"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

In addition to these four seats for discussion, a circle of viewing seats was arranged around the thunder pit, and a lot of desks and futons were placed. Even if the monks from the entire back mountain came, the seats would still be enough.

When the few people reached the peak, before the hour of the morning, some juniors and younger sisters were setting refreshments on the table.

Seeing that there was nothing left and right, Baiyunlou planned to step forward to help, but the head of the mountain called a few people to stop and let them take their seats in the academy discussion seats on the side of the sand table.

There are a total of six seminar seats in the academy, and the head of the mountain actually let these disciples occupy four of them.

Bai Yunlou couldn't help asking: "Shan Zhang, we are sitting in the seat of discussing Dao, should we also go to the Sand Table Dao to perform?"

"Oh, that's a good idea, then wait a minute, you guys will go up and show it after the seniors' performance is over." The head of the mountain stroked his beard and nodded.

"Uh..., Shan Zhang, isn't this too high-profile?" Baiyun Tower couldn't help being stunned.

Shan Chang waved his sleeves and said: "This time, I want to be high-profile. Look at me, Shan Chang. I am not more high-profile. This discussion is, in the final analysis, to give confidence to fellow practitioners and let them truly feel hope."

"Okay, then let's think about it and see how to show it, hoping to catch the eyes of those fellows." Baiyunlou replied helplessly.

Secretly, I still owe it to myself, otherwise it would not be much more worry-free to watch Daoyan with peace of mind, it seems that I have been a little drifting recently, and I have to reflect on it when I go back.

After the four of them sat down, watching the head of the mountain walk towards the intersection, the little fat man asked in a low voice: "Eldest senior brother, why do you still let us juniors go up to the Taoist performance? I don't know what to do in my heart."

Baiyunlou was also a little speechless, thought for a while and said: "The four of us go up together, the whole big one looks passable."

"With senior brothers and sisters, then there is no problem." The little fat man said quickly.

Junior sister Xia also nodded quickly. Dongfang Ziyan looked at the rather helpless senior brother with a smile in her eyes, but she also nodded slightly in agreement.

Taking advantage of the meeting having nothing to do, the four of them began to discuss in a low voice about the upcoming Taoist performance.

After a while, there was a sudden burst of lively voices, it seemed that fellow Taoists from several sects had arrived.

It just so happened that the preliminary discussions between the four of them came to fruition, and upon hearing the sound, they immediately got up and went to the intersection.

With a flash of Baiyunlou's figure, he stood beside the head of the mountain and looked up the mountain path.

I saw a group of men, women, old and young walking on the mountain road, all of them were full of energy. A few young disciples walked and looked around, very curious, and even behind this group of people were some spiritual birds and strange beasts.

Sure enough, they are the disciples of the elders sent by the Great Cultivation Sect. Looking at the luck above their heads, they are all extraordinary.

He said he should use less of his Tianyantong, but Baiyunlou still couldn't help taking a look at it, but after taking a look, he was quite relieved to be sure that there were no demons mixed in.

Several people walked forward with the head of the mountain and welcomed a group of monks into the arena.

After exchanging pleasantries, the host and guest took their seats in the front seats for discussion.

As soon as he was seated, Baiyun Building suddenly saw a person who felt very familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he really found the memory that was buried deep in his heart.

It turned out that across the thunder pit, the leader of the five sects seated directly across from the sect was the immortal elder who had met once in Baiyun Tower when he was young.

It was an ignorant memory when I was three years old. I was playing in the small courtyard, and suddenly a fairy elder with a fairy-like demeanor fell in front of me. Sow the seeds of practice.

Baiyunlou's spiritual thoughts fluctuated slightly, and he turned to the little fat man and asked, "Feiyang, which sect is that fairy elder opposite?"

The little fat man looked up, and said softly: "That fairy is the head of the Zixiao sect, Lingxiaozi."

