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After the purple thunder dispersed, it weakened a lot immediately, and most of it was absorbed into the sea of ​​consciousness by Baiyunlou's thoughts. The few rays of thunder that fell on the body were easily resisted by the innate body.

After a little try, Aunt Xia put her hands back and exclaimed: "Yunlou, the supernatural power of the sword domain, is so skilled in controlling... Wait, let's go to Qingyunmen to have a good discussion. I can't let go here. I accidentally demolished this mechanism room. But it will be troublesome."

"Yunlou, have you finished carving so many formation disks?" Aunt Xia suddenly remembered about the formation disks and asked in surprise.

"After finishing the seal carving, I just tried the method of group refining, and the refining process is faster." Bai Yunlou said indifferently.

"Yunlou is still powerful, it can be regarded as saving my aunt a lot of trouble, haha..."

Bai Yunlou smiled and said, "Master, if there are still disks that need to be refined, they can be handed over to Yunlou."

"It's gone for the time being. These are enough for the boys in the Artifact Refining Pavilion to be busy for a while." Aunt Xia looked at a room full of refined array cores, feeling very relieved.

"Little Chaoyang fell asleep again... Is this the Linglong Pagoda that Yunlou mentioned last time? I have been busy with stabilizing the realm and the Northern Territory these days, so I don't have time to go inside."

"Exactly, if Master Aunt is interested, you might as well take a look inside. Xiao Chaoyang is sleeping in the second small world, which is just right for her to sleep for a while." Bai Yunlou pointed to the small tower and said.

"Master Shanchang will finish his work in half an hour, it's too late..." Aunt Xia pondered.

"Oh, I forgot to tell my aunt last time. The flow of time in this small pagoda is a bit different. It takes half an hour outside, and there are six hours in it. Didn't Xiao Chaoyang mention it to my aunt?" Baiyunlou asked suspiciously.

"It's so miraculous, this little Chaoyang doesn't have my aunt in her eyes now..." Aunt Xia said so, but she looked at Junior Sister Xia with a smile in her eyes, very doting.

Bai Yunlou saw it, and said with a smile: "I guess, Xiao Chaoyang really forgot..."

"Haha, I must have forgotten. I'm so old, but I'm still so confused. Last time, Xiao Chaoyang specially asked me to go to this small tower to play together. He talked about how fun the tower is, and often played for several days."

Aunt Xia went on to say: "Auntie, I was preparing to cultivate, so I refused. If Xiao Chaoyang had talked about the speed of time