"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

This little cloud-swallowing beast is only one foot tall, covered in curly white fur, and has two long ears, which are very cute.

Junior Sister Xia kept staring at the little cloud-swallowing beast, envious.

Looking at this little beast, Baiyunlou couldn't help but think of the two cloud-swallowing beasts in Qingyun Cave. Although they only have the strength of the Void Core Realm, their size is too large, already nearly ten feet in size.

If it weren't for the strange ears, it would be hard to recognize that this is also a cloud-swallowing beast.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou couldn't help thinking of the origins of those rare birds and animals in the cave.

At that time, Senior Sister Qingchi said that it was sent by a small sect, but she might not have said it was the Xuanling sect.

At this moment, a crane sounded in the air.

"Xiaobai... come, come down quickly." Suddenly hearing Xiaobai's call from mid-air, Junior Sister Xia suddenly remembered that she also had a spiritual pet, and hurriedly let Xiaobai down.

"Xiaohe..." As soon as Xiaobai landed, everyone at the Xuanling faction suddenly cried out in surprise.

Seeing the reaction from the Xuanling faction, Baiyunlou sighed secretly, it seemed that he hadn't run away, the senior sister went to the Xuanling faction at that time.

The head of the mountain already knew about Xiaobai's origin, he heard the sound and said: "This little crane is a spiritual pet given by that expert, fellow Taoist Xuanling, but I have seen that expert before."

"Exactly, that expert has an extraordinary demeanor and unfathomable cultivation. The Xuanling Sect was fortunate to meet him and gained a lot." The head of the Xuanling Sect stood up and nodded.

The head of the mountain caressed his beard and smiled: "It's a pity that the mountain gate of the expert has not been officially opened, and the old man has never been able to go to see him, but my four disciples have a deep fortune and are very close to that expert."

"If fellow daoists are interested, you may wish to exchange ideas after the discussion is over, haha."

"The head of the mountain is exactly what he said. I didn't expect to gain so much from this visit, haha." Headmaster Xuan Ling suddenly got the trace of the expert, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Seeing that the four disciples of this academy were all of extraordinary aura, Headmaster Xuanling enthusiastically pulled the disciples to come forward to salute.

Afterwards, the head of the mountain stepped onto one of the formations on the sand table and began his speech at the Dao Discussion Conference.

"It's a great honor to invite friends from the three major sects to discuss the Dao today."

"Nowadays the way of magic appears, but the realm of self-cultivation is also becoming more and more prosperous. Now the way of alchemy is flourishing, and the art of refining weapons is also popular."

"What is even more gratifying is that the barrier of the earth fairyland has been broken. I, the head of the mountain, have passed through four or nine days of calamity a month ago and entered the Nascent Soul Stage."

After finishing speaking, the head of the mountain moved and hung in the air out of thin air, which immediately attracted the three sect disciples to exclaim.

Although the heads of the three sects already knew about Shan Chang's robbery, it still felt special to say it from Shan Chang's mouth today.

When the head of the mountain talked about the barrier of the fairyland, he listened very carefully.

The head of the mountain first briefly talked about some feelings during the tribulation, and then talked about the disappearance of the restriction of the heavenly law after the catastrophe, and finally stood at the array and started today's Taoist performance.

The majestic spiritual energy poured into the sand table, and the sand table was instantly filled with vitality, as if it was alive. A group of tumbling clouds with blue light gathered above the sand table, and a mountain peak appeared below, which was impressively the scene of the long crossing of the mountain that day.

After a series of tribulation thunders were conceived, lightning fell, and the golden figure below raised his spirit sword to meet the tribulation thunders...

This scene directly stunned the monks of the three major sects. They have never seen such a realistic Taoist performance scene before, and even the monks in the back mountain saw such a large sand table magic weapon for the first time.

The monks of the three major sects thought that the head of the mountain would tell about the scene of crossing the catastrophe, but they did not expect to observe the scene of crossing the catastrophe so intuitively, and the breath of the thunders of the catastrophe is still shocking.

Seeing that the head of the mountain used the golden bell technique and the golden body to directly resist the very powerful second round of tribulation thunder, he even exclaimed.

Afterwards, the head of the mountain directly shortened the gestation time of the third tribulation thunder. A moment later, just when the monks of the three major sects thought that the third tribulation thunder was about to fall, suddenly a series of phantoms appeared under the robbery cloud, replacing the third heaven robbery.

The heads of the three major sects all stood up and carefully observed the subtle changes in the starting stage.

When he saw the appearance of the transformed demon soul and set up a shocking formation, his expression changed slightly.

Even if what you see is only the phantom of the big formation, you can still feel the extraordinaryness of the big formation, but the transformed demon soul seems to be slashed and wiped out by a transformed sword.

The three masters were secretly surprised, and couldn't help sighing that the academy really had hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there were such masters of swordsmanship. Could it be that Ziyang Sanren, who created the yin and yang swordsmanship, returned to the academy?

Suddenly, the second transformed demon soul appeared and escaped into the large formation. After some devouring, the transformed demon soul directly broke into the devil infant realm, and its mana fluctuations became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the head of the mountain seemed to have some movement, directly broke through the big formation, and then the Heavenly Tribulation showed its power, and sent down the robbery thunder, directly splitting the transformed demon soul.

Seeing this, Baiyunlou understood a little bit, the head of the mountain had concealed the scene of the fight between himself and the two junior sisters at that time, saving himself unnecessary trouble.

Seeing this scene, the monks in the back mountain also understood the intention of the head of the mountain, and they would not question it aloud.

At this time, the head of the mountain stopped the scene in the sand table~www.readwn.com~ and reproduced the big formation, talking loudly about the flaws of the big formation and the way to crack it.

It was also mentioned that at that time, using the restrictions of the heavens, after breaking through the large formation, Tian Jie sensed the appearance of the transformed demon soul of the magic infant stage, and then sent down the thunder to kill.

Now that the restrictions of the Dao of Heaven have been broken, this method should no longer be available. Maybe during the Heavenly Tribulation, they will face the transformed demon soul at the infant stage. If so, it is best to find some fellow practitioners and kill the demon together.

After beheading the devil, you need to leave the field immediately, so as not to be affected by the next catastrophe.

That big formation is the technique formation used by the transformed demon soul. Now that he knows how to break the formation, he will be able to deal with this formation in the future.

Then the head of the mountain continued the Taoist performance, perfectly reproducing the last series of nine purple thunders.

The aura of the nine purple thunders made the headmasters of the three sects change their colors one after another. This level of thunder intensity is not something they can bear.

Seeing the mountain chief condense out the golden sword and soar into the sky to meet the robbery thunder, the three sect masters secretly realized that it was a kind of sublimation of state of mind.

Overcoming the forty-nine heavenly calamities is actually a catastrophe in the heart, and one must have an indomitable and tenacious Taoist heart in order to break the shackles in the heart.

The tribulation thunder turned into a pond of thunder, and the head of the mountain resolutely plunged into the pond of thunder, and it was even more courageous to suffer the pain of body training from the pond of thunder.

Then the scene where the head of the mountain led all the disciples of the back mountain to recite the Haoran Sutra in the thunder pond also deeply shocked the monks of the three major sects.

Seeing the Heavenly Destiny Pillar appearing from the mountain leader, and seeing the misty air escaping into the bodies of all the monks present, it seemed that the spiritual aura of the disciples in the entire academy was greatly enhanced, and they became more excited at once.

In the last scene where the mountain chief subdued the robbery thunder, the monks of the three sects witnessed the birth of a strong man in the earth fairyland, and all of them were full of excitement and amazed.

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