"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

The little fat man has been diligently practicing physical skills and lightness skills recently. Of course, the supernatural power of broken thoughts has not been lost. In his words, life-saving is the most important thing for a person floating in the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, his supernatural power of broken thoughts is not attached to sword energy at all, but attached to a kind of technique.

The earth-moving technique is what the little fat man is best at. Ever since he began to practice the supernatural power of breaking thoughts, the little fat man has specially chosen a kind of earth-based body-protection technique-bluestone technique to practice.

The bluestone technique is to use the air of the earth spirit to form a phantom of bluestone around the body to protect the body. The phantom of bluestone formed by the aura of the earth spirit is as strong as a rock, and can resist the erosion of the devil energy for a short time.

After careful consideration, the little fat man directly attached the broken thoughts supernatural power to the bluestone technique, so that the bluestone technique can not only resist the magic energy, but also explode the magic thoughts around him, but the taste of broken thoughts is even more unpleasant.

When I first started to practice, I often had to rest for half an hour once my spiritual sense was broken. It wasn't that it took so long to restore my spiritual sense, but it was too painful. The severe pain that shattered my body made the little fat man suffer.

Fortunately, Baiyunlou and Dongfang Ziyan took time to accompany him to practice several times, and the little Ganlin technique poured into his body, which made the little fat man survive the most difficult moment.

Although it still hurts to shatter the divine sense, with the strengthening of the divine sense, this pain no longer affects the little fat man's spellcasting.

But this time in the martial arts competition, seeing the attainments of the younger brothers in kendo, the little fat man decided to listen to the words of the senior brothers and not always think about passive defense.

One of my divine senses is still wandering in the sword qi hall, nourished by senior Qing Yunzi's sword will, it is not impossible to walk on the way of the sword.

At the end of the competition, when he was going down the mountain, the little fat man told Senior Brother Bai about his idea of ​​sword cultivation, and said that he would go to the Jiange to apply for sword skills later.

Hearing the little fat man's choice, Baiyunlou patted the little fat man on the shoulder in relief, took out a meteorite iron sword from the sea of ​​consciousness barrier and handed it to the little fat man.

He smiled and said, "Feiyang, I've been waiting for you for a long time. This meteoric iron sword was made by me a few days ago with star stones that fell from the desert sea."

"This sword's earth aura is running very smoothly. Using this great sword to perform earth movements can benefit you, so I'll give it to you."

"Brother..." The little fat man was so moved that he was speechless for a moment.

Bai Yunlou smiled and said: "It's just refined by hand, you see, I also have one, brother, this magic weapon is just a foreign object, what really needs to be cultivated is the way of the sword."

As he spoke, he took out another meteorite sword, but this one was much thinner, about the size of a dragon scale sword.

The little fat man nodded repeatedly.

Junior Sister Xia knocked on the little fat man's forehead and said, "Xiao Feiyang has finally enlightened, hurry up and go to the Jiange to learn swords."

"Okay, Second Senior Sister, Junior Brother will go now." After finishing speaking, the little fat man ran away in a hurry with the meteorite sword in his hand.

"Yo, this movement is very slippery, but this time, the little fat man will suffer, the seven levels of swordsmanship, hahaha..." Junior Sister Xia said with a gleeful smile.

"And that big sword, it's heavy enough, it's hard to pass the first test, hahaha..." Junior Sister Xia became happier the more she thought about it.

Seeing how happy the younger sister was, Baiyunlou couldn't help but rubbed the younger sister's hair, and said, "Okay, let's go down the mountain, borrow a few books from the library, and go back to the small courtyard to study."

"Great, I'm going to lie on the swing and watch, hehe."

"Okay, just follow Junior Sister... and run slowly." Seeing that Junior Sister had already run away, Bai Yunlou dodged to catch up.

A few days passed in a hurry, and Baiyun Tower refined several magic weapons one after another.

The glove that Xiaoxi wanted was also successfully refined, and the spiritual material used was taken from the fiery red sword.

