"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

While Yu Jian escaped, Baiyunlou tried to integrate more spiritual thoughts into Yu Jianshu, first a few strands, and then a few strands.

With the increase of the divine sense, Baiyunlou felt that the divine sense could control the two flying swords of the envoy more and more freely.

The power of the primordial spirit is now very strong in Baiyun Tower, as long as it cooperates with the power of the primordial spirit, even if it uses several supernatural powers at the same time, it can handle it freely.

However, as the divine mind became more focused on controlling the sword technique, it gradually had some influence on the other magical powers that were cast at the same time.

Desire to try the feeling of the Great Perfection of Yujianshu, Baiyun Tower dissipated the transformation technique and the hidden magic power, leaving only Yujianshu and sword energy protection.

Without the interference of other supernatural powers, the speed of the few people's sword control suddenly increased.

Noticing that the speed had suddenly increased a lot, Xia Chaoyang cheered up and wanted to shout loudly.

Suddenly feeling that the speed of escape was still increasing, he realized that it should be the senior brother who was trying to strengthen the supernatural power of sword control, so he held back his shouts so as not to disturb the senior brother who was concentrating on controlling the sword.

After devoting nearly half of his mind to Yujianshu, it seems that he has reached a bottleneck and it is difficult to speed up again.

With the infusion of divine thoughts, the body-protecting sword energy became more and more substantial, and gradually touched a bottleneck.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou directly poured 20% of the divine sense into the body-protecting sword energy with the power of the primordial spirit.

The body-protecting sword energy seemed to have broken through the barrier, and suddenly became extremely solid. Sensing the breath of the body-protecting sword energy, it was somewhat similar to the sword gang in the sword energy hall, but much weaker.

Unexpectedly, it was the body-protecting sword energy that cultivated the sword gang first, Baiyunlou was also quite excited, and the hand that hugged the junior sister couldn't help but tighten.

Seeing the change in the protective sword energy in front of the three of them, Xia Zhaoyang understood that this was a breakthrough in his senior brother's supernatural powers.

Sensing the slight agitation in his senior brother's mind, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help the throbbing in his heart, and turned to look at his senior brother.

Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but be fascinated by seeing his senior brother's focused and heroic face so close at hand.

Junior Sister suddenly turned her head, exhaled like blue from a few inches away, her bewildered appearance almost made Baiyunlou relax, and the blade of the sword trembled slightly under her feet.

Bai Yunlou hurriedly guarded his spiritual thoughts and concentrated on controlling the sword, so he dared not look down at his junior sister again.

After a little thought, Baiyunlou said with great pride: "Junior Sister, stand still, there may be thunderous noises in your ears later, if you want to shout, you can shout as much as you want, it won't affect Senior Brother, haha..."

Hearing the word Lei Yin, Junior Sister Xia came to her senses and responded crisply.

Baiyunlou laughed freely, and then poured most of the rest of his mind into Yujianshu, leaving only 10% of his mind to check the direction outside.

In an instant, the two flying swords were brought to a high speed, and they became faster and faster for a while, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound, and the thunder sound was left far behind in an instant.

Bai Zhan had a feeling of thunder in the morning, and just now he received a reminder from his senior brother. It was not too much of a surprise, but he was very impressed with his understanding and cultivation level. It took less than half a day to experience this perception.

Although he was reminded by his senior brother, Xia Zhaoyang still couldn't help shaking his body, but this time he was leaning on his senior brother's arms, and his courage gradually increased.

Following several thunderstorms in a row, Xia Chaoyang showed no trace of fear at all.

Looking at the clouds passing by quickly around him, and seeing the villages and towns passing by in a flash, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but raised his arms and shouted in the arms of his senior brother, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

Waves of thunder pierced the sky, but they couldn't cover up the delicate shouts in the thunder.

However, the voice of the junior sister still made Baiyunlou laugh.

"Mom, I miss you..."

"Xiao Ni, I miss you too..."

"Brother, what I miss most is you..."

Bai Zhan on the side was also speechless for a while, but he sighed, Senior Sister Chaoyang's voice was so powerful that he couldn't even block the body's true energy, so he had no choice but to listen silently as he pressed down on the idea of ​​jumping off the flying sword.

The three of them were flying away when they suddenly saw a flash of white light in front of them, and a white crane appeared in the air ahead.

Baiyunlou felt slightly, it didn't take long for Yujian to escape to the back mountain of the academy, so he withdrew most of his spiritual thoughts and slowed down Jianguang.

Seeing Xiaobai suddenly appear, Xia Chaoyang was extremely happy, greeted his senior brother, and landed on Xiaobai.

Bai Zhan had met Xiaobai long ago in the back mountain, and he was quite familiar with Xiaobai. He even fed Xiaobai a spirit fruit, but he didn't expect it to be Senior Sister Xia's spiritual pet.

After slowing down, Baiyunlou planned to go back to the academy to take a look, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something and couldn't help but look behind him.

I saw hundreds of spirit birds of various colors chasing after them. Seeing such a strange situation, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but stop.

Feeling a little bit, these hundreds of birds, of different species and in various poses and with different expressions, are actually quite spiritual.

Flying to the front and rear, surrounded Xia Zhaoyang's several feet, flying and circling, singing happily.

Thinking of Junior Sister's coquettish call just now, and the supernatural power that Junior Sister awakened when she broke through the realm last time, Baiyunlou couldn't help but understand.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower said to Junior Sister Xia at the side: "Junior Sister, these spirit birds were all provoked by your shouting, you have to be responsible, haha..."

It was only then that Xia Zhaoyang realized that he was the one who shouted the spectacle of a hundred birds flying together. No wonder he felt a little familiar with this group of birds.

Seeing this group of flying birds that seemed to be very obedient~www.readwn.com~ Xia Chaoyang became very excited, and said in his mouth: "Birds, line up..."

Seeing that hundreds of birds scattered and flew out immediately, posing in the air according to his own ideas, Xia Zhaoyang smiled and bent his eyebrows with joy.

Seeing that the junior sister was in high spirits, going back to the academy like this would inevitably cause a commotion, Baiyun Tower simply turned the sword light, greeted the junior sister, and the three of them fled to Qingyun gate.

This time the escape speed was not fast, the hundreds of birds kept following Junior Sister Xia, sometimes forming a "person" character, and sometimes forming a "one" character.

After half a stick of incense, the three of them still came to Qingyun Gate.

Looking at a deep pool below, Bai Zhan was doubting himself, thinking that the Qingyun Gate was in the pool, suddenly his eyes lit up, and a portal appeared in the mid-air not far in front of him, within which were misty clouds and fairy mountains.

Following the senior brother's sword light entering the mountain gate, Bai Zhan, who has always been quite calm, couldn't help but exclaimed, and couldn't help but ask: "Eldest senior brother, is this the Qingyun Gate?"

"Exactly, is this fairy gate in the clouds, is the younger brother satisfied?" Baiyunlou laughed.

"Sure enough, it's a fairy gate. This is what a blessed land of heaven should look like. Haha, senior brother, where is the Asking Heart Pavilion? I'm going to try it out today." Bai Zhan looked at this fairyland in the clouds, and his heart was filled with infinity. Pride.

After exploring his spiritual sense, Baiyunlou couldn't help but let out a light sigh, and said with a smile: "Junior brother and sister, let's go to the Wenxin Pavilion together. The disciples under the Qingyun sect are all waiting in front of the Wenxin Hall. It seems that they are all here to welcome Bai Shidi. .

Xia Chaoyang smiled sweetly, directed the flock of birds, hovered around the three of them, and said, "Let's go, let me scare them, haha."

Baiyunlou laughed, and thought to himself: Those few have all seen big scenes, and these birds are not enough to see, that is, the younger sister just wants to show off, but since the younger sister likes it, let her do it.

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