"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"Brother didn't cultivate Yuanshen at that time, okay, don't bother Feiyang to practice swordsmanship, junior sister, let's go down the mountain quickly." Baiyunlou said with a smile.

"I have to go to the Institute of Pharmacology later. The several medicinal powders we ground yesterday were mixed and tested separately. There should be a result today."

When this matter was mentioned, Junior Sister Xia immediately became interested and shouted to hurry down the mountain.

The little fat man just got the sword practice experience taught by his senior brother, and his interest in sword practice increased for a while. He said hello to his senior brother and sister, and ran to the Jiange with a big sword in his hand.

Regarding the matter of Junior Brother Bai Zhan, we still have to wait for the information from the little fat man to make a judgment. Baiyunlou accompanied Junior Sister Xia to study in the Institute of Pharmacology for half a day, and they gained a lot.

In the evening, the little fat man sent a message to Baiyun Tower, saying that in the past half a day, there was nothing unusual around the village and town of Junior Brother Bai Zhan.

Baiyunlou couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but he still felt faintly uneasy.

Early the next morning, the little fat man rushed to knock on the door to wake up Baiyun Tower.

After asking, I found out that something happened again in the middle of the night last night. This time, not only the village of Junior Brother Bai Zhan, but also the surrounding villages had strange incidents, and now they are in chaos.

Early this morning, I went to investigate the monks of the Chamber of Commerce. As soon as I arrived in the village, I realized that the atmosphere was not right. Many villagers were already lying in a pool of blood. Listening to the quarrels of the villagers was actually a trivial matter.

The cause turned out to be a dog barking in the middle of the night, which woke up half of the villagers in the village. After waking up, each villager was furious, picked up the shovel and pole and went out.

When he came to Gou Ming's house, he kicked open the door and smashed the door without any reason, spattering the blood from the barking dog on the spot.

The owner of the dog was not angry, and picked up a stool to chase away the people, which led to a scuffle, and finally the villagers who came with them also fought with each other inexplicably.

The monks from the Chamber of Commerce also went to the house of Junior Brother Bai Zhan at the end of the village. Fortunately, Bai Zhan's house was far away from the place where the incident happened, so it was not affected.

Junior brother Bai Zhan had already returned home, and when the monk went to investigate, his family was still asleep.

Then the monk from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce went to several surrounding villages and towns, and found that similar things had happened, so he hurried back to the local branch of the Chamber of Commerce to send back the news.

Hearing the narration of the little fat man, Baiyunlou already felt a little bad, this is another method to fix the avatar of the demon.

Last time in Linjiang County, the identity and methods of the demon cultivator were even more exposed. Now most monks and even ordinary people in the human world have taken precautions, and Haoran has already spread throughout the human world.

It was difficult for the monks to demonize, so the demon avatar became furious and devoured the luck of the human race directly.

Restricted by the way of heaven, directly devouring luck, the income is only one or two, so the demon cultivators spent a lot of time before to confuse people's hearts.

Only when the human race willingly sends out the power of faith, can the avatar of the Heavenly Demon obtain pure wish power, and can make great progress in cultivation.

It seems that the Heavenly Demon has already resorted to unscrupulous methods. Such a sad and frenzied devouring will not only attract the attention of high-ranking monks in the cultivation world, but also get very limited income.

After being directly swallowed by luck, the villagers will become irritable and irrational within a short time.

However, after a while, this situation will slowly return to the original state, but Baiyun Tower still has a faint feeling that this matter will not be so simple.

With this in mind, Baiyun Tower decided to go and have a look.

As soon as Fang thought about it, a great sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his whole body, Baiyunlou felt as if he was about to be swallowed into the mouth of a beast, he couldn't help but condense the whole body's energy, and the sword energy was about to come out through his body .

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Junior Sister Xia jumped in, holding Baiyunlou's arm tightly.

He said crisply: "If senior brother goes out this time, he must take me with him, otherwise..., otherwise I will follow, hehe."

As soon as the junior sister said that she wanted to follow, Baiyunlou suddenly felt that the sense of crisis was much smaller. After a little feeling, it seemed that it wasn't that the crisis had become smaller, but that the aura on his side had become stronger.

The original feeling was as if the sky-swallowing giant beast was opening its mouth to swallow it, but now that giant beast had turned into a thin and barking vicious dog at his feet.

Junior Sister Xia saw that her senior brother was in a daze, and her voice softened a lot: "Senior Brother, why not bring Junior Sister, Junior Sister is very lucky, maybe you can pick up some treasures, or else, you might encounter some special delicacies."

Seeing Xiao Chaoyang's greedy appearance, Baiyunlou knew what the junior sister was trying to do. It seems that the can of fish soup last time gave the junior sister a taste of the sweetness.

Looking up at the top of the junior sister's head, I saw that the luck was like a rainbow, and the multi-colored rays of light were scattered leisurely. The Baiyun Building couldn't help but understand a lot, so he nodded and said: "Okay, Xiao Chaoyang, clean it up, and you can do it later." Let's go together, brother."

"Okay!" Junior Sister Xia jumped up and replied crisply.

After a while, he ran back, with an exquisite little treasure bag on his waist, and shouted: "Let's go, brother, let's start early, maybe we can still go shopping."

Seeing senior brother staring at the little treasure pouch on his waist~www.readwn.com~ Junior sister Xia turned her body around and said softly: "Senior brother, how is it? Father’s treasury has taken a fancy to it, but he won’t give it to me.”

"This time the cultivation base has broken through to the foundation building stage, so why not send it over obediently, hehe."

Baiyunlou asked suspiciously: "Isn't Junior Sister aware of the Sea of ​​Flowers Palace? Last time I heard from Xiao Hualing that it can contain a mountain."

"Brother, don't listen to Xiao Hualing, you don't know, mountains are big and small, rockery is also a mountain, hehe..., ouch." Junior sister Xia just said halfway, ouch.

Looking at the appearance of the junior sister, it seems that the spiritual consciousness has been smashed, but the junior sister said quickly: "Okay, it's a big mountain, it's a real mountain, but what's the use of it, put it in, I don't know where to put it, and I can't find it at the critical moment. manage."

"That's right, Junior Sister is right. This treasure bag looks good, it fits Junior Sister's appearance very well, and she looks heroic." Baiyunlou didn't understand what Junior Sister meant, so she replied seriously.

Sure enough, the junior sister smiled happily, pulled the senior brother along and said, "This time, the baby junior sister has all the magic weapons, so the demon cultivator must come and go, so he walked away..."

"Little Feiyang, wait until Senior Sister brings you delicious food." When going out, Junior Sister Xia did not forget to say hello to the little fat man.

Baiyunlou shook his head and smiled slightly, where the divine thought moved, the dragon scale sword came out in response to the thought, wrapped around the junior sister's waist, stepped onto the flying sword, disappeared, and went away in an instant.

When I inquired with the little fat man just now, I got the location of Junior Brother Bai Zhan's village, but it is not far away, it is more than a hundred miles northeast of the academy.

Now Baiyunlou's Yujian escapes extremely fast, even with Junior Sister, it is several times faster than Junior Sister's own Yujian, the two swords turned into a stream of light, and fled northeast.

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