"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

The phantom resisted the attacks of various large formations, suddenly exploded, and threw out the black giant blade in its hand. The black giant blade turned into a stream of extremely fast light, directly penetrating through layers of large formations.

However, the black giant blade was still eroded and penetrated by the thunder, fire, and profound water in the formation, and finally pierced through the formation full of holes.

The black giant blade after piercing is almost non-existent, but it still bursts out monstrous demonic flames.

All of a sudden, in the midair outside the formation, dark clouds gathered, and thunder flashed, and it was about to rain down the sky-shattering thunder in a moment.

The black giant blade saw that something was wrong, and hastily separated thousands of avatars, all of whom were at the Demon Core Realm.

After waiting for a while, the dark clouds in the sky slowly moved and finally dispersed.

Thousands of demonic energy flashed with black flames, turning into streamers of black light, and fled northward.

In the big formation, Qing Yunzi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, that's good, the disciple outside was really uplifting, this time greatly weakened the body of the demon, so that he could last for a while.

I hope that the little disciples outside can survive this wave of chasing and killing of the demon clones. Once they survive, the hope of killing the demon in the future will increase a little bit.

Thinking of this, Qing Yunzi took a deep breath, and with the help of a few strands of true meaning of swordsmanship transmitted from the Great Hall of Sword Qi outside the formation, he re-condensed his nearly broken soul and cultivated it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

On the mountain behind the academy, the Baiyun Tower leisurely walks towards the earth cave.

When saying goodbye to the head of the mountain, the head of the mountain mentioned that the little fat man went to the back mountain to practice, so Baiyun Tower planned to stop by to have a look.

As soon as he reached the top of Tumai Peak, Baiyunlou looked towards the main peak of Mumai in amazement, his eyes were open, and there was a slight wave of fairy spirit on the side of Mumai.

After a little investigation, it turned out to be the breath of Junior Sister Ziyan, and she was breaking through the realm. It seemed that Junior Sister Ziyan, who had just broken through the Foundation Establishment Stage, was about to break into the Middle Foundation Establishment Stage again.

Nodding slightly, Baiyunlou's figure flickered, and he quietly fled into the earth vein cave.

There will be spiritual energy fluctuations when opening the big cave formation, Baiyunlou was worried that the little fat man was breaking through and would inevitably be disturbed, so he used the earth escape technique that he had just completed, and he escaped into the earth vein cave without a sound.

In a Lingshi mine, Baiyunlou escaped from his body, and looking sideways, the little fat man was really trying to break through the foundation-building stage, but he seemed to have encountered difficulties, and the little fat man's face was blushing.

Baiyunlou used Tianyantong to probe slightly, and then he knew the reason.

It turned out that the little fat man's dantian was different from ordinary people. Although he had just taken a top-grade foundation-building pill, he still needed more pure spiritual power to make a breakthrough, and the spiritual energy he had refined had to be beneficial.

Suddenly, he sensed some vague net-like objects outside the fat man's dantian.

After Baiyunlou carefully identified it, he realized that these net-like objects were the crystallization of the spirit of the earth essence left behind when he helped the little fat man break through the barrier.

It is really useful to keep it until now. These crystals were originally the companions of the little fat man's dantian, so they naturally carry the little fat man's breath.

With this in mind, Baiyunlou wrapped up a ray of innate energy with his spiritual thoughts and slowly penetrated into the fat man's back.

The familiar feeling came from the back, and the little fat man couldn't help but startled. It turned out that the senior brother came to help him, and he suddenly had endless confidence, and he bravely re-condensed his dantian.

Sensing that the little fat man regained his strength, Baiyunlou nodded secretly, and sent his spiritual consciousness all the way to the dantian.

After a little feeling of the riddled earth essence barrier, it looked really friendly at this moment, so the innate energy turned into a small sword, and slashed at the earth essence barrier.

In a moment, the earth essence barrier turned into pure earth essence energy, which was refined and absorbed by the little fat man.

