"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Bai Yunlou asked again: "Oh, is that so? Is that the reason?"

"Isn't that the reason, what else could be the reason, can't there be other reasons?" Junior Sister Xia snickered.

"Really, Xiao Chaoyang is being naughty again, and there can be no other reason, I'll let you try this..." Said Bai Yunlou slightly dodged, trying to scratch.

Junior Sister Xia, who was naturally ticklish, felt as if her itching was unbearable when she saw this movement, and quickly threw herself into the arms of her senior brother.

She said tenderly: "Senior Brother, I was wrong. This time I was worried about Senior Brother, so I went to the inner courtyard. Fortunately, Senior Brother survived..."

"What does it mean to survive a catastrophe, senior brother, am I that miserable..."

"Don't... ah, hahaha, senior brother, I accidentally said something wrong, so please forgive me this time..." Junior Sister Xia's voice gradually became soft and greasy.

Suddenly Baiyunlou stopped joking with his junior sister, held his junior sister's hand, and hid himself.

Junior sister Xia nestled in her senior brother's arms and asked softly, "Senior brother, what's the matter?"

"Someone passed by, it seems to be the two senior brothers Bai Zhan and Jiang Xuan." Bai Yunlou also replied in a very low voice.

After a while, sure enough, the two senior brothers hurried towards the inner courtyard of the back mountain, talking eagerly as they went.

I just heard Jiang Xuan say: "Brother, don't worry, the mountain chief must be in the alchemy room, and Xiaoxi also said that today Huo Shi and the mountain chief are going to concoct alchemy."

"Well, Junior Brother, you'd better go back to the front mountain. I'll go to the head of the mountain and ask for a few days off." Bai Zhan said.

"That can't be done, the incident happened so suddenly, the senior brother will inevitably feel uneasy, but I was entrusted by senior brother Feiyang to accompany the senior brother"

"Then let's go together, don't worry about Brother Feiyang." Bai Zhan said.

Jiang Xuan went on to say: "Brother, don't worry, there is a car dealership from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and you can get home tonight."

"Hmm." Bai Zhan replied with a preoccupied look.

While talking, the two gradually walked away.

Seeing the figures of the two hurriedly turn around the mountain road, the figures of the two people in Baiyunlou appeared in the pavilion.

Junior Sister Xia asked suspiciously: "It seems that something happened at Junior Brother Bai Zhan's house."

"It seems that Feiyang should be clearer. Let's ask him to see if he can help." Bai Yunlou stood up and said.

The figures of the two flickered, and they went to the front mountain. On the way, Baiyunlou found out that the little fat man was in the Jiange.

After a while, the two arrived at the door of Jiange, and the little fat man was already waiting at the door.

Knowing that senior brother wanted to ask about junior brother Bai Zhan, he didn't exchange pleasantries, and just explained the whole story.

It turned out that the student association was established in the world of magic, and the little fat man, the vice president, borrowed the convenience of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to pay attention to each student's family situation.

For students from poorer families, the Student Association will appropriately subsidize some money to their families, so that students can study in the college with peace of mind.

This morning, Junior Brother Bai Zhan's house was set on fire by a neighbor for no reason, and it cannot be said that it was for no reason.

Junior brother Bai Zhan's family was originally extremely poor, and they couldn't even afford a farm cattle. The family could only make ends meet by hoeing the fields, sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn.

Recently, the student association learned about the situation of Junior Brother Bai's family, so they subsidized some money.

A few days ago, Junior Brother Bai Zhan even won the title of the top swordsmanship list, and won a lot of rewards for pills.

Junior Brother Bai Zhan thought about the situation at home, so he exchanged a lot of money with the pills from the little fat man, and now the life of the family is much easier.

I know that it has only been a few days, this morning when Junior Brother Bai Zhan's father just left the house, he bumped into a neighbor and made a joke, saying that his son is now promising and can finally buy meat.

Originally, the relationship between the neighbors had always been very good, but as soon as Suizhi said this, the villager became furious and scolded Bai's father for ostentatiously passing through the market, and got carried away with complacency.

Father Bai couldn't help being taken aback, but when he heard some noisy neighbors approaching, he asked about the situation, and even scolded Father Bai, bluntly saying that it was wrong to blame Father Bai, Father Bai was furious, and left with his hands.

As a result, because of this trivial matter, those neighbors directly set fire to the Bai family's food storage house while Bai's father was out.

If Mother Bai hadn't heard the movement and pulled out the whole family in time, there would have been heavy casualties.

Father Bai saw fireworks rising from the direction of his house on the ground, and hurried home. Seeing this situation, he fainted from anger and is still in a coma.

When the little fat man got the news, he told Bai Zhan who was practicing swordsmanship. Junior brother Bai Zhan couldn't sit still, so he asked the mountain chief to ask for leave without cleaning up anything.

After listening to the little fat man's narration, Baiyunlou felt that something was wrong, and asked, "It's good that no one was injured, Feiyang, but do you have any other discoveries?"

"There is no other news for the time being. The chamber of commerce is still limited in manpower. I haven't investigated in depth yet, so I will arrange it now." While speaking, the little fat man took out a messenger talisman and arranged the matter.

"With Meteor to deal with it, there won't be any mistakes or omissions. Father Bai Zhan also arranged for a famous local doctor to visit him for consultation." The little fat man continued.

Hearing Meteor's name, Baiyunlou remembered that he hadn't seen the attendant next to the little fat man recently~www.readwn.com~ and asked casually.

The little fat man smiled and replied: "Some time ago, my cultivation base broke through to the Great Perfection of Qi Condensation, so I didn't let the meteor follow me all the time."

"However, with this communication talisman, Meteor has been keeping an eye on the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce in Jiangnan Mansion. If there is any news about the academy, please let me know in time."

"Now there are too many information collected from various places. The chamber of commerce directly arranged a few monks to organize and distribute these information."

"Fortunately, there is Meteor to help keep an eye on him, and he helps deal with some trivial matters directly, otherwise I wouldn't have time to come to Jiange to learn swords."

As he spoke, the little fat man shook the meteoric iron greatsword in his hand twice, quite proudly.

Since practicing swordsmanship, the little fat man has always carried the Meteorite Sword with him wherever he goes, and he looks like he can't put it down.

Looking at the big sword in the little fat man's hand, Junior Sister Xia asked with a smile, "Little Junior Brother, how are you doing with the sword recently? How many levels have you broken?"

"Ah..., I just passed the first test, and I have been practicing the second test for the past two days." The little fat man said gruffly.

Hearing the little fat man's words, Junior Sister Xia wanted to laugh out loud, but thinking about what happened to Junior Brother Bai Zhan's family, she secretly held back.

Bai Yunlou comforted the little fat man and said, "Practicing swordsmanship requires hard work, but there are still some skills in the way of swordsmanship."

"Senior brother, I have some insights from practicing swords at that time, and I will pass it on to you now, but the most important thing is to practice a lot in order to gain something."

Saying that, Baiyunlou asked the little fat man to stand still, and with **** together, he wrapped a part of his perception during sword practice with the power of the primordial spirit, and sent it into the little fat man's sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing the senior brother retracting his finger, Junior Sister Xia pouted her mouth and said softly, "Brother is biased. At that time, Junior Sister did not teach her some insights when she was practicing sword hard. It was so miserable when she was practicing swords..."

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