"Zixiao faction, Lingxiaozi..." Baiyunlou secretly remembered that the head may have forgotten the ignorant child in Luoshui County, but in any case, this is also a fate.

Maybe the other party is the head of a faction, and there is no need to help him at all, but if there is a chance in the future, he will still think about it.

After a while, all the monks who had been waiting at the back of the academy were seated, and the head of the mountain came out, and first introduced a few people who were seated in the academy's discussion seats.

In addition to Shanzhang and Baiyunlou, Huo Shi was also invited to the six seminar seats in the academy.

It is estimated that during this period of time, the Dao of Alchemy has flourished, especially the Alchemy Pavilion in the Academy, which has moved the entire cultivation world. Now the name of Fire Master is almost unknown in the cultivation world.

The head of the mountain briefly introduced several people in the academy, and the three new sects also came to the venue to introduce them one after another.

Before, Baiyunlou got a list of cultivation sects from the head of the mountain, and he already knew the characteristics of each sect and school. After this introduction, Baiyunlou roughly figured out the truth of these three sects. Condition.

The Zixiao School, a Taoism handed down from ancient times, studies the way of harmony between man and nature, and has very high requirements for xinxing aptitude.

Ling Xiaozi is the head of the sect, and his cultivation base is already at the Great Perfection of the Golden Core Realm. He is accompanied by an elder and three young disciples.

That elder's cultivation was only at the Dzogchen stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and the three disciples were only at the Qi Condensation Stage.

It seems that this Zixiao sect is basically supported by Ling Xiaozi alone, otherwise the elders who only have the foundation establishment stage will not be allowed to come together.

Raging Flame Sect, a sect that has been developed for nearly a thousand years relying on the exquisite fire movement technique and some broken alchemy formulas.

Due to the fact that there are too few alchemy sects in the past thousand years, although the medicinal power of the pills refined by the few alchemy recipes is very limited, it also makes the Raging Flame Sect earn a lot of money.

During this period of time, the Alchemy Pavilion of the academy became very famous~www.readwn.com~ The pill business of the Raging Flame Sect was almost cut off.

However, the Academy has always been on good terms with the Raging Flame Sect, and now that the academy's alchemy tasks are becoming more and more onerous, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce was asked to come forward and make a written agreement, letting the Raging Flame Sect undertake part of the alchemy refining tasks.

In this way, the alchemy monks in the academy can also have free time to practice, and the academy can also share some extra spirit stones.

The Raging Flame Sect was even more overjoyed by this, and seemed to be more nourished than before. This time when they received the invitation from the academy, they immediately brought most of the disciples to discuss the Dao.

This time the Raging Flame Sect had a master, two elders and three disciples.

The overall strength of Raging Flame Sect seems to be very extraordinary. Its head has the strength of the late Golden Core Realm, the two elders are both in the early Golden Core Realm, and one of the three disciples has also broken through to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

However, the two elders at the early stage of the golden core looked a little vain in their realm. I heard from the little fat man that the Raging Flame Sect had bought several golden pills at a high price a while ago, and it was probably for these two elders to break through the realm.

The sect sitting next to the few people in Baiyun Tower is even more interesting. It is the Xuanling sect that is very famous among the nine sects of cultivation in the cultivation world, and it is very famous for raising spiritual pets.

His teaching Xuanxuanzi is already at the middle stage of Golden Core, but it is said that the golden eagle he follows is already at the extreme level of Demon Core.

Hearing the soft introduction from the little fat man, Baiyunlou couldn't help but glance at the miraculous golden eagle, it was indeed powerful.

Not only the head teacher, each monk of the Xuanling sect will bring a spiritual pet, which is an eye-catching presence no matter where they go.

I don't know if these spiritual pets have practiced any special skills. These spiritual pets look small, but they have all refined demon pills.

Even the Cloud Swallowing Beast lying next to a female cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage was impressively a demon cultivator in the Demon Core Realm.

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