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"Eldest brother, what are the meaningless fights?" Junior sister Lanzhi asked weakly.

Baiyunlou asked suspiciously: "Have you taught all these inner courtyard teachers?"

"Junior Sister entered the inner courtyard late, and has been practicing and doing chores in the Alchemy Pavilion, and missed a few times of fighting skills..."

"Okay, this is more complicated, so senior brother can only briefly talk about it. In the future, Junior Sister Lanzhi must go to the martial arts class to listen carefully. Every monk must leave the academy." Baiyunlou said helplessly.

"What the elder brother taught me is that Lanzhi has memorized it."

Bai Yunlou sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "In fact, there is no clear description of the meaningless fight. There are three most important things for monks, life, face, and magic weapon."

"If it's for the sake of face and magic weapon, facing an opponent who knows he is invincible and going forward, this kind of fight is usually a meaningless fight."

Speaking of this, Baiyunlou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "But as a Daxia monk, life is not the most important thing. There is faith above life."

"If a monster invades the academy, will you go forward desperately to protect the weak classmates and friends around you?"

All the little disciples replied at the same time: "Yes!"

"If your family, relatives and friends are being bullied for no reason, in the face of the powerful, would you dare to stand up and speak out?"


"If the Daxia Kingdom is ravaged by demons and kills my Daxia creatures, are you going to kill the demons?"


Bai Yunlou nodded slightly and said: "This is faith. As a Daxia citizen, we have faith deep in our hearts. For it, no matter how terrifying the monsters are, or how powerful the powerful are, we must have the courage to fight to the death."

"A battle for belief is not a meaningless battle. So, Junior Sister Lanzhi, do you understand?"

Lanzhi nodded seriously and replied: "Junior Sister understands, this time when I return to the academy, I will definitely cultivate seriously. Although my aptitude is average, I still have the courage to fight to the death."

"Junior Sister is right." Bai Yunlou nodded approvingly and replied.

"I just said that when facing an opponent who knows he is invincible, there are two options. The first is to avoid unnecessary fights and turn around and run away."

"The second way is to face up to difficulties for the sake of faith. This time I let you go to the ring, I hope you have the faith to become stronger, so that you can see the gap, realize your shame and be brave."

Seeing a few young disciples who were still a little dazed and unsure, Bai Yunlou said with a smile: "Don't worry, senior brother, I have prepared for the matter of going to the arena, and I won't let you be killed by those high-ranking monks as soon as you go to the arena." One spell will defeat you."

"There's no point in that, and there's no gain."

Speaking of this, Baiyunlou raised his hand and took out a palm-sized jade circular array plate, on which exquisite gossip runes were engraved, and there was a faint flow of spiritual light.

Raising the array plate in his hand, Baiyunlou asked with a smile, "Have you all refined the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Talisman that was distributed to every monk before?"

All the little disciples nodded in reply, and the little fat man said: "Don't worry, brother, I will watch each of them refine them."

"That's good." Baiyunlou patted the little fat man and said in relief.

"This five-element and eight-diagram talisman is not a simple talisman for protection. It is useless to say more, while there is still an hour before the cultivation conference, Junior Brother Bai Zhan and Junior Brother Feiyang, you two will show the usage of this five-element and eight-diagram talisman. "

Bai Zhan stood up in response, and walked to the field in front of the ginkgo tree in the courtyard with senior brother Feiyang.

There is a fight to see, the emotions of these juniors and younger sisters suddenly became high, and they immediately scattered under the eaves of the incense house.

"A few days ago, I saw that my brother worked hard to refine many versions of the eight trigrams talisman. Is there any special usage in the last version?" Junior sister Xia asked curiously while picking up the five elements and eight trigrams talisman that had been improved many times.

"Junior Sister will know it just by looking at it, but Junior Sister has a body protected by fairy light, so I don't need this jade talisman to protect her body." Bai Yunlou replied with a smile.

While speaking, the two people in the field had already set their postures, but the little fat man turned his head to look at his senior brother, as if he was asking questions.

Baiyun Tower used the power of the Yang God to directly cover the entire small courtyard, and said to the little fat man: "Feiyang, except for the nine swords of the wind, you can use them at will. This courtyard is protected by my senior brother, so don't worry about hurting other juniors and sisters."

Hearing the protection of the senior brother, the little fat man felt relieved, raised his sword salute to Junior Brother Bai Zhan, and then condensed a sword energy and struck it out.

Recently, Bai Zhan has received a lot of advice from his senior brother about sword moves and sword intent. This latest version of the five elements and eight trigrams talisman was also developed in cooperation with his senior brother. Now it can be said that he can deal with this level of attack with ease.

So he turned slightly, and when the little fat man's sword energy fell, there was a wave of fluctuations on Bai Zhan's body, and he bumped into the sword energy from the side in an instant, knocking the sword energy away, and a sword light slashed out.

The little fat man let out a sigh, raised his sword to catch the sword light, and then became serious. Although he knew that Junior Brother Bai Zhan had recently broken through to the late stage of Qi Condensation, he did not expect to catch his own sword Qi so easily.

It seems that junior brother Bai Zhan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds recently under the guidance of the senior brother, the little fat man suddenly became interested, raised his hand to condense a few chi-sized stones, and smashed them directly in front of Bai Zhan.

Not only that, he raised his hand and slashed out dozens of sword qi, and then he fitted himself up and rushed forward.

After this operation, Baiyunlou could see that his forehead was also a little bit supportive. This little fat man is good at everything, but he is too real.

Bai Zhan's figure flickered to avoid these stones and sword aura, and if he couldn't dodge the stones and sword aura, he burst out the wave of magic weapon and bounced it aside.

After refining the Five Elements Bagua Talisman, you can control the body shield light drawn from the circle at will. Of course, you can always turn on the body shield light, but that would consume too much mana.

Low-level monks have limited mana, and only by using every ounce of mana effectively can they deal with high-level monks.

It is precisely because of this that Baiyunlou came up with this shield light magic weapon that can operate flexibly. After many discussions with Junior Brother Bai Zhan, and several improvements ~www.readwn.com~, the current effect is achieved .

Although Bai Zhan's cultivation is not as good as that of senior brother Feiyang, his sword moves are not inferior at all, and with the help of the shield light, he is on the same level as senior brother Feiyang in the competition.

This is also because the Baiyun Tower restricted the little fat man from using the most familiar Kuangfeng Nine Swords, which made the little fat man's sword moves a bit difficult, so he could only rely on his cultivation and skills to fight with Bai Zhan's junior brother.

Although this competition was not as grand as in the last Taoist performance, it was real and intuitive. The flying stones with sword energy almost rushed towards the disciples around them.

At the beginning, a group of disciples cried out in surprise and avoided them one after another. As a result, when the flying stones with sword energy approached them, they seemed to hit a layer of dark red light curtain, and then disappeared without a trace.

It was only then that the group of young disciples realized what the senior brother had just said about being protected by him. This kind of supernatural power was not something that ordinary foundation-building monks could display. stand up.

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