"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Baiyunlou turned his head back somewhat embarrassingly, and the little fat man said: "Senior brother, my younger brother has been practicing swordsmanship recently, and I have gained a lot of insights. If my senior brother is free, I would like to find a place to guide my younger brother."

It was rare for the little fat man to ask him to practice swordsmanship, and Baiyunlou readily agreed.

Suddenly, the Dragon Scale Sword flashed out, and Bai Yunlou stepped forward, wanting to go away with the sword.

The little fat man hurriedly took off the big meteoric iron sword on his back, and also stood up with the sword.

As soon as he moved forward, a sound transmission sounded in Baiyunlou's ears: "Brother, take it easy..."

Immediately, the sword light of Baiyun Tower flickered, and he almost fell on the spot. He quickly focused on the sword, and led the little fat man to the floating mountain where flying sand and rocks flew, but he still passed on a divine thought to go back.

"Senior brother has his own measure..."

Seeing Senior Brother Bai's embarrassment, Dongfang Ziyan smiled, and in a thought, she also got up with the sword and went to the waterfall to practice.

Yu Jian was halfway there, the little fat man caught up and asked: "Senior brother is sleepy, I just saw senior brother's sword light shaking, if you are sleepy, it will be the same if I go to give advice tomorrow."

"How could it be, senior brother is in high spirits now, let's go, let senior brother see how Feiyang's swordsmanship is doing during this period of time."

After finishing speaking, the sword energy of the Dragon Scale Sword at the foot of Baiyun Tower unfolded, forming a sword gang, wrapping up the little fat man, and with a flash of golden light, the two of them fled away for several miles.

After fleeing three times, the two of them appeared in front of a floating mountain.

"Brother, what kind of escape method is this, so fast?" The little fat man asked in surprise.

Bai Yunlou replied with a smile: "This is the golden light escape in the five elements escape method. If it is Yujian, it will attract sword energy and thunder if it falls quickly. This escape method comes quietly, and the speed is faster."

"By the way, Feiyang, how is your practice of earth escape?"

The little fat man replied: "It's already small."

"That's good, Feiyang, I'll go down and stand still, you just use your sword to attack." After Bai Yunlou finished speaking, he dodged directly into the sandstorm in the floating mountain in front of him.

There is a large earth formation in this floating mountain, and sand and rocks are flying inside it. Baiyun Tower has also come here to practice several times, so it is quite familiar.

Raising his hand to put away the dragon scale sword, Baiyunlou pulled out a Lingzhu sword from the scabbard, held it lightly, and a cyan sword was attached to the sword.

The protective zhenqi has already been activated, and the flying sand here is covered with huge boulders. If there is no zhenqi to protect the body, he can't even breathe freely.

Raising the sword and flying the boulder fragments that were thrown one by one, Baiyunlou stood still in the place where the wind and sand were strongest.

Seeing his senior brother getting ready, the little fat man moved his body, raised his meteoric iron sword, and charged directly at Senior Brother Bai.

The meteoric iron greatsword slammed down with a powerful aura, and Baiyunlou used the spirit bamboo sword to catch it, then took the meteoric iron greatsword and the little fat man on it aside.

The little fat man hurriedly jumped off the big sword, and his figure flashed into the wind and sand.

In this large formation, the little fat man's veins of the earth and Xiaocheng's method of earth escape are like a fish in water, and he has no fear of these boulder fragments raging in all directions.

Although Little Fatty doesn't know the strength of senior brother, he also knows that with his current cultivation, even if he exerts all his strength, he can't hurt senior brother.

Thinking of this, the little fat man had no reservations, and showed what he had learned. The meteoric iron greatsword brought forth a lot of sword energy, and used its Liangyi yin and yang swordsmanship to slash in front of Senior Brother Bai.

While dealing with the boulder fragments, Baiyunlou took the little fat man's sword moves one by one.

