"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"I just urgently sealed the fairy lotus enchantment, but still escaped a lot of demon souls, senior brother, what happened to mother, what happened to the outside world?" Ziyan asked at the end of her thoughts.

"Zi Yan, don't worry. Auntie is stable for the time being. Chaoyang is looking after her outside. Everything outside is normal. Senior brother came in time. The devilish energy that came out has not hurt innocent people, and has been cleaned up." Biography of Baiyun Tower read.

"Ziyan, hold on for a while, and wait for the senior brother to go out and investigate." When they came to the ice crystal ball, the two of them felt a strong connection between their minds, and Baiyunlou already understood that Junior Sister Ziyan had been trying her best to seal the demon soul. Being restrained by too many divine thoughts, I have to go to Xianlian to find out how to get rid of the demon soul.

After passing the message, Baiyunlou wanted to escape to the ice crystal ball.

There are bursts of demonic energy outside the ice crystal ball, but they are all a distance away from the ice crystal ball.

Because the closer they got, the slower the movements of these demon souls would be. Once they touched the ice crystal ball, they would be frozen and shattered.

Ignoring the churning devilish energy, Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness hid in the sword gang and Yangshen's energy, falling towards the fairy lotus shining with fairy light.

As soon as Fang escaped into Xianlian, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but secretly sighed, he roughly understood the method of this demon.

In the lotus pod inside the fairy lotus, there is a magic eye of void, which seems to be connected to another world, and wisps of devil soul and devil energy gushes out from the magic eye like a blowout.

There is no such powerful demonic true soul in the entire enchantment, but the demonic energy is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more demonic souls are gathering.

No wonder Junior Sister Ziyan couldn't get rid of all these demon souls for a while, there were really too many demon souls.

Judging from the soul fragments scattered in the fairy lotus barrier, Junior Sister Zi Yan must have tried the broken mind supernatural power.

It is difficult to compete with this continuous stream of demonic souls only by relying on the power of the primordial spirit to seal the fairy lotus enchantment and display the supernatural power of broken thoughts.

With this in mind, Baiyunlou tried to use the sword gang to radiate a few rays of Yangshen's power, and then used the supernatural powers with thoughts, but it was effective, and a large area was emptied, but in an instant, it was filled with the gushing demon spirit and energy.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that Junior Sister Ziyan will struggle harder and harder, and even find it difficult to persevere. Most of the power of the Yang God engulfed in the dynamic movement of Baiyun Tower has formed a pure Yang barrier on the magic eye.

The air of pure yang on the enchantment is constantly circulating, which can be regarded as temporarily sealing the land several feet around the magic eye.

After observing for a while, Baiyunlou felt the pressure was increasing, and with a thought, he borrowed the power of the Yang God to perform a real fire technique, and condensed a bright flame of real fire in the Yang God's enchantment.

Afterwards, Baiyun Tower attracted several streams of fairy wood energy and sent them into the real fire, which immediately strengthened a bit.

The real fire, with a bit of agility, shuttled through the Yangshen enchantment, burning out one after another demon souls and demonic energy, and now the pressure on the Yangshen enchantment was much less.

It seems that the real fire can indeed restrain the demonic energy, but Junior Sister Ziyan doesn't have the talent of the fire pulse, otherwise it would be good to refine a real fire to suppress this place.

While thinking about it, Baiyun Tower sensed a few wisps of fairy wood energy pouring into the real fire, and the real fire, which was nearly half consumed by the magic energy, felt agility again.

It seems that Junior Sister Zi Yan sensed her attempt, and she also tried to test it out.

Watching the beating real fire, Baiyunlou's mind was shocked suddenly, yes, the so-called talent is not static, Junior Brother Meng Yu can refine and purify the mixed wood veins, and transform them into nearly half of the fire pulse talent.

Junior Sister Ziyan had only one point of innate wood veins before, but now it has been condensed to as much as 10%.

