"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"Tinder, this may be suitable." While speaking, Baiyunlou's self-knowledge sea took out the sealed original real fire, and the bright red fireworks danced lightly, as if it contained infinite vitality.

"Chirp..." At this moment, the little red bird lying on Xia Zhaoyang's shoulder suddenly chirped twice.

Some eager birdsong made Baiyun Tower startled.

"Huo Ling'er can fuse with divine fire..." Ah Li hurriedly passed on.

"Fusion Divine Fire..." Baiyunlou murmured.

While speaking, he looked at Huo Ling'er, maybe he had sensed the breath of the true soul of the demonic thoughts just now, Huo Ling'er actually had a sign of going berserk, the same was the case last time in Xuanyin Temple, he was silent at first, and finally suddenly Divine fire broke out.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou hurriedly spoke out to comfort him: "Junior Sister Huo Ling, that demon soul has completely dissipated, but there is a hidden danger of the magic eye left behind. I wonder if Junior Sister Huo Ling can help senior brother deduce the method of sealing the fire seed?"

Hearing the elder brother mention the word "devil soul", Huo Ling'er turned her head to look a little numbly, and seeing the original real fire floating in mid-air, her eyes gradually became clear again.

Xia Chaoyang stepped forward to embrace Huo Linger, and softly explained the plight of Senior Sister Ziyan.

"Fire seed seal, burn out the demon soul..." Huo Ling'er finally woke up completely, looking at the original real fire, a divine light gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Brother, Huo Ling'er happened to have a lot of ways to play with fire in his mind today, and one method seems to be suitable, which is to use this original real fire to fuse several different true meanings of fire, so as to refine it into a unique one. flame."

"This kind of flame can be attached to any kind of breath with thoughts. As long as the burned breath is still there, this flame will continue to burn, and it will also absorb the burned breath to strengthen itself."

Baiyunlou said in surprise: "There is still such a flame?"

"Yeah, I swallowed a lot of fairy energy today, and this method of refining flames appeared in the mind of the little fire spirit... By the way, this flame also has a name, called Endless Fire." Huo Ling'er thought about it want to go back.

"Endless fire..., good name, if you really use this endless fire to make fire, you don't have to worry about Zi Yan's way of real fire." Baiyunlou sent the original real fire to Huo Ling'er while speaking.

"Eldest brother, let Sister Ziyan refine this source of true fire first, and then Huo Ling'er will fuse it with other true fire meanings, so that there is no need to refine and fuse the endless fire."

Hearing Huo Ling'er's words, Ah Li nodded repeatedly and chirped twice.

"Alright, it's not too late, senior brother will bring this original true fire to let Junior Sister Ziyan refine it." After saying this, he returned to the Rijin Wheel with the original true fire.

After some investigation just now, Baiyunlou found out the details of the demon soul, but this time he can do his best.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower re-arranged several double-yang **** barriers around the body, and poured a large amount of innate qi into the body's meridian orifices. Chunyang Jiangang for many days.

Today's Yangshen's body is almost solidified to the extreme, and the divine lines between the brows no longer have any influence, and it is already incomparably compatible with the Yangshen's body.

In a thoughtful moment, the original true fire was incorporated into the divine pattern between the eyebrows by Baiyunlou, and after taking its real shape, he nodded slightly to the two junior sisters, and then turned into a stream of light and escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness of junior sister Ziyan.

With the body of the Yang God, Bai Yunlou simply let go of his hands and feet, and after escaping into the fairy lotus enchantment, he directly used the method of conjuring souls to absorb pieces of demonic souls and demonic energy in front of him, and raised his sword to use the magical power of broken thoughts to kill them one by one. Chopped.

The demonic souls turned into fragments of divine souls one after another, and instead of absorbing them with divine patterns, they were allowed to scatter in the fairy lotus barrier.

The fairy lotus enchantment with a radius of more than ten zhang is not that big, and in a short while, Baiyun Tower has completely cleared the demon spirit and energy in the enchantment.

It's just that the lotus petals of the fairy lotus have been severely eroded by the devil's energy, and most of them are still black in color, but there is no serious problem for the time being, and I will make plans after Zi Yan refines the original true fire.

While thinking about it, there was a wave in the void beside Baiyunlou, and Junior Sister Ziyan's Primordial Spirit Body was standing gracefully aside.

Without the restraint of these demon souls, Dongfang Ziyan's primordial spirit finally escaped from the crystal ball.

After watching the magic eye in the Yang God barrier for a while, Baiyunlou released the original true fire from the divine pattern between the eyebrows, and said: "Zi Yan, try to refine this original true fire first, Huo Linger has a kind of The supernatural power can use this fire to refine endless fire, and it should be enough to seal this magic eye."

Zi Yan nodded slightly, thinking about the source of real fire, and sat cross-legged on the lotus pod beside her to refine it.

The refining this time is not a general magic weapon refining, but by using the true meaning of the original real fire, using the innate wood energy to ignite the wood-born fire, and then blending with the original real fire to make the original real fire truly Refined into his own real fire.

This is the method that the two of them deduced just now, and they just have to try it.

Dongfang Ziyan sits cross-legged in the void, while circulating the innate wood energy to surround the original real fire, and at the same time she uses her thoughts to comprehend. As the comprehension gradually grows, countless lights fall, and Ziyan finally realizes the real way of wood to generate fire.

Taoism is mysterious, and other people's words and appearances~www.readwn.com~ are far less real than one's own feelings. The mysterious feeling of the Dao being born together cannot be expressed in words.

While thinking about it, a small pale yellow flame rose from the innate wood energy, and as the innate wood energy gathered, the flame gradually strengthened and became hotter.

With a slight tremor, the wood-born fire rushed towards the original real fire with a decisive breath.

Silently, the two fires blend together.

After a while, the original true fire remained motionless, Zi Yan did not give up, and re-condensed a wood-born fire, pouring it into the original true fire.

Repeatedly, until the third wood-born fire poured in, the original real fire fluctuated slightly.

Condensing time after time, Dongfang Ziyan's understanding of real fire became deeper and deeper.

With the pouring of the ninth wood-born fire, the original real fire suddenly had the meaning of agility, and was finally completely refined by Zi Yan.

Seeing that Junior Sister Ziyan had successfully refined the original real fire, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly. There is no need to worry about this Junior Sister's comprehension.

But in his mind, Baiyunlou still sensed Zi Yan's hidden deep tiredness.

Junior Sister Ziyan suffered a sudden change today, and was taken advantage of by the Heavenly Demon. She transformed into a demonic eye, and then she has been concentrating on sealing the demon soul with all her strength. It took a lot of concentration to refine the real fire just now.

With this in mind, Baiyun Tower will release some devil souls from the Yang God enchantment that seals the devil's eye, and will use the magical power of broken thoughts to chop pieces of devil souls into devil soul fragments.

After a while, the souls in the Yangshen Barrier were almost emptied, but many demon souls and energy poured in.

"Ziyan, let's use these soul fragments to restore the primordial spirit first. Senior Brother Zhenhuo will take this source out first, and let the little fire spirit melt away."

Ziyan nodded in response, sitting cross-legged in the void, looking at the green fluorescent spots filled in the fairy lotus enchantment, with warm thoughts in her heart, and she devoured and refined it with concentration.

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