From the sword moves of the little fat man, Bai Yunlou quickly saw the sword moves and sword ways he was good at. It can be said that the little fat man's sword moves are very unique, that is, reckless.

It's no wonder that the little fat man has the body training technique of the acquired Dzogchen realm, and when dealing with the techniques of ordinary monks, he can directly use those few open and close moves, which are sometimes more effective than some exquisite sword moves .

That being the case, let's be reckless, anyway, there is capital, Bai Yunlou fought against the little fat man, and at the same time pondered the sword moves suitable for the little fat man.

After a while, Baiyunlou got hesitant, so he called the little fat man to stop, and asked him to take the attack in the wind and sand formation, and attack by himself.

The little fat man stood still in the wind and sand, holding his big sword and waiting for his brother's sword to strike.

Baiyunlou replaced the Meteorite Sword, imitating the little fat man's cultivation and sword intent, and attacked on the spur of the moment.

Because he had already figured out the Liangyi swordsmanship, within a short time, Baiyunlou quickly found out that the nine-stroke swordsmanship is quite suitable for the little fat man.

These nine moves of the sword are all open and close sword ways, with the little fat man's sword intent, Baiyunlou felt a hearty pleasure.

These nine moves were used in turn under the sword of Baiyun Tower, combined randomly, sometimes cutting towards the little fat man, sometimes towards the huge boulder flying from the side.

The little fat man saw the meaning of the elder brother's pointing, and swung his sword to resist, while feeling the changes in the elder brother's sword moves and the essence of the sword.

Recently, the little fat man has been practicing swordsmanship assiduously, and he is quite proficient in the thirty-six moves of the Yang Road sword move. Seeing that the senior brother is only using the nine moves that are most convenient for him, he gradually came to his senses.

It turns out that these nine most convenient moves are enough, and they can create endless move combinations by alternating and matching with each other.

In this gust of wind~www.readwn.com~ Baiyunlou's sword moves became more and more smooth. Unexpectedly, while teaching the little fat man the sword skills, he had a new understanding of the way of the sword.

The sword moves were performed smoothly, and Baiyunlou simply used the method of earth escape while performing the sword moves, and shuttled among the boulder fragments.

Gradually, this sword move connoted the meaning of a gust of wind, and it seemed to merge with the wanton wind.

Sometimes it breaks through rocks, sometimes it throws out sword moves with the force of wind and sand, and it can even break through the ground with a sword style.

For a while, the little fat man was in a hurry, and his body was cut countless by the sword moves left by the elder brother, but it also made the little fat man see his own advantages in such a special environment.

In the struggle between life and death, nature will do anything to the extreme.

Bai Yunlou comprehended the way of the sword amidst the vertical and horizontal sword energy, and the little fat man gradually made considerable progress.

During the last Heavenly Tribulation, the little fat man's soul gained a lot. Recently, the reaction speed of his consciousness has been far faster than that of his body, and now he finally has the opportunity to exercise.

Under the pressure of Senior Brother Bai's sword, the little fat man tried his best to dodge and resist, and gradually he was able to dodge a move or two, and even raised his sword to fight back for a while.

Half an hour later, the little fat man was out of breath, Baiyunlou put away his sword in satisfaction, and after greeting the little fat man, he raised his sword light and headed towards Lingzhu Peak.

The little fat man sat cross-legged on the spot, resting in the big formation, while comprehending the sword move and sword intent he had just comprehended.

A stream of light passed by, and the Baiyun Tower landed in the small bamboo building on the edge of the Lingzhu Peak. Seeing that Xiao Xiyue was still cultivating hard, she couldn't help but smile peacefully.

Walking to the other side of the couch, Baiyun Tower tidied up a bit, then sat cross-legged on the bamboo couch, and started today's practice.

Before practicing, Baiyun Tower carefully watched the Taoist performance on Jinmai Peak yesterday several times in the sea of ​​memory, and gained a lot.

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