There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 209: The Way of Demon Cultivation

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Caiwei replied with certainty: "Yes, as long as they become their masters, they will gradually have confidence in their hearts. Not only will they be very obedient, but the fear in their hearts will gradually dissipate."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "That's easy."

After finishing speaking, he drove the two rather timid Cloud Swallowing Beasts aside, and for the first time took the initiative to display the supernatural power awakened when breaking the boundary, Shenlong Roar.

With the experience of a hundred birds following each other last time, Xia Chaoyang didn't want to attract wild boars all over the mountain this time, so he only used his supernatural powers on the two cloud swallowing beasts in front of him.

This supernatural power really worked, with a soft growl, a moment later, the two cloud-swallowing beasts shook their heads, as if they had woken up a lot. When they looked up and saw Xia Chaoyang, their long ears pricked up, and they ran to the side of their master to snuggle up.

Hearing the roar of the junior sister's supernatural power, Bai Yunlou came to the junior sister in a blink of an eye, and Xia Zhaoyang proudly showed the two cloud-swallowing beasts to the senior fellow.

Let the two cloud swallowing beasts stand up, sit down, or even roll over, all of them are obedient and obedient.

Sure enough, the smaller Cloud Swallowing Beast is much more pleasing to the eye, and even Baiyun Tower dislikes the huge body before.

Seeing the two cloud-swallowing beasts change their appearance, Fatty and Huo Ling'er put down their work and came to the side to join in the fun.

Senior Sister Qingchi seemed to be in high spirits too, she stepped on a cloud of mist lightly with her toes, and floated to the side of several people.

Looking at the two pony-sized Cloud Swallowing Beasts, he said with great interest: "Xiao Chaoyang's supernatural powers are amazing, and Xiao Caiwei's supernatural powers are also very good. Cloud Swallowing Beasts of this size are more eye-catching." .”

Caiwei at the side couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the Qingyun sect is indeed like-minded.

In the past, the two cloud-swallowing beasts were a bit bigger, so they were ignored and left to fend for themselves. Now that they are a little more cute, their interest has greatly increased.

Caiwei thought secretly, as if she was the same, otherwise she wouldn't have picked a little cloud-swallowing beast that couldn't even fly among all the rare animals.

While thinking about it, I saw Senior Sister Qingchi raised her hand and punched a few magic tricks into the three cloud-swallowing beasts.

Caiwei couldn't help being startled, thinking that the three spirit beasts were going to suffer another pain, but Tunyun in her arms struggled and jumped down, came to Senior Sister Qingchi, and nodded to her in salute.

The other two larger Cloud Swallowing Beasts also paused three times at Qing Chi.

Baiyunlou seems to have realized something, it seems that the senior sister passed on some amazing supernatural powers to the three cloud-swallowing beasts on a whim.

Sure enough, after a while, the three cloud-swallowing beasts began to swallow clouds and mist on the spot, and gradually the clouds and mist enveloped their bodies, and after a while, the clouds and mist rose up.

The Cloud Swallowing Beast in the cloud also floated steadily in the cloud. This change shocked Miss Caiwei.

I couldn't help but said, "Ah, my big mouth can ride clouds..."

The three cloud-swallowing beasts hovered in the air for a while, and gradually learned how to control the clouds under their feet.

Among the clouds and mist, three cloud-swallowing beasts wandered back and forth on the top of the mountain.

The two larger Cloud Swallowing Beasts, whose cultivation was at the Void Core Realm, drifted for half a cup of tea before feeling exhausted.

The little cloud-swallowing beast called Big Mouth is already at the demon core level, and it is very easy to control the cloud in mid-air.

Recently, Baiyun Tower has read a lot of classic books, and has a lot of understanding of the cultivation realm of the Yaozu.

As long as the general monster clan has opened up their spiritual wisdom and condensed out the demon core, they can be considered as stepping into the ranks of demon cultivators.

The demon cultivator who condensed the demon core at the beginning is very weak, and is called the demon cultivator of the condensed core state by the ancient monks. The demon cultivator at this stage generally only knows very simple demon techniques.

