"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

As soon as the head of the mountain closed his mind, the sand table returned to its original state after a burst of spiritual power fluctuations.

Seeing that the three master teachers seemed to be still savoring the power of the tribulation thunder, the head of the mountain directly raised his hand and released a phantom of a golden bell, releasing a thick purple light, which entered the thunder pit in front of him.

I saw this purple lightning glow wandering away from the thunder pit, and gradually merged into a thunder pool.

The eyes of the three sect masters lit up, and Ling Xiaozi's figure flashed into the thunder pool, and thunder bursts were startled immediately.

Ling Xiaozi was surrounded by clear light, but he was no match for the penetration of purple electricity, and traces of electric light flickered across Ling Xiaozi's body.

But seeing that his spirit is solid and his body is unimpeded, this level of purple thunder and lightning can still be tolerated.

Shan Chang said: "This purple thunder is only a fraction of the power of the last thunder disaster."

"One point of the power is already like this, and it is a hundred times stronger, which is really unimaginable." Ling Xiaozi sighed.

The head of the mountain caressed his beard and said with a smile: "Because for thousands of years, no soul in the human world has survived the forty-nine heavenly calamity, and its accumulation of heavenly power is very rich, so this thunder calamity has doubled its power."

"Now that the limitations of the Heavenly Dao have disappeared, the power of the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulations will be halved."

Ling Xiaozi made some calculations, his expression lifted, and he said, "If that's the case, as long as you are well prepared, there is a chance of a breakthrough."

"Fellow Daoist Lingxiao, I have long guessed that Fellow Daoist has the ambition to break through the realm. Here are three Nascent Soul Pills, which are given to Fellow Daoist as a gift of breaking through the realm."

As he said that, the head of the mountain took out a bluestone box from his bosom, handed it to Ling Xiaozi, and said, "This stone box has the function of isolating the breath from escaping. Before taking the elixir, don't open the stone box."

"This bluestone box is quite miraculous. If the medicine is used up, please return this stone box to the academy."

This sapphire box was refined from the skin of large sapphires by Baiyun Building, and more than a dozen were left for the academy as spares, so the head of the mountain naturally regarded it as a treasure.

"The academy is really extraordinary. I didn't expect to refine the Yuanying Pill. Ling Xiao remembered the stone box." Ling Xiaozi sighed very much, and reached out to take the stone box.

Such opportunities cannot be politely postponed, and it is just to return to this fate in the future.

"Yuanying Pill..." The Raging Flame Sect head teacher beside him exclaimed.

Can't help sighing inwardly, Raging Flame Sect has been famous in the cultivation world for thousands of years with the art of alchemy, but now it is difficult to refine even the elixir of the golden elixir stage, and the academy has directly refined the Yuanying elixir.

After receiving the Yuanying Pill, Ling Xiaozi no longer had the slightest blockage in his heart, jumped out of the thunder pond and walked to the side of the mountain leader.

He smiled and said: "It is a great honor to come to the academy to discuss Taoism today. If you don't dislike Xiaodao's low mana power, Xiaodao will use the academy's sand table magic weapon to perform the Taoism."

The head of the mountain gave a long smile: "It will only be the honor of my academy disciples to be taught by fellow Taoist Lingxiao."

After speaking, he raised his hand to sacrifice the golden bell, and collected the purple thunder and lightning glow in the thunder pool.

With fluttering sleeves, Ling Xiaozi looked like a fairy, he flicked his whisk and walked up the sand table.

Ever since he saw a destiny method left by Ling Xiaozi in the depths of his memory, Baiyunlou's affection for Ling Xiaozi, including the Zixiao faction, has doubled.

Seeing that the head of the mountain gave Ling Xiaozi three Yuanying pills, Baiyunlou was also quite relieved.

These three Nascent Soul Pills should be ordinary Nascent Soul Pills. For more than a month, Baiyunlou has not shown up in the academy, so it must be refined by the Fire Master.

Master Huo was sitting next to him, and Baiyunlou found out that it was indeed the case, but when the ordinary Yuanying Dan became a pill, he didn't see Dan Jie coming to disturb him, which saved Xia Shigu, who was protecting him, some tricks.

