"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

The wandering red and yellow flames hovered endlessly in the sand table, devouring each other, bursting out bursts of dazzling light, and the heat wave was billowing.

As the flame light group became less and less, the color of the flame gradually changed, turning into yellow and white. It can be seen that the flame is hotter.

The condensing and devouring between the flames did not stop, and finally condensed into a huge group of yellow and white flames.

At this time, I saw the Raging Flame Sect's head teaching method pinch, and the condensed yellow-white flame shrank suddenly, and immediately shrank to 30% of its original size, and the color of the flame also changed to a blue color.

"Well, all methods return to the same goal. Although the condensing techniques are different, the condensed effects are not too different." Bai Yunlou thought to himself.

This method of condensing fireworks is basically the same as the real fire technique in the back mountain of the academy.

However, it seems that the condensing in the sand table is not over yet, a stream of spiritual energy wraps the blue true flame and spins itself.

As time passed, the speed of the flame's rotation became faster and faster, and the fire essence aroused from the surroundings poured into the flame one after another.

At this time, the monks in the field could not feel the temperature of the fireworks at all, as if all the temperature was sealed by a layer of rotating barrier.

All of a sudden, the color of the firework slowly changed as it spun, from blue to blue-purple.

Gradually, a flame of blue inside and purple outside was condensed, and the purple firework became more and more brilliant, and finally turned into a whole body of purple, a slightly transparent flame floating in the air.

At this moment, it seemed as if the barrier that trapped the flames was instantly burned out, and a powerful wave of scorching spiritual power scattered in all directions.

The head of the mountain sealed the surrounding area of ​​the sand table with powerful mana in time, so that the fluctuation did not affect the monks present, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the faint purple fire appeared in the world, the sky eyes of Baiyun Tower were all open, only to see the fire essence in the back mountain flowing into the purple fire like a sea of ​​rivers.

The head teacher of Raging Flame Sect suddenly raised his hand, sealed up the flame with a spell, and took out a spirit treasure in the shape of a clay pot to store it in it. Judging by his careful appearance, it seems that this purple flame was not easy to come by.

After putting away the purple fire, the head teacher of Raging Flame Sect couldn't help showing joy, bowed his hands to the head of the mountain and said: "I didn't expect that the sand table magic weapon in the academy is so miraculous that it can assist in refining the baby fire, and the fire spirit in the cave in the academy Qi is abnormally sufficient, and this is a success.”

"Baby fire? This purple fire is actually the baby fire that can only be refined by monks in the fairyland in the legend?" Shan Zhang asked curiously.

"Exactly, the Raging Flame Sect has a formula for condensing infant fire, which can condense infant fire at the golden core stage, and the effect of alchemy is very good, but it is very difficult to condense infant fire, and it is difficult to refine it. A stable infant fire." The head teacher of Raging Flame Sect said with a nod.

"I didn't expect that the sand table magic weapon refined by the academy could perform the formula of condensing the infant fire more smoothly, and the fire essence in the cave of the academy is abnormally sufficient, so this time the condensing infant fire can be so smooth and harmonious. Quick."

The condensing of this infant fire was beyond Baiyunlou's expectations. I also knew that the infant fire was a fairy fire commonly used by monks in the earth fairyland.

But after Baiyunlou got the Samadhi True Fire, he didn't take the baby fire very seriously.

But this time, after seeing the real baby fire, I realized something. It seems that the baby fire is the most suitable fairy fire for cultivation base and Yangshen cultivation.

I have seen the condensing method taught by the head of Raging Flame Sect and used it as a reference. With the strength of the Yang God now, it should not be difficult to condense the baby fire.

While thinking about it, Baiyun Tower looked at the fire master beside him, and saw that the fire master seemed to have fallen into a state of epiphany. He should have observed the baby fire condensing just now, and had a momentary insight.

This means that these sects are on good terms with each other, otherwise they would have used secret magic powers in front of so many disciples of other sects.

Worried that the Fire Master who was in the epiphany would be disturbed, Baiyunlou's divine sense stretched out, and an invisible mask directly covered the Fire Master.

The slight fluctuations in the spiritual sense made Ling Xiaozi on the opposite side feel something, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Baiyun Tower, sensing the existence of the protective spiritual consciousness cover, and also saw the fire master who was enlightening.

The enlightened fire master was nothing, but the young man opposite, who only had the cultivation of the foundation stage, was able to display the supernatural powers only after the divine consciousness transformed into form, Ling Xiaozi couldn't help but take a second look.

While thinking about it, the young man raised his eyes and looked over, and nodded to himself, Ling Xiaozi looked at it with a sense of kindness, although he was puzzled, there was a sense of joy spontaneously, and he couldn't help but also smiled and nodded .

At this time, the voice of the head teacher of Raging Flame Sect came from the field asking: "Master Shanchang, I don't know if the academy will undertake the task of refining this sand table magic circle."

Hearing this, Ling Xiaozi couldn't help paying attention. It should be much more convenient to use this magic circle to give his disciples Dao performances or insights.

The head of the mountain laughed when he heard the words, and said loudly: "Naturally, after this Dao Discussion Conference, you can go to Feiyang to make an appointment. He is the president of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and now the academy's alchemy and tools are also provided by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. assigned tasks."

Hearing this, the little fat man quickly stood up ~www.readwn.com~ and greeted the head teacher of Raging Flame Sect.

At this time, the monks and disciples of the three major sects realized that the president of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, which has been famous throughout the Great Xia for the past few months, is actually this little fat man in front of him.

Surprised, he couldn't help becoming very interested in the several academy disciples sitting on the seminar seats. The academy with several Jindan stage monks actually allowed four young disciples to sit on the seminar seats to watch the ceremony. So simple.

With the matter of the sand table magic circle settled, the head teacher of the Raging Flame Sect returned to the discussion table contentedly.

Seeing the return of the head teacher of the Raging Flame Sect, Xuan Xuanzi, the head teacher of the Xuanling Sect, stood up and said: "This school doesn't have any special insights or supernatural powers, and the only thing that can be used is the Royal Beast, and the little girl Caiwei will show it off." Come on."

The head of the mountain happily replied: "I heard that the head teacher of Xuanling has a jewel in his palm who is good at controlling beasts. He has already broken into the foundation building stage at a young age. The future is limitless. It is also good for the little friend Caiwei to show the way of controlling beasts." It is an honor for the disciples of the Academy."

While talking, the sixteen or seventeen-year-old female cultivator sitting not far from Junior Sister Xia stood up.

Standing up this time, Baiyunlou couldn't help sighing, this should be the legendary seven-point appearance and ten-point figure.

Xuanling taught Caiwei who walked into the arena, her heroic face showed a bit of delicateness, and she was already quite handsome, but with her slender long legs and Miaoman's provocative figure, she looked more vivid .

Baiyun Building was enjoying the room, when Junior Sister Xia leaned over and whispered, "Brother, this sister is in good shape."

"In the eyes of the senior brother, the junior sister's figure is the most perfect." Bai Yunlou replied with great certainty.

Hearing the senior brother's deep tone, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but feel a little more confident, but he still secretly decided to ask Xiao Hualing if he had time to see if there were any melons and fruits that could replenish his figure.

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