For example, the red carp in the Liuhua River, and the white wolf encountered in the desert sea, are all demon cultivators of the Condensed Alchemy Realm, but the white wolf's cultivation level is higher.

After the Condensation Core Realm is the Void Core Realm. With the practice day and night, the demon core in the Yaozu's body becomes stronger and stronger, and it will usher in a transformation. This transformation is just like the human race breaking through from the Qi Condensation Stage to the Dao Foundation Establishment Stage.

Demon cultivators in the Void Core Realm will awaken some powerful supernatural powers when they have a breakthrough in their cultivation base. However, demon cultivators in the Void Core Realm generally refine their demon bodies during this period to lay a solid foundation for future cultivation.

Not seeing him for a while, the white wolf in the desert sea may have broken through to the Void Core Realm.

The two cloud-swallowing beasts in front of them are at the Void Core Realm. Now that they have entered the eyes of Senior Sister Qingchi, their cultivation will definitely increase rapidly in the future, and sooner or later they will be able to be poured into the Demon Core Realm.

After the virtual alchemy realm is the demon alchemy realm, and the strength of the demon cultivators in the demon alchemy realm is just like that of the golden alchemy stage monks of the human race.

However, the human race not only has the inheritance of spells, but also powerful magic weapons, so it is difficult for ordinary monster races to gain the upper hand against human monks of the same level.

If a demon cultivator in the demon core realm has a great opportunity to break through the realm of the great perfection of the demon core in one fell swoop, it will lead to the catastrophe of transformation.

Most of the catastrophes of the monster race are thunder catastrophes. This thunder catastrophe is like the four or nine heavenly catastrophes of the human race. Unless they have great luck, they will turn into ashes under the catastrophe.

But once they pass through the catastrophe of transformation, under the rules of heaven, the Yaozu will have a chance to transform, which is a great opportunity for the Yaozu to cultivate.

Some monster races are close to the human race, and when they transform into human form, they often transform into human form, because the human race is very intelligent, not only has the inheritance of enlightenment and the skills they practice are closer to the Dao.

If a demon cultivator who has transformed into a human race worships under the sect of the sect of cultivation, he must cultivate the Dao, and once he cultivates to a great extent, he will be able to achieve the Dao of the Yaoxian.

Some monster clans are greedy for the monster body, and strengthen the monster body multiple times when transforming into form. They insist on cultivating the way of the monster clan, and if there is a great opportunity, they can also cultivate the way of the great monster.

Generally, the monster races in the depths of the 100,000 mountains and the deep sea mostly cultivate the way of the monster body.

There are also monster races who are dull by nature, bewitched by demon souls, and then fall into the way of demons and become demons.

Demons are deeply demonic and often do many evils. They are not only chased and killed by the cultivation world, but also abandoned by the heavens. From ancient times to the present, it has never been heard that any demon who fell into the demonic way can survive nine or nine demon calamities.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Baiyunlou couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The Qingyunmen in ancient times was just a simple sword cultivator sect. When he came to his place, there were not only human races, **** races, demon races, but also a little flower spirit born in the fairy court. interesting.

While thinking about it, Senior Sister Qingchi said: "Huo Ling'er, it's all baked. The aroma makes my sister hungry. It just so happens that the Qingyun Sect has arrived neatly today. Let's start eating quickly."

"Arrived in order?" Baiyun Tower couldn't help thinking about it, and sure enough, Nangong Xiaojing was leading Bai Zhan standing on a magic weapon of clouds and had just entered the mountain gate.

Baiyunlou couldn't help sending out a divine thought, telling Xiaojing to come here, and then beckoned to the younger brothers and sisters to put all the delicacies on the grill on porcelain plates, and put them on the square table in Xiaozhulou.

Caiwei, who was still a little dazed by the little cloud-swallowing beast's supernatural powers, was pulled up by Xia Chaoyang and walked to the small bamboo building. She didn't expect that there were more surprises waiting for her in the small bamboo building.

In this small bamboo building, all kinds of unseen melons and fruits suddenly appeared, as well as pastries from all corners of the country. What was even more amazing was that at some point, an elf flew over, and Caiwei was dazzled by the sight.

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