"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

On the way down the mountain, the three of them walked leisurely, and Junior Sister Xia briefly explained Luo Yu's situation.

Luo Yu, Xia Shimei has always called him Luo Xiaoyu, a well-known **** in the imperial city of Kyoto, whose father is Luo Zhan, a well-known general protecting the country.

Luo Zhan has made great military exploits throughout his life. For more than ten years, he has been guarding the northern border on the border of Beizhou, guarding the bitter cold land in the extreme north.

The Qingqiu demon tribe has invaded in the past ten years, disturbing the human territory. Luo Zhan led monks and soldiers to stop them from outside the territory for several large-scale disturbances.

Luo Zhan is not a monk, but his peerless martial arts has reached the realm of perfection, and with all his strength, he can compete with Jindan monks one or two.

Due to the agreement between Daxia's comprehension world and Qingqiu's demon clan, the human race of Jindan realm and the demon cultivator of Yaodan realm are not allowed to cross the border to attack each other, otherwise they will use the power of the whole country to enter and kill each other.

It was precisely because of this agreement that Luo Zhan's peerless martial arts were able to be used. He displayed his might in the northern border and killed countless monsters who invaded.

However, it is also because Luo Zhan has been guarding the northern border, his son has been neglected to discipline him, and he has been pampered by his mother since he was a child. When he grew up, he hung out with a few dudes in the Imperial City of Kyoto all day long, and developed a somewhat extravagant temperament .

In the end, it seemed that Luo Zhan, who was far away in northern Xinjiang, heard his son's dandyism, and went directly to Emperor Xia, asking the royal family to discipline him.

This time Luo Yu, who had always been idle, was arranged clearly. At least on the surface, he restrained a lot. I heard that he has been studying at the Kyoto Academy for the past two years, so he should have learned a little bit.

Luo Zhan's name is Baiyunlou, but he didn't expect to meet the son of the general's family today.

Although we met for the first time, he looked like a dandy, with a bit of frivolity between his brows, but Baiyunlou looked at his soul more, and his soul was not vain, and there was a bit of tenacity. If you give more training, It is also a talent that can be created.

While the three chatted, they returned to the Xiangfang courtyard in the middle of the mountain, and met the little fat man and his attendant Meteor at the gate of the courtyard.

There was no shooting star for a while, so Baiyunlou asked a few words casually.

It turned out that the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce was fully involved in the schedule and market of this comprehension conference. Although it was the first time it appeared, it seemed to be a blockbuster, and it seemed to be a new force that cannot be ignored in the comprehension world.

According to what the little fat man said, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce not only has a great influence in the human world and the cultivation world, but also has the support of the royal family behind it. Presumably, the academy and the Daxia royal family have a deep relationship.

In addition, the elixirs in the Alchemy Pavilion of the Academy and the various novel instruments refined by the Artifact Pavilion were also handed over to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce for sale.

Meteor is the manager of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce this time. He came to Xuanyin Temple half a month ago and was busy early in the morning.

After the little fat man finished his brief explanation, several of them went back to the fasting room together, this time Meteor was finally willing to have the fast meal with the little fat man.

The morning vegetarian meal in Xuanyin Temple is indeed a delicious vegetable porridge, served with crispy side dishes marinated in special sauces, Baiyunlou is very satisfied with it.

After finishing the vegetarian meal, they returned to the courtyard. Baiyun Tower asked the disciples of the academy to go back to their rooms to tidy up, and then gathered under the ginkgo tree.

After half a stick of incense, all the disciples from the academy had arrived, and even Caiwei rushed back, so Baiyunlou asked the little fat man to tell everyone about the itinerary of the cultivation conference, so as to deal with it.

The so-called Cultivation Conference actually means that nearly all sects in the comprehension world of the Great Xia Kingdom gather in one place every three years to communicate and learn from each other, so that the various sects can learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses.

Cultivation here does not specifically refer to Taoist cultivation, as long as it is a school of practice, it is included. For example, Xuanyin Temple is for cultivating Buddhism.

Xuanyin Temple was chosen for this comprehension conference. The conference lasted for four days. On the first day, all sects or casual cultivation alliances gathered in one place to introduce new disciples to each other.

Each sect or fairy alliance will send one or several monks to perform spells on the field to add to the fun, and by the way, show the style of each sect.

The second day is the opening day of the Cultivation Square Market. All monks can buy and sell in the market, and can also barter things, even exchanging cultivation skills, but they cannot buy or sell by force.

On the third day, nine arenas will be set up, and the nine sects will be responsible for guarding the rings, and other sects can challenge at will.

In this way, not only can the strength of the nine sects be displayed, but also the monks can learn from each other and learn from the competition of skills to improve their cultivation.

These first three days are basically the practice of every comprehension conference, and every comprehension conference is basically arranged like this.

The fourth day is arranged by the host sect of the Cultivation Conference. Generally, each has its own characteristics, and it is basically not until the end, so the itinerary of the last day will not be announced.

This arrangement also made the monks of each sect full of curiosity and anticipation for the last day.

Many young disciples understood the itinerary of this trip after listening to Brother Feiyang's narration, and they were immediately full of curiosity about the special activities on the fourth day, wondering what exactly Xuanyin Temple had planned for this time.

However, this kind of curiosity was quickly dispelled by the surprise of the elder brother's arrangement.

The first day and the second day are okay, at most it is to see the world, to see how elegant the nine major cultivation sects are, or to visit the Xiuzhen Square City to see rare things.

As a result, on the third day, the senior brother actually asked all the young disciples in the condensing period to go to the ring, and every young disciple had to go to the ring, and even the ring of each sect at least once, saying that it was to show the strength of the academy. style.

At this moment, all the young disciples were speechless for a while in surprise.

Junior Sister Lanzhi, who was just at the early stage of Qi Condensation, asked Senior Brother Feiyang a little nervously: "Senior Feiyang, what is the cultivation level of the monks who are generally guarding the ring? Is it the middle stage of Qi Condensation?"

The little fat man replied: "Those nine sects in the cultivation world are not like our academy. There is no such thing as past and current disciples. Many disciples are very old, and their cultivation bases are different."

Recently, the little fat man has done a lot of research on the various sects and cultivation conferences in the cultivation world, and he knows this.

"In order to maintain the face of the Nine Great Sects~www.readwn.com~ at least they will send out monks who are above the late stage of Qi Condensation. Of course, the older Foundation Establishment monks will basically not play."

"Ah, in the late stage of Qi Condensation, how can I fight? I guess I can't push them standing there." Lanzhi suddenly said with a sad face.

Bai Yunlou stood up at this moment and said: "Do you have to despair if you know you can't win? No, as a student of the academy, wherever you go in the future, don't have any thoughts of despair."

"Today, senior brother is here to teach you a lesson. When facing an invincible opponent, there are two paths to choose from. The first path is to retreat to advance."

"The so-called advancing by retreating is actually turning around and fleeing. When the strength is strong, come back to regain face."

Seeing the astonished expressions on the faces of the young disciples, Bai Yunlou pressed his hands together, and continued, "Of course this is only a choice to be made in the face of a meaningless fight, and if you want to turn around and flee, you have to have an escape." It's up to you."

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