous?"

"That's not going to happen. On the contrary, the incident in Linjiang County exposed the demagogic behavior of the demons." The head of the mountain said with certainty.

"In addition to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce's secret publicity, the fake dragon will definitely become a joke in the world, and now it will not be so easy for the demon cultivators to easily confuse people~www.readwn.com~ In fact, this time Linjiang The magistrate of the county also said hello, there are too few government soldiers in the county, it was really difficult to control the chaotic scene at that time."

"It's better to draw the fire from the bottom of the pot, let Moxiu seem to have succeeded, and then expose his true face, so that the county residents can wake up."

"It's just that the Heavenly Demon has always been scheming, so it's hard to guarantee that it won't come up with other ways to mess up the world." The head of the mountain sighed.

Baiyunlou stood up, looking at the quiet academy at the foot of the mountain, his heart was agitated for a moment.

Looking at the starry sky in the south, Baiyun Tower said firmly and forcefully: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, it's just a lingering remnant soul, sooner or later it will be completely wiped out by the sword."

While speaking, in the sea of ​​consciousness, the sword energy condensed in the hands of the primordial spirit became brighter and brighter, and there were bursts of sword cries.

In Qingyun Cave, in the Sword Qi Hall, a beam of sword light on the side of Haoran's sword energy suddenly condensed and turned into a sharp and unparalleled sword energy, trembling at the same time as Haoran's sword energy.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​storms south of the South China Sea, Qing Yunzi, who was almost exhausted, held a long sword, and his expression suddenly lifted.

Feeling a little bit, I couldn't help but looked up to the sky and smiled, facing a huge illusory shadow, said loudly: "Devil, it seems that your end is not far away, another swordsman genius has appeared in my human world, and he will enter this world sooner or later." The big formation will kill you."

"Hmph..." A piercing magic voice came out.

After a while, I heard the sharp and irritable voice from the huge specter: "It's another kid from the Qingyun Sect, who actually ruined the big event of this demon. Let's destroy it first..., ah..."

I saw the phantom split into two halves, the more solid half grasped the other half, after some kneading, a black giant blade was condensed after a while.

When the figure of the phantom was shaking, thunderbolts and purple flames gushed out from the formation, rushing towards the phantom non-stop.

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