Thinking about it, relying on Zi Yan's talent, as long as she finds a suitable kind of fire, it is not a delusion to refine the talent of fire pulse with the help of the five elements of wood to make fire.

Thinking of this, Jian Gang, the imperial envoy of Baiyun Tower, fled back to the ice crystal ball, ready to discuss with Zi Yan.

"Senior brother, the way of wood and fire is also deduced by my junior sister. Without fire, it is difficult to create something out of nothing, but with the real fire that senior brother left in the Yang God barrier, it can last for a while."

As soon as he escaped to the body of Ziyan's primordial spirit, he received a message from his junior sister.

With the temporary seal of the Yangshen Barrier, the pressure on Zi Yan's soul was slightly relieved, but in order to completely eliminate these demonic souls, it is still necessary to find out the true nature of that demonic eye.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower Chuannian and Zi Yan deduced the cause of the magic eye.

After some deduction, the two roughly deduced the origin of the magic eye.

The supernatural power of this heart-seeding demon is very powerful. That night, in front of Xuanyin Mountain, the true soul of the demon thought dissipated nearly half of its breath for no reason, and then it was able to use this supernatural power.

That half-way of evil thoughts quietly hides in the newborn fairy lotus seeds. It has absorbed many breaths in the past month or so, including water spirit breath, innate wood spirit, fairy spirit spirit, and even the mysterious breath of soil.

The demon species that have absorbed many auras are contaminated with the aura of this small world, and with the help of the law of birth in this small world, the demonic thoughts cultivated also carry the aura of this small world.

However, the evil thoughts that were cultivated did not directly harm Zi Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, but took advantage of Zi Yan's momentary loss of consciousness to reveal the true shape of the evil thoughts, which may have shattered the devil seeds at that time, thus attracting The supernatural power of the Heavenly Demon condensed the demon seed into a demon eye.

This magic eye should be a magic law of void teleportation~www.readwn.com~, which transports the endless devil souls and devil energy in the void.

Fortunately, Ziyan reacted in time at that time, and found that the magic eye had not completely transformed, and still had the intention of expanding, so she made a decisive decision immediately and used the power of the fairy lotus barrier with all her strength, breaking the expanded shape of the magic eye, otherwise The demon soul he will face must be stronger.

The devil seed was derived from Ziyan's fairy lotus, and the devil's root was deep, and the devil's eye was originally transformed by the devil's seed, so the devil's eye and the fairy lotus are one, and it is almost impossible to destroy the devil's eye alone.

Maybe Senior Sister Qingchi can seal this magic eye, but she can't just go to Senior Sister when everything is in doubt.

It's better to try to solve it yourself if you don't have to.

Deriving the general root of the magic eye, and also having a preliminary sealing method, Baiyunlou said to Ziyan: "Leave the fire seed to the senior brother, and pass this understanding to the junior sister first to see if it helps."

Immediately, Baiyun Tower condensed a divine thought, and passed on the understanding of the evolution of the wood and fire veins that Meng Yu had observed.

In an instant, streaks of immeasurable light penetrated the dark devilish energy and fell on Zi Yan's soul in the ice crystal ball.

It seems that the junior sister has already begun to divide her thoughts and enlightenment, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and with a thought, Jian Gang turned into a stream of light and escaped from the fairy lotus barrier.

Seeing that his senior brother regained consciousness and opened his eyes, Xia Chaoyang hurried forward, but he didn't dare to make a sound to ask, for fear of disturbing Senior Sister Zi Yan's cultivation.

"It's okay, ordinary words can't interfere with Ziyan, it's just... Junior Sister Ziyan's sea of ​​consciousness..."

Baiyunlou briefly talked about the magic eye.

"This abominable demon, I didn't expect to escape half of the elder sister's hands last time. Senior sister Ziyan has suffered a lot. What kind of fire is mentioned by the senior brother? Where can I find it?" Xia Chaoyang hurriedly asked about it.

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