There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 158: Ultimate Yuan Ying Pill

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

The past few days in Baiyun Tower have been very fulfilling, and occasionally I would steal some free time, and I would accompany my junior sister to Qingyun Cave to ride cranes across the sky and watch the moon with a sword.

On this day, it was finally the day when the Nascent Soul Pill became a pill, and Baiyun Tower followed the head of the mountain to the Alchemy Pavilion early.

Taking over Yun Dan's job from Huo Shi, Huo Shi can finally take a breath, pick up the small wine jar at hand, and take a sip.

This wine was brought over by Xiaoxi a few days ago. I heard that it was brewed by the little girl from Nangong's family. The fire master didn't want to drink it anymore, but seeing Xiaoxi's expectant eyes, he still drank it. Take a sip.

As soon as I took it in, it still had a slightly bitter taste, and the fire master almost vomited again, but the bitter taste faded slightly, and the rich aroma of wine, accompanied by a sweet taste, filled the entire chest and abdomen at the same time, and even the tired consciousness suddenly felt down the spirit.

Unexpectedly, the new wine this time is not only delicious, but also refreshing.

Huo Shi quickly finished the small jar of new wine, and finally found Xiaoxi and asked him to go to Nangong Xiaojing to ask for a few more jars.

Nangong Xiaojing was very happy to hear that the bitter wine she had brewed was appreciated, and directly sent dozens of altars, enough for the fire master to drink for a while.

Half an hour later, bursts of intoxicating medicinal fragrance came out of the Bagua furnace.

This time without the fire master's reminder, Baiyunlou clasped his hands together slightly, and drew out traces of fairy fire aura, which merged into a phantom of real fire.

After the breath of the real fire stabilized, Bai Yunlou pushed the real fire into the Bagua furnace with a push with both palms.

The pill furnace suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the runes around Zijin Bagua furnace shone brightly.

Baiyunlou used Tianyantong to check, and this time there were still three pills taking shape, and traces of fairy air were sent into the pills by the pill furnace.

The phantoms of the three pills became clearer and clearer, and bursts of fragrance came out through the tripod.

Baiyun Tower is familiar with the road, condenses a real fire full of fairy fire breath, and sends it into the Eight Diagrams Furnace again.

After the three real fires were fed in, it was the same as the previous refining situation. The runes of the cauldron turned, and the aura flourished. After that, the entire cauldron was as quiet as dust, without a trace of aura coming out.

Knowing that the elixir has been cultivated, the head of the mountain took a deep breath, stepped out of the hall, and jumped directly to the top of the hall.

After a cup of tea, Baiyunlou went up to open the stove, took off the stove cover, and a strange fragrance came out, and there were three perfectly round pills lying quietly in the gold plate on the bottom of the stove.

The whole body is purple-gold in color, densely covered with pill patterns, and the breath is fluctuating. They are three top-grade Yuanying pills.

At this time, the cloud gathered outside the main hall, and the mountain chief on the main hall shouted: "Here we come."

Baiyun Tower and Fire Master in the hall knew that Dan Jie had indeed appeared again.

With preparations this time, several people were not in a hurry.

The head of the mountain drew his sword to the sky, and the cultivation base of the golden core was released, directly covering the main hall with Qi machine.

Baiyun Tower directly pulled out the Dragon Scale Sword and blocked it on the Eight Diagrams Stove.

The fire master took the jade spoon that he had been holding in his hand all the time, and scooped it into the Eight Diagrams furnace.

If it weren't for Yuanying Dan's spirituality, Baiyunlou really wanted to directly mark it with spiritual consciousness and include it in the boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Yuan Ying Pill needs to be refined by the person who takes the pill first, and then it can be combined with the golden pill in the dantian when taking it, so as to increase the chance of conceiving a baby.

There was only an explosion outside the main hall, it was the first thunder disaster falling, and it seemed that Chang Jingshan resisted the first thunder disaster steadily.

Then there was a second loud bang, and the hall trembled for a while before it finally stabilized.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Shi quickly put the three pills into the jade box.