The fiery red sword was snatched from Yougu Ke at the bottom of the misty oasis lake, and it has been dusty in the sea of ​​consciousness enchantment of Baiyun Tower. This time it can be regarded as useful.

This fiery red sword is impressively refined from precious lava fire concentrate. Baiyunlou directly used the ghost fire shadow to re-melt it, and added some extraterrestrial meteorites to re-melt it.

Not only did he refine a pair of Huo Jing Meteorite Iron Gloves for Xiaoxi, but he also used the remaining half of the spiritual materials to refine a Huo Jing Magic Sword.

Since then, the five-element sword array that Baiyun Tower has been planning has finally been assembled.

The Dragon Scale Sword is made of gold, and the wooden sword has the Spiritual Bamboo Sword. Some time ago, the Meteor Iron Magic Sword was refined.

Seeing Junior Sister Ziyan condense the ice crystal sword that day, Baiyunlou had some insights, and after some time to try, she condensed a real water sword.

In addition to the newly refined Huojing Sword, the Five Elements Sword has been refined, and the rest is to explore the power of the Five Elements Sword Formation.

The method of the five-element sword formation was found in the formation scriptures in the five-element cave in the back mountain of the academy in Baiyunlou, but most of it is only a conceptual description, and there is no real refining method.

The main reason is that there is no suitable formation eye object, and the movement of the five elements' spiritual energy requires extremely high spiritual materials for the formation eye object on the board.

In addition, there are very few monks who are proficient in the five elements at the same time. Most of these sword formation ideas were proposed by the five elements Taoist himself, and no monk has been able to try to refine the sword formation since then.

However, Baiyunlou happened to be proficient in the five-element magic, and the five-element magic sword was also refined one by one by Baiyunlou, and now it is the agility of the imperial envoy.

After some trials, Baiyun Tower really found a suitable treasure material for the array eye.

It was the green jade talisman ~www.readwn.com~ that Senior Sister Qingchi ingested from the big green jade last time~www.readwn.com~.

Baiyunlou used white jade to refine a palm-sized formation disk, inlaid sapphire talismans into it, and finally refined the formation disk of the Five Elements Sword Formation.

After the array was refined, Baiyunlou came to a sword testing field in the back mountain, held the array in the palm of his hand, and with a movement of his divine sense, five sword lights descended solemnly, covering a huge stone.

With the sword energy vertical and horizontal, the boulder cracked in response to the sound, and then fell into pieces until it turned into powder.

On the first day of junior high school, the sword formation was really as described, and its power was astonishing. So far, the five elements sword formation conceived by the Taoist of the Five Elements was finally refined by the disciples of the academy, and it first appeared in the world.

Afterwards, Baiyunlou refined two magic swords, and personally awarded them to the two junior juniors who were among the best in swordsmanship.

Bai Zhan took over the dharma sword made by his senior brother, and after trying it for a while, he felt that it was very useful. The energy of the golden spirit circulated very smoothly. Although this senior brother was usually serious, he was also very happy at this moment.

The two Jiang Xuan brothers on the side looked extremely envious, and Bai Yunlou said that if their cultivation level improved greatly, they would also refine magic weapons for them, and the twin brothers thanked them endlessly.

However, Jiang Feng said that after being defeated by Shi Qingshan's boxing this time, he was going to continue to practice Tonghuo boxing. When the boxing technique was perfect, Baiyunlou could only encourage him or her to think about treasures.

In the end, Baiyunlou used star stones to refine a set of magic weapons for Shi Qingshan's body, which is not only light in weight, but also used for protection.

In this set of magic weapons for protection, there is also a magic circle inscribed by Baiyun Tower, and different spirit stones are embedded in different positions, which can make this magic weapon of protection light and heavy at will.

Fortunately, the two star stones in Liangzhou City, which are as tall as a person, were transported back to the academy by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, Baiyun Tower would not have so many star stones to refine these handy magic weapons.

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