After a little thought, Baiyunlou whispered to Master Huo that he had a predestined relationship with the head teacher Lingxiaozi, and he wanted to refine a batch of top-quality Yuanying pills with all his heart.

The Fire Master nodded slightly in response.

At this time, Ling Xiaozi walked to a formation on the sand table, and after a little induction, he knew the key to the use of this sand table.

After thinking for a while, Ling Xiaozi sat cross-legged on the sand table, and after a while, there was movement on the sand table.

A mountain peak appeared above the sand table, a vigorous old tree stood obliquely on the top of the peak, and Ling Xiaozi's figure appeared on a bluestone slab under the tree.

The entire peak exudes a breath of spring, and the vigorous old tree also sprouts new green shoots, and Ling Xiaozi under the tree is also exuding a vigorous atmosphere.

As the aura fluctuates slightly, the scene is slowly changing.

In the twinkling of an eye, it seems to be summer, and the scorching sun is coming, but the dense branches and leaves of the old trees leave a shade on the peak.

Under the shade of the tree, Ling Xiaozi's breath was strong, but he didn't show any signs of irritability. It was like a touch of coolness under the scorching sun, and there was calmness in his majesty.

Then the scorching sun seemed to lose its power, and the rustling autumn wind blew by, the green leaves turned from green to yellow, and finally the trees were full of dark red autumn leaves.

As the leaves fell piece by piece, the breath of Ling Xiaozi under the tree also fell little by little, and gradually this breath became more and more similar to the breath of the big tree.

When the last leaf fell on his body, Baiyunlou couldn't feel Lingxiaozi's breath in his spiritual sense.

In Baiyun Tower's spiritual perception, Ling Xiaozi was already a fallen leaf.

As the breath of winter became more and more intense, flakes of snow fell on the peak, the ancient trees, and Ling Xiaozi.

The ancient tree is covered with snow, and the Ling Xiaozi under the tree seems to have already become a part of the ice and snow. With the snow and ice covered, even if it is sensed with divine sense, it is just like a snowman~www.readwn.com~ See here Baiyunlou and Junior Sister Xia felt the most, and they couldn't help but glance at each other, thinking of the sprouting power emanating from the jungle of the manor.

However, Ling Xiaozi showed a more harmonious adaptation.

With the arrival of a hint of spring, the snow melted and fell, revealing the bare branches and the figure of Ling Xiaozi.

At the same time, the branches of the tree and the figure under the tree showed a hint of sprouting.

Like a frozen river gradually melting, strands of life flow out through the body, as if they are one body, heaven and man are one, and another reincarnation begins.

As the breath of the sand table fell, the scene in the sand table gradually dissipated, and all the monks who watched had a sense of unfinished business.

Even the disciples of the Zixiao sect saw such a thorough and realistic Taoist performance for the first time. It turns out that this is the unity of heaven and man taught by the master on weekdays, and Taoism follows nature.

Ling Xiaozi waved his big sleeves, and strolled back to the seat where the Dao was discussed, but the traces of Dao Yun that were consistent with the Dao still seemed to be lingering in the field.

After a while, the monks in the field came back to their senses, and the head of the mountain took two steps forward, bowed to Lingxiaozi and said, "Daoist Lingxiao really has come a long way on this road, I admire you."

"The head of the mountain has won the award."

"The Daoist performance by Shanzhang and fellow Daoist Lingxiao is really eye-opening. Next, the little brother will show his shame. It must be far from the cultivation level of the two Daoists, so don't laugh at it." At this moment, he stepped onto the sand table, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

The head of the mountain returned the courtesy and said: "Friend Daoist, you are joking, the fire technique of Raging Flame Sect has its own unique features."

The head teacher of the Raging Flame Sect stepped forward slowly, walked to the fire formation, and started the fire performance with a wave of his sleeve.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the Raging Flame Sect, who came up to directly evolve the way of changing and purifying the fire element.

The sand table circle was instantly filled with red and yellow flames, and started to swim around with the idea of ​​the head teacher of the Raging Flame Sect.

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