There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 207: Master Sister's Transfiguration

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

A moment later, a cloud of mist appeared outside Qingyun Cave, and in a moment of thought, Baiyun Tower opened the mountain gate magic circle of Qingyun Cave.

As the magic sword slowly entered the Qingyun Cave, Caiwei was stunned by the floating mountains that appeared in the clouds.

Although she had a hunch that the place where the goddess lived must be extraordinary, but the scenery here was beyond Caiwei's imagination.

So he asked Xia Chaoyang weakly: "Junior Sister Chaoyang, does Big Sister Qingchi live here? If I take the liberty to come here this time, there won't be any problem."

"Eldest brother is the head of the Qingyun sect. Senior brother said it's okay, so it should be fine, right, senior brother?" While talking, Xia Zhaoyang asked senior brother Bai uncertainly.

"The head? Junior Brother Bai is actually the head of this fairyland cave." While speaking, Cai Wei, who was always in a hurry, seemed to regain some courage.

Bai Yunlou turned his head and said with a smile: "Unless Senior Sister Qingchi is particularly interested, she usually seldom cares about the disciple's entry...Huh?"

While speaking, a rainbow light turned into a beautiful arc and covered Caiwei who was looking around, and then the rainbow light dissipated, and the figure of Caiwei on the ice crystal sword had disappeared.

"Well, it seems that this Miss Caiwei has attracted the interest of the elder sister..." Bai Yunlou said with his hands spread out.

Xia Zhaoyang whispered: "Well, the big sister won't do anything to sister Caiwei, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm still clear about Elder Sister's temperament." The old **** of Baiyun Tower said on the ground.

While speaking, his spiritual sense scanned the cave, and finally sensed the aura of Senior Sister Qingchi in the small bamboo building next to a waterfall.

Well, Miss Caiwei's aura is also there, and Baiyun Tower sensed the incredible scene. I didn't expect that Senior Sister Qingchi was doing something to Miss Caiwei, as if she was very interested.

Seeing the speechless scene, Baiyunlou quickly withdrew his divine thoughts, and said with some lack of interest: "The elder sister is looking for Caiwei to understand the situation, let's go to the spirit beast peak and wait."

A while later, the four came to the Spirit Beast Peak with their swords. As soon as they arrived at the Spirit Beast Peak, they felt that the atmosphere here was not right.

"Huo Ling'er..." Baiyun Tower seemed to smell a fragrance, and couldn't help shouting.

"Here we come, senior brother." Nuo Nuo's voice sounded, and an orange-red figure flashed over, with two bare feet stepping on two **** of fire, standing volleyed in front of Baiyun Tower, it was Huo Ling'er.

Seeing the big pig leg in Huo Linger's hand, Baiyunlou said with a smile: "Junior Sister is really excited, and she's coming to the Spirit Beast Peak again for a tooth sacrifice."

"Eldest brother, this time Little Fire Spirit has been confirmed for a long time. This wild boar really has no spirituality, it can only scream and hum, and I did it in the end." Huo Ling'er quickly explained.

Baiyunlou smiled and took Huo Ling'er's hand, and said as he fell down, "Junior Sister Huo Ling, you should go straight to the wild boar on this peak, haha..."

"These are ordinary wild boars that your senior brother Feiyang found. They don't have the slightest spirituality. They can be raised for a period of time at most, and the meat will be more delicious."

While talking, a few people walked to a stream, and on a special barbecue grill, they were leaning on some fragrant ingredients.

There are not only neatly divided pieces of meat on it, but also some processed herrings, and even a lot of vegetables coated with green salt.

There are a lot of fresh ingredients neatly placed on the table beside it, it seems that Nangong Xiaojing has taught Huo Linger a lot on weekdays.

"Junior Sister Huo Ling, today's interest is too high, why did you prepare so many delicacies?" Bai Yunlou asked suspiciously.

Huo Ling'er tilted her head and said: "Sister said, I haven't eaten something delicious for a long time, so I made some more."

"Okay, by the way, it's also cheaper for us. Junior brothers and sisters, let's tidy up together. Wait for the senior sister... I'm done with my work, let's get together. It seems that we haven't had a gathering under the Qingyun sect for a while."

After finishing speaking, Baiyunlou raised his hand and released sections of refined bamboo ware directly by the stream. These sections of bamboo were automatically put together, and finally assembled into a complete and brand new small bamboo building.

Baiyunlou nodded in satisfaction, and told his juniors and sisters to get busy.

Previously, the Sea of ​​Consciousness Barrier had limited space, so Baiyun Building referred to the refining method of the flying boat, and took the time to refine this split-style small bamboo building with mechanism techniques and weapon refining techniques.

But now the Sea of ​​Consciousness Barrier of Baiyun Building has a radius of more than ten feet, let alone a small bamboo building, it can accommodate a few more.

In a moment of thought, Baiyunlou directly refined this detachable small bamboo building. Since the sea of ​​consciousness enchantment is large enough, it will be more convenient to refine the small bamboo building into a whole in the future.

The little fat man and Xia Chaoyang helped turn over the ingredients on the grill, while Huo Ling'er focused on controlling the fire.

Dongfang Ziyan had nothing to do, she raised her hand and threw out a few water spells to clean the ingredients on the table.

Just after refining the small bamboo building, Baiyunlou's spiritual sense sensed it. He looked up at the cloud on one side, and saw a rainbow light streaking across, and the figures of Senior Sister Qingchi and Caiwei appeared in front of the small bamboo building.

When he saw Senior Sister Qingchi, Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled, the figure of Senior Sister at this time is too... plump.

Baiyunlou turned his head to look at Miss Caiwei, who still had a bit of shame on her face secretly understood the reason for the change of Senior Sister Qingchi.

"Senior Sister... that's too much." Bai Yunlou couldn't help but say.

Qing Chi turned around and murmured, "I think it's okay, Senior Sister..."

"It's over, it's really over." Bai Yunlou replied with certainty.

"Really? That's fine." Hearing the affirmative tone of the sect master, Senior Sister Qing Chi hesitated for a moment, turned around, and a burst of mist disperse, and her figure was indeed somewhat normal.

Looking at the senior sister who has regained some of her former demeanor, although she is still a little plump compared to her previous figure, she can always be seen, and she can't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Xia Chaoyang, who was at the side, said enviously: "Senior Sister Qingchi's figure has become better, her divine body is really powerful, and you can change it if you say it."

"Little Chaoyang, would you like me to help you change your form?" Senior Sister Qing Chi said enthusiastically.

"No, no, I still have to pretend to be a man and study in the academy." Xia Chaoyang said hurriedly.

Seeing Caiwei at the side, Xia Chaoyang quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Elder Sister, this is Sister Caiwei from the Xuanling Sect. I heard that the spirit beasts and white cranes in the cave were sent by them."

Senior Sister Qingchi waved her hand, and the little Cloud Swallowing Beast lying in Caiwei's arms floated into her hand.

While rubbing the snow-white hair of the little Cloud Swallowing Beast, Senior Sister Qingchi said, "My senior sister noticed it when you entered the cave, but why didn't you see this little Caiwei last time?"

"Xiao Caiwei, look at my juniors and sisters, all of whom have extraordinary cultivation levels. Would you like me to help you and this little one improve your cultivation bases?"

I heard from the elders of the school before that this goddess can improve her cultivation level by raising her hand. If this kind of good thing happens today, she might as well try it, and she nodded in agreement.

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