After a few weeks, the little fat man refined all the pure spiritual energy in his dantian into spiritual liquid, and finally entered the foundation building smoothly.

After running for a few more weeks to consolidate his cultivation, the little fat man opened his eyes and saw his brother standing not far away, looked towards him encouragingly, and nodded excitedly.

Then the little fat man gritted his teeth, raised his hand and put another top grade foundation building pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

Sure enough, the huge medicinal power was still not lost, and was directly absorbed by the body. Now there is no obstacle in the little fat man's physical training, and he directly broke through to the state of Dzogchen.

In fact, in the realm of self-cultivation nowadays, there are very few monks who specialize in physical training.

One is because if one spends too much energy practicing body training, one's cultivation will drop a lot, and the other is that it is too difficult to make a breakthrough in body training.

If the little fat man hadn't been able to refine his body indirectly with the constant treasures of heaven and earth since he was a child, and had an unusual foundation for body training, he would not have successfully cultivated to the state of Dzogchen now.

However, the Great Perfection of body training is far from the end of body training, because in the world of cultivation for thousands of years, few people have broken through to a higher level of body training, so they directly divide today's body training into entry, small success, and great success , until Dzogchen.

Occasionally, there are extremely strong monks who break through Dzogchen through practicing body training techniques, and they are called golden bodies.

In the ancient world of comprehension, the little fat man's body training Dzogchen was only called the acquired Dzogchen, and there was also the innate Dzogchen on top of it.

After passing through the forty-nine catastrophes, you can slowly refine and cultivate the body of the earth immortal, and wait until you have survived the ninety-nine catastrophes during the period of crossing the catastrophe, and then you can try to refine the body of the heavenly immortal.

Baiyun Tower has a large amount of innate energy, and has long used it to refine the physical body~www.readwn.com~ Not long ago, I just finished refining the meridians of the whole body, and now I have stepped into the realm of innate body training.

If not, Baiyunlou would not dare to detonate the Soul Explosive Jade Talisman around his body unscrupulously. Although the Soul Explosive Jade Talisman is aimed at the soul, there are still a lot of shock waves of spiritual energy that are borne by the body.

Seeing that the little fat man had successfully broken through the realm of cultivation and body training, and was earnestly consolidating his cultivation realm, Baiyunlou quietly escaped from the cave of earth veins.

After leaving the cave, the top of the mountain was extremely quiet, and Baiyun Tower suddenly became interested, and a person took a leisurely walk in the moonlight.

Most of the thoughts in my heart came to fruition, and the four people in the small courtyard also broke through the realm one after another. On the road of cultivation, there were a few friends who walked side by side. After knowing about the demon, Baiyun Tower finally regained a rare sense of relaxation.

Walking slowly all the way to the top of Chugulu Mountain, I saw a graceful and graceful figure walking slowly on another mountain road, it was Dongfang Junior Sister.

Walking to the intersection at the same time, the two looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the mountain gate of the inner courtyard together.

The two tacitly walked a path around the mountain and headed for the small courtyard.

Under the moonlight, the two chatted all the way, most likely it was Baiyunlou who was talking, and Junior Sister Dongfang was listening, but they all responded when they heard the key points.

Hearing that the little fat man had just broken through to the foundation building stage, and had also broken through to the state of great perfection in body training, Dongfang Ziyan couldn't help but smiled gratifiedly and said: "Feiyang has been obsessed with martial arts since childhood, and now he has fulfilled his wish."

"Exactly, according to Feiyang's temperament, with such a good foundation, it is estimated that he will concentrate on studying martial arts in the future." Baiyunlou is well aware of the little fat man's temperament.

"However, practicing martial arts to the depths can also help in cultivation. From martial arts to Dao, and breaking the body into the innate, then the cultivation will be able to make great progress."

"Senior brother thinks thoroughly." Dongfang Ziyan sighed.

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