"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Seeing that the junior sister is no longer interested, Baiyunlou secretly heaved a sigh of relief. In fact, the junior sister has now cultivated the strength of the soul of the primordial spirit, and she is protected by the little flower spirit, so there will be no distracting thoughts.

However, although it will not be disturbed by distracting thoughts, the experiences and perceptions in those different illusions are real.

Because Xiaojing wants to practice the illusion, she needs to thank her for her experience and understanding. Only in this way can the illusion she created move people's hearts and become more real.

Xiao Xiyue is purely playful, if she really wants to go into a dream and experience several different lives, she is afraid that her temperament will change.

After a while, Xiaojing came back to her senses, stood up and walked in front of Baiyun Tower, bowed and said crisply: "Thank you, Senior Sect Leader."

Bai Yunlou smiled, and said: "It is also necessary for fellow disciples to help each other. Isn't Xiao Jing also helping Junior Brother Bai Zhan cultivate his soul?"

Hearing the senior brother mention this matter, Xiao Jing remembered that the purpose of returning to Qingyun Cave today was actually for this purpose. Seeing that senior brother Bai Zhan was a little sleepy, he quickly pulled him up, and was in a hurry to get up against the clouds.

Hearing that Xiaojing was going to Wenxin Pavilion, Caiwei stood up and said that she would also go and have a look.

Xiaojing hurried on her way, and pulled Caiwei up to Yuntou.

The little cloud-swallowing beast behind it was so anxious that it turned straight in front of the small bamboo building, and suddenly remembered that it already had the supernatural power of driving clouds, so it quickly spewed out a few mouthfuls of clouds, stepped on it, and chased after the little master from the cloud.

On Yuntou, Caiwei asked with a smile: "Sister Xiaojing, there are extra four-flavored wines, I want to buy some from my sister, and give them to the head and elders of the pie."

Xiaojing heard that Caiwei was interested in the fine wine she brewed, so she became interested for a while, and turned around and asked, "Sister Caiwei, what kind of wine do you like?"

This question is so sharp, Caiwei couldn't help but pause, thought for a while and said, "Actually Burning Soul..."

"Sister Caiwei really likes Burning Soul. You can tell when you see her figure. Burning Soul is the best match for her. It's hot and refreshing." Xiaojing is very satisfied with her vision.

"Uh... yes, Burning Soul is very good, of course my sister likes it, but you should also buy some of the other three flavors, there are always some juniors and younger sisters in the pie who have a softer taste." Caiwei replied in a nasty voice.

"No problem, I have brewed quite a lot in the past half month, and it is enough to sell ten jars of each kind to my senior sister."

"Hot and refreshing..." Baiyunlou withdrew his divine thoughts and murmured.

Xia Chaoyang couldn't help being startled when he heard this, he smiled and nodded his brother's arm and said, "What did you overhear again, brother?"

"As the head of the Qingyun Sect, I secretly observe the temperament of the disciples under the sect. Isn't it convenient to give pointers? Otherwise, Elder Ren Xiaojing practiced indiscriminately, and if something happened, he would have to worry about it." Bai Yunlou's face straightened, very Seriously returned to my junior sister.

Junior Sister Dongfang had been eating and drinking calmly tonight, when she suddenly heard the senior brother slap her face, she couldn't help but smile.

"Indeed, Xiao Jing was really reckless this time. Fortunately, senior brother discovered it early, but now that he has obtained the magic weapon of Yuanshen, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise." The little fat man said with some fear.

Xia Zhaoyang was also a bit belated and said: "Xiao Jing is really dangerous this time, senior brother, do you think there is nothing wrong with us?"

Baiyunlou Zhuangruo nodded seriously and pondered for a while, then said, "Is there a way to test it?"

"What way?" Xia Zhaoyang asked curiously.

"Just now, Xiaojing's four-flavored wine, have you tasted all of them, which one do you like the most, is it your favourite?" Bai Yunlou asked a little playfully.

Huo Ling'er, who was a little drowsy at the side, suddenly heard the senior brother's question, and couldn't help cheering up, and replied casually: "The hottest one."

For a while, Xia Zhaoyang laughed, hugged Huo Ling'er in his arms, and said with a smile: "Little Huoling, when did you drink secretly?"

"Sister Xiaojing secretly gave me half a cup to taste just now, it's delicious." Huo Ling'er replied softly.

"Little Huoling, Elder Sister often falls into dreams now, you can't break the ice belt by drinking too much, or you will be in trouble." Xia Zhaoyang persuaded softly.

Xiao Huoling obediently agreed, but still said, "I'm not full tonight."

Baiyunlou was speechless for a while, but he still raised his hand to condense a rather solid phantom of the fairy fire, and sent it to Huo Ling'er's mouth.

Looking at the fairy fire full of fairy spirit, Huo Ling'er burst into joy, swallowed it in one gulp, and murmured: "This is delicious."

It seemed that Huo Ling'er had been fed in one fell swoop.

Xia Chaoyang saw that he was sleepy again, and sent Huo Linger to the bamboo couch on the side of the bamboo building, but Huo Linger resisted the drowsiness and got up and said, "I want to find my sister."

Since the sword energy hall awakened once, Huo Ling'er has become more and more dependent on the elder sister.

Baiyunlou hugged Huo Linger and sent him to the cloud bed on the top of the bamboo building. Huo Linger snuggled up next to Senior Sister Qingchi and fell into a deep sleep.

Back downstairs, Baiyunlou said: "Let's leave too, it's late, let's practice and go to sleep each other?"

Xia Zhaoyang pulled the elder brother and said, "Senior brother, we haven't answered the question just now?"

"Okay, Xiao Xiyue, first tell me ~www.readwn.com~ which flavor do you like?" Bai Yunlou asked with a helpless smile.

"I like lingering best, brother, is there any problem?"

"Don't worry, what about Junior Sister Ziyan and Feiyang, which one do you like?" Bai Yunlou rubbed Junior Sister Xia's hair and asked the two junior sisters.

The little fat man replied without hesitation: "That burning soul is the most refreshing to drink."

After thinking for a while, Dongfang Ziyan also replied leisurely: "I like that green plum, I have liked green plum since I was a child."

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and said: "The result is as I thought, and there is no problem. Okay, Xiao Xiyue, you are satisfied now."

"Senior brother, you haven't said it yourself, what kind of taste does senior brother like?" Xia Chaoyang said in a charming voice, pulling Baiyunlou.

"As a senior brother in charge, of course I like them all."

"No way, Senior Brother, I have to choose one. Senior Brother, which one do you like?" Junior Sister Xia's voice became more and more numb.

Baiyunlou couldn't take it any longer, and turned his head to feel a little overwhelmed by the food, and the little Hualing lying on Xiaoyun's bed said: "Little Hualing, it's half past the hour."

Xiaohualing turned over and sat up on Xiaoyun's bed, directly commanding Xiaoyuntuan to float in front of the little master.

Xia Chaoyang's curiosity suddenly collapsed, and he said, "Senior brother is so shameless, he said he wanted to answer which one he likes the most..."

Seeing Xiaohualing's big lotus seed appearing again, Xia Chaoyang hurriedly said: "Got it, Xiaohualing, let's practice, let's go..."

At this moment, a word came to his ear, Xia Zhaoyang immediately smiled happily, and turned his head and said to senior brother: "Senior brother, I went to practice in the small bamboo building of Lingzhu Peak, hehe..."

"Understood, let's go quickly." Baiyunlou shrugged, this little Xiyue went directly to Lingzhu Peak to practice, and emphasized where to go, which is too obvious.

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