"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Hearing Miss Caiwei's crisp response, Baiyunlou turned around and walked towards Xiaozhulou, saying that he wanted to repair the tables and chairs.

"Brother, wait for me." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help trembling, and ran into the small bamboo building with his brother.

The little fat man quickly lowered his head and concentrated on turning over the barbecue on the grill.

Dongfang Ziyan looked very indifferent, but when she raised her hand, a cloud of water cloud shield lightly covered the table and grill.

Caiwei, who was already sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, was about to close her eyes and concentrate on receiving the baptism of the divine light. When she saw the disciples of the Qingyun sect avoiding her, she felt something was wrong in her heart.

Just as he was wondering, he saw a smile in the eyes of Senior Sister Qingchi, and a thick divine light fell straight down from her raised hand.

Without any accidents, Miss Caiwei froze all over, and the little cloud-swallowing beast in her arms also froze, and the two figures fell sideways at the same time, trembling.

Intense itching and endless soreness filled every inch of her body. Regret, a thin word, could no longer describe Caiwei's feelings.

It seemed like several years had passed before the feeling of soreness, numbness, itching and helplessness gradually subsided. Suddenly, two white lights fell down, and Caiwei couldn't help twitching conditionedly.

But this time it's no longer itching, but a refreshing feeling of relief, which completely removes the remaining soreness.

Turning over, Caiwei climbed up from the bluestone, feeling clear physically and mentally, and her cultivation had really broken through to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Recalling the uncontrollable feeling just now, I still couldn't help but tremble all over, and looked up at Senior Sister Qingchi with a trace of fear in her worship.

However, he still took the first two steps and bowed to Senior Sister Qingchi.

It seemed that someone finally took the initiative to accept the baptism of his divine light. Qingchi looked very satisfied, nodded slightly, and with a flash of figure, he went to the second floor of the small bamboo building to find Bai Shidi for tea.

Looking at the small bamboo building not far away, Caiwei was stunned for a while, and suddenly the corner of her skirt was pulled. Looking down, she saw the little Cloud Swallowing Beast, with two **** eyes, looking pitiful. look at yourself.

It seems that this big mouth has also been baptized, and he couldn't help but hug him and comfort him with a warm voice.

Looking out, he saw that the divine light baptism outside had finished, Xia Chaoyang jumped out of the small bamboo building in a flash.

A few steps came to Caiwei, and asked with a smile: "Sister Caiwei, is it very uncomfortable, last time I was hit by a divine light in the dream of the master sister, and I almost couldn't breathe."

Hearing that Junior Sister Chaoyang also suffered from this, Caiwei couldn't help but feel better, and replied casually: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little itchy."

"Wow, Elder Sister Caiwei is really amazing, I can bear this feeling, then join Qing Yunmen too, if you have nothing to do, ask Senior Sister Qingchi to help you baptize her, then her cultivation will definitely increase rapidly." Xia Zhaoyang said enviously.

"Not for the time being, the Xuanling Sect is also short of manpower, and those little disciples have to be restrained by my senior sister." Cai Wei hurriedly replied.

But he secretly thought in his heart: No wonder these juniors and juniors are all so cultivated. With this goddess-like senior sister by her side, as long as they can endure the bone-eating pain and itching, their cultivation can really improve by leaps and bounds.

In fact, what Miss Caiwei didn't know was that only Xia Chaoyang had been baptized by accident once among the four in front of him, and the others had their current cultivation bases due to their own circumstances.

Looking at the cute little cloud-swallowing beast in Caiwei's arms, Xia Chaoyang said: "Sister Caiwei, there are two big cloud-swallowing beasts on the Spirit Beast Peak, they are too timid, please help to take a look, if possible, the last It’s better to refine the body shape to be smaller.”

"That's no problem. Where are they? Why didn't you see them when they came here?" Caiwei asked suspiciously.

"They usually stay in the cave. With Huo Ling'er around, how would they dare to come out." Xia Chaoyang looked at Huo Ling'er, who was seriously grilling meat.

After thinking about it, Xia Chaoyang said to Huo Linger: "Little Huoling, please help call those two big guys over."

Hearing the senior sister's words, Huo Ling'er immediately became interested, and said: "Okay, look at little Huoling, those two big guys are very obedient."

As he spoke, he turned his body, two small fireballs rose from his feet, hung in the air, found a direction, and shouted softly: "Big Fatty, Er Fatty, come here quickly."

This move couldn't help but startled Miss Caiwei. I didn't expect this good boy to have such a cultivation level. Hey, it seems that the Qingyun Sect is really good. I just thought it was like that, so I hurriedly killed the entry into the Qingyun Sect. thought.

At this time, Huo Ling'er in mid-air saw that the two big men hadn't moved, and suddenly became a little angry, and couldn't help raising his voice slightly: "Big Fatty, Er Fatty, if you don't come here, I'll go and roast you."

As soon as these words fell, there was the sound of giant beasts running from the other side of the mountain.

Only then did Huo Ling'er sat down satisfied, and returned to the grill to start grilling the meat again.

After a while, two Cloud Swallowing Beasts, more than one foot tall, appeared at the edge of the forest not far away, looking very timid.

Xia Zhaoyang laughed, and waved to the two cloud-swallowing beasts, and the two giant beasts slowly walked up to them~www.readwn.com~ Sister Caiwei, look, these two big guys are not small, But he was too timid. Originally, he wanted these two cloud swallowing beasts to guard the mountain gate, but it turned out to be so embarrassing. "

"Uh..." Caiwei looked at Huo Ling'er, and thought to herself, with this high-cultivated and greedy little doll around every day, how dare they be bold.

After thinking for a while, he said, "In this way, I will first use my supernatural powers to make their sizes smaller, and then pass on my beast-monitoring supernatural powers to my junior sister. That should be all right."

After finishing speaking, Caiwei made a formula with both hands, and one after another magical powers penetrated into the bodies of the two swallowing clouds.

With the entry of the magic formula, the size of the two swallowing cloud beasts gradually shrunk, but it was difficult to shrink after reaching a height of more than two feet.

After a while, Caiwei accepted the formula, and said helplessly: "These two cloud swallowing beasts have limited aptitude, so they can only be reduced to this size."

"The cloud-swallowing beast's aptitude is rather strange. Generally, the better the aptitude, the smaller it can shrink."

"So that's the case, but this body shape is much more pleasing to the eye. The previous appearance was too large, and it was an eyesore."

Xia Chaoyang was quite satisfied with the transformed shape of the two cloud-swallowing beasts in front of him. He even gently scratched the curly fur of one cloud-swallowing beast, and nodded happily.

Afterwards, Caiwei also taught Xia Chaoyang the method of controlling beasts.

Then he instructed: "As long as Junior Sister uses the spell on these two cloud-swallowing beasts every day, it will be considered a success in one month."

"Ah, it will take a month, it's so troublesome." Xia Zhaoyang still wanted to spend more time with his senior brother in his spare time.

"According to past experience, one month is still needed."

"Sister Caiwei, as long as they are obedient and treat me as their master, then their courage will return to normal?" Xia Zhaoyang asked after thinking for a while.

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