"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

During this period of time, when Baiyunlou practiced every day, he would retain some innate energy. One reason was to cope with the task of exterminating demons at any time, and the other reason was to break through the cultivation base.

After this period of training, the cultivation base of Baiyun Tower has reached the peak in the middle stage of foundation establishment. At this time, the surge of Yuanshen is the opportunity for a breakthrough.

Without further hesitation, Baiyun Tower used the spirit-gathering array embedded with high-grade spirit stones, supplemented by a large amount of innate energy, to urge the bright liquid in the dantian to spin.

A stream of rich spiritual energy of the five elements poured into the dantian of Baiyun Tower non-stop, was transformed into pure spiritual power by kung fu, and then rushed into the meridians and acupoints of the whole body.

With the circulation of the big and small circles, the dantian spiritual liquid mass is getting bigger and bigger, the meridians are also getting stronger and stronger in the washing and nourishing of the innate qi, and the whole body's acupoints are slowly expanding.

I don't know how many weeks it has been running, and suddenly, the dantian spirit liquid suddenly collapsed, and it directly collapsed to 30% of its original size, but it was thicker and more pure.

The cultivation base of Baiyun Building has finally broken through to the late stage of foundation establishment.

After the breakthrough in cultivation base, the Baiyun Tower operated several rounds of the Great Week to stabilize the cultivation base.

Seeing that there is still a lot of innate qi, Baiyunlou simply used the five elements body training method to refine the five viscera, six internal organs and the physical body.

Now Baiyunlou's five-element body training methods are all completed, after more than ten rounds of body training exercises, the whole body emits a faint light, and Baiyunlou's innate body is surprisingly small.

This practice took quite a long time, but the rewards were very great. The primordial spirit and the sea of ​​knowledge skyrocketed, the cultivation base was also greatly improved, and the body training technique was cultivated to the innate body level.

After the innate body has been completed, not only is it difficult to be injured by ordinary swords, even without sword energy to protect the body, it is difficult for ordinary devil energy to corrode the body.

After the training, Baiyun Tower regained consciousness and stood up, and the sky was already shimmering.

Looking at the junior sister beside her, seeing that she was still cultivating, her brows frown for a while, and then stretched out for a while. At a glance, she knew that it was the little Hualing who was helping the junior sister to forge her soul.

Turning his head to look at Junior Brother Bai Zhan on the other side, he saw that he was concentrating on practicing the edge technique.

Baiyun Tower had cultivated this golden technique to the state of great success very early on. Since he cultivated the sword energy of transformation, he seldom practiced it, because the power of sword energy of transformation is far superior to that of sharp edge technique.

In front of him, Junior Brother Bai Zhan's sharp edge technique is impressively accomplished, but Junior Brother Bai Zhan's sharp edge technique is obviously a step further than his own.

A ray of sharpness was condensed on the tip of the sword, invisible and dazzling, but Junior Brother Bai Zhan seemed still dissatisfied, and continued to condense this sharpness with the energy of the golden spirit and divine thoughts.

All of a sudden, it seemed as if the divine mind merged into this sharp edge, and the sharp edge on the tip of the sword suddenly escaped uncontrollably, making a burst of explosion as if piercing through the void.

In less than an instant, the sharp aura that came out of the sword pierced through the protective circle and fled towards the sky.

"The sharp edge technique is perfect..." Bai Yunlou murmured.

Bai Zhan on the side had already put away his sword and stood up. Hearing the senior brother's words, he couldn't help asking: "Senior senior brother, is this the Great Perfection of the Edge Technique?"

Bai Yunlou thought for a while and said: "The sharp sword energy just now should be regarded as having entered the realm of Dzogchen, but my junior brother has limited cultivation and cannot control this sword energy."

"If my junior brother's cultivation has stepped into the Dzogchen Condensation, with his cultivation at that time, he should be able to easily perform the sharp-edged technique of this Dzogchen realm."

"So that's the case. I thought there was something wrong with the way of cultivation." Bai Zhan sighed.

"Oh, I thought it was thunder, and I was so scared that I trembled." Xia Zhaoyang also recovered from the cultivation of the soul, as if the pain was still there from the torture of the soul.

Bai Yunlou smiled and said: "Actually, this is also called Lei Yin. Just now, Junior Brother Bai's sword qi broke through the sound barrier and attracted Lei Yin. This is the sword qi Lei Yin."

"It's fine if it's not real lightning and thunder..." Xiao Chaoyang still had some shadows about the thunder when the bloodline was awakened.

A sound of thunder woke up the whole village. The sound of Bai Zhan's parents getting up and Xiao Ni's murmur came from the house.

The village gradually became lively, and there was even the sound of chanting the Haoran Sutra, and Baiyunlou couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

Today they were going back to the academy, and the three of them had a delicious meal of burnt barley tea porridge, and then they planned to set off on the road.

Xiaoni was very reluctant to let go, hugging Sister Xia's leg, but she also knew that Sister Xia, like her brother, was going to the academy to learn skills, so she let go obediently, and waved goodbye to Sister Xia with red eyes.

Xia Chaoyang stepped forward and hugged Xiaoni vigorously, promising to come to the village to see Xiaoni and play with Xiaoni when he was free, and finally made Xiaoni laugh.

This time when returning to the academy, Baiyunlou raised two dharma swords, took Bai Zhan with him, and rose directly from the courtyard to fly into the sky with the swords.

After a period of exploration in the Baiyun Tower, the combination of the supernatural power of transformation and the supernatural power of concealment can lead a group of people to walk in the sky during the day.

After greeting Xiaoni and Bai Zhan's parents, Baiyunlou performed the water travel technique cloud mist technique, forming a cloud and mist, wrapping the figures of the three of them, and fleeing directly in the small courtyard~www.readwn.com ~Xia Chaoyang shouted: "Xiao Ni, learn to write obediently, and my sister will come to check in a few days..." As the light faded away, the voice gradually became inaudible.

"Okay, sister Xia, Xiao Ni is very good..." Xiao Ni shouted crisply in the courtyard.

In the past few days, maybe the head of the mountain is about to take the Yuanying Pill to break through the situation. At that time, the demon souls within a range of hundreds of miles may all sense it, and they will definitely come to disturb and make trouble.

Therefore, Baiyunlou wanted to rush back to the academy as soon as possible, so as to make preparations in advance.

In addition, Junior Brother Bai Zhan had to deal with the big formation in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Thinking of this, Bai Yunlou felt that he had to find time to go back to the Qingyun Sect today, and first bring Junior Brother Bai Zhan into the Qingyun Sect.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou gently embraced his junior sister, raised his two swords with all his strength, and fled towards the academy.

While escaping, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but think of the edge technique that Junior Brother Bai Zhan had practiced this morning, so he left a thought and went to the Yuanshen of Consciousness Sea.

Yuanshen got this idea, his figure flashed, and he entered the sea of ​​memory, and found that piece of memory to observe.

After watching it several times, Yuanshen had some insights, and Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness also had this insight at the same time. With a little thought, Yuanshen sat cross-legged in the depths of the sea of ​​memory and began to practice.

After all, refining too many soul fragments yesterday is already strong enough, and it is necessary to incorporate some yin energy into it, and to reconcile it properly can also make the soul more resilient.

With this realization, Baiyunlou used the sword to escape, and at the same time used his thoughts to evolve how to use it in the sword technique.

Gradually, the Baiyun Tower had a direction. The so-called great perfection of the technique is actually the fusion of the divine mind and the technique itself.

Junior brother Bai Zhan's will is sufficient, but his spiritual cultivation is not enough, but Baiyunlou's will and spiritual cultivation are not a problem.

After figuring out this trick, Baiyun Tower seems to have found a way to cultivate the technique into Dzogchen.

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