"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

The observation and perception in the memory sea has expanded the sea of ​​knowledge for several miles. Now the sea of ​​knowledge in Baiyunlou has more than 150 miles, and the expansion of several miles has made Baiyunlou very satisfied.

A few days ago, at the bottom of Yiyi Pool in Yunxiao Manor, the whereabouts of Jinxing and Muxing immortal materials were detected, and Baiyunlou had a new plan for refining the Five Elements Golden Pill.

Jinxing's immortal material is in Kunlun Mountain. If there is no accident, you can go to visit after the comprehension conference.

The wooden fairy material is more troublesome, it is still within the forbidden area of ​​Qingqiu Monster Clan, if it is stolen, there is a way with the power of Baiyun Tower, but the two countries are at war, if it is stolen rashly, it may cause unexpected Trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower decided to wait for the next year and wait for an opportunity to visit.

Since there is still time, Baiyun Tower does not intend to rush to break through the realm of cultivation, and decides to train his body with all his strength first.

Now that the innate body has just been completed, the refining progress of the innate body is very slow, and it just needs a lot of innate energy and time to refine it.

With this thought, Baiyunlou went all out to train his body.

After practicing for a whole night, Baiyunlou regained consciousness and saw a pair of bright eyes.

The warm sun in late autumn shone softly on Junior Sister's face, and those bright eyes seemed to be imprinted in the bottom of Baiyunlou's heart.

Bai Yunlou embraced the junior sister, buried his head in the soft hair of the junior sister, immersed in the fresh and intoxicating fragrance, but secretly revealed a thought in his heart, this should be regarded as a sense of proportion.

In the next month or so, it seemed as if he was back in the rhythm of the academy, practicing, studying, enlightening, and accompanying his junior sisters.

He even took the time to accompany his junior sister to see Xiaoni a few times. In Baiyunlou's eyes, watching junior sister play with this little girl for half a day is more interesting than tasting tea and watching the clouds.

During this period of time, the innate body is being refined step by step, and the practice of poetry and archery is also going smoothly.

With the in-depth study of poetry, Baiyunlou has a deeper understanding of the truth and power contained in those famous poems. They are the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors and a treasure in the inheritance of the human race.

Words are really a kind of magical thing. If a thing is passed on orally, the artistic conception and the essence may be very different.

But with words, maybe a few words can describe it exactly.

With the study of poetry and prose, Baiyunlou's comprehension of some exercises and spells became more thorough, and even his mind changed slightly.

This is a kind of growth of mind. The study, encounters, and perceptions of the past year have all gradually settled down during the study of poetry and prose.

The practice of archery can be said to be progressing rapidly, and the practice of archery in Baiyun Tower has left the disciples in the entire Jianzhai, including the teacher, speechless in shock.

In the first half of the month, the archery instructor could give some pointers, but in the second half of the month, it was Baiyunlou who was practicing and understanding the way of archery, and even improved the magic circle of the cliff cave shooting range.

When comprehending the way of arrows, Baiyunlou tried to close the five senses, and did not use clairvoyance, but only sensed with divine sense.

At first, he was not very used to it, but as he practiced slowly, Baiyunlou actually detected the trajectory of the arrow mark with his divine sense.

Once you have a beginning, you can explore along this road.

The arrow marks seemed to be tearing apart a thick layer of veil, and gradually a swaying bamboo shadow appeared in the divine consciousness, a bull's-eye marked by the divine sense appeared, and finally the trajectory of Qingfeng appeared impressively.

These should be the trajectory of the Dao, which can only be perceived with the heart, and of course a strong divine sense.

It took Baiyun Building nearly half a month to achieve this, and it was also the last time in Yunxiao Manor that he saw the shortcomings of Tianyantong, so he decided to continue practicing arrows to try to cultivate divine consciousness.

After some experimentation, there were indeed some gains. Baiyunlou faintly felt that these dao marks that were found out now were only the fur of the Dao.

Perhaps in the cultivation of divine perception, this gain can only be considered as an introduction, but it also gave Baiyunlou hope. This is a road leading to the origin of the Dao, and it is worth continuing to explore.

In the cliff cave shooting range, Baiyunlou used the five-element magic circle to strengthen and improve it. Not only is the protection stronger, but it can also continuously repair the broken pits blown out by arrows and spells.

In the cliff cave, there is an additional sound-proof array, so random bursts of fire will not affect other students' practice.

The most important thing is that the head of Baida is rich and powerful, and he directly presented countless spirit stones and arrows to Jianzhai.

Now the Baiyun Tower in the eyes of the archery instructor seems to be shining with golden light all over his body.

Now the opportunity for archery to shine in the academy finally came. The archery instructor waved his hand directly, and there was only an unlimited supply of arrows in the Yadong shooting range, so he could shoot with all his strength.

This also made it easier for Baiyunlou to practice arrows. In order to have a better feel, Baiyunlou refined the longbow into a treasure first, making the bow body and strings stronger.

Even Baiyun Building has refined more than a dozen treasure-level arrows. The body of the arrow is made of light spirit bamboo, the tip of the arrow is made of a small piece of meteorite, and the tail of the arrow is made of a spirit bird. tail feathers.

Fortunately, the refined arrows have only been refined by Baiyun Tower once, and they can be recalled and reused with spiritual thoughts, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

With the treasured longbow and arrows, Baiyunlou tried a variety of true qi combinations in the Yadong shooting range~www.readwn.com~ The five elements of true qi have their own advantages. The penetrating power is extremely strong, and the air of fire has the meaning of bursting, which can have greater destructive power.

After many attempts, Baiyunlou had a lot of insights. In fact, after Baiyunlou cultivated the Yangshen, no matter what kind of true energy was poured into the arrowhead, it was not as powerful as the direct injection of Yangshen's power.

After being infused with the power of the Yang God, it not only has stronger penetrating power, but also greater destructive power, and as the power of the Yang God poured into the arrow tip increases, its formidable power can become even greater.

As long as the power of the Yang God is wrapped in a ray of divine sense, the trajectory of the arrow can be slightly adjusted, and the speed of the arrow can even be increased.

With these experiments and insights, today, Baiyunlou couldn't help but pull out the dragon scale sword to compare it with the flying arrow.

Since cultivating the Yang God, Baiyun Tower has become more comfortable and relaxed in controlling the sword. With the sword tactics unfolded, the dragon scale sword made a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

The current sea of ​​consciousness has a radius of more than 150 miles, and the Dragon Scale Sword easily fled to about 300 miles before it was a little difficult. In a thought, Baiyun Tower returned the Dragon Scale Sword to the sky.

It took a full cup of tea to return the Dragon Scale Sword from three hundred miles away.

Then Baiyunlou tried to use the same divine sense and Yangshen power to attach it to the tip of a Lingzhu arrow, and randomly found a direction facing north and shot it.

Spiritual Mind followed the arrow light to the north, and feeling the speed of the arrow, the body of the arrow was much smaller, and indeed it was much faster.

Moreover, the divine mind can slowly push forward with the power of Yangshen along with the momentum of the arrow, and as it accelerates, the speed of the arrow body gradually stabilizes at about twice the speed of Yujian.

One hundred and fifty miles, three hundred miles, five hundred miles, until it was nearly a thousand miles, the divine sense felt that it was gradually becoming more difficult, so Baiyunlou controlled the arrow and only slowly slowed down, and the arrows nailed each other. On the cliff.

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