As soon as I put it in my arms and put it away, I heard an even more ear-splitting bang.

Baiyunlou's spiritual sense sensed that something was wrong, so he jumped up and stepped on the eight trigrams furnace with both feet. The Dragon Scale Sword was back in his hand, and he raised it up to point to the top of the hall.

I saw a blue-purple lightning glow piercing the hall and hitting downwards, but it seems that this lightning glow is not as good as the Danjie that fell last time, and it is almost the same as the lightning glow of the Dianluohuo master.

However, although this lightning light is not strong, if it hits the jade box, the pills in the jade box will inevitably follow in the footsteps of the previous three pills.

When the electric light fell, the soul of Baiyun Tower seemed to sense it, as if eager to touch the electric light.

In a blink of an eye, Baiyunlou didn't hesitate anymore, directly Yujian met the falling lightning light, and directly led it down.

Holding the dragon scale sword full of electric lights in one hand, Baiyunlou could only feel the electric lights like flames passing through the body, burning and piercing through the flesh instantly.

However, the innate body of Baiyun Tower has already been introduced, the feeling of being pierced is just an illusion, and the real body is intact.

Realizing that there was no more thunder calamity falling, the only light that had leaked into the hall was also led to the gossip stove and dissipated without a trace. Baiyunlou sat cross-legged on the gossip stove, and his spiritual consciousness was absorbed and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a flash of thunder, and the blue-purple electric light was intercepted by Yuanshen, floating and flashing in the sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as the divine consciousness sensed it, he knew the Yuanshen's thoughts, so Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness directly escaped into the Yuanshen, raised the small hand of the Yuanshen, and grabbed the purple electric light.

As long as one enters the Sea of ​​Consciousness, even if it is just a ray of lightning, it will be controlled by the primordial spirit, and the blue-purple electric awn is controlled to strike at the primordial spirit.

Yuanshen grabbed the sword energy in his small hand and faced the electric light. Baiyun Tower felt his soul tremble, and his consciousness seemed to dissipate. , and it seems to have solidified a lot.

No need to already knows that his spells must be much more powerful, and even the power of the broken thoughts supernatural power may be enhanced a lot.

I didn't expect that there would be such a harvest in one Dan Tribulation.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the head of the mountain and the fire master were looking at him with concern, and when he looked sideways, Xiao Chaoyang came up to him.

Seeing the figure of the junior sister, Baiyunlou was in a good mood for a while, and his brows were brimming with joy.

After briefly explaining their situation, the head of the mountain and the master of the fire were relieved.

The fire master opened the jade box, and the three perfectly round top-quality Yuanying pills were finally left in this small world safe and sound.

"Thanks to Yunlou blocking that ray of lightning, otherwise all previous efforts would have been wasted this time." Thinking of the thunder calamity just now, the head of the mountain couldn't help sighing.

Then he took the Nascent Soul Pill handed over by the Huo Master and said: "Refining the Nascent Soul Pill twice in a row is a hard work for the Huo Master. With these three top-grade Nascent Soul Pills, breaking the realm must be enough."

"There is no need to refine it for the time being. The fire master will rest for a while. The matter of crossing the catastrophe is of great importance. Wait for the old man to calm down and prepare for a few days before going to find out the details of the four or nine days of catastrophe."

"Don't announce the success of the Yuanying Pill for the time being, so as not to add chaos to the already chaotic cultivation world."

The Fire Master nodded in response.

After coming out of the Alchemy Pavilion, Baiyun Tower pulled the junior sister out of the inner courtyard and came to the pavilion on the back mountain.

After the two sat down, Bai Yunlou gently embraced Junior Sister's shoulders, and Junior Sister Xia obediently leaned her head in Senior Brother's arms.

"Little Chaoyang, didn't you say that you are afraid of thunder, why don't you go to the inner courtyard today, why are you here again?" Bai Yunlou asked softly.

Junior sister Xia tapped senior brother's chest lightly with her fingers, and said softly, "I just want to try this thunder tribulation, to see if I can awaken my blood again, but unfortunately there is no response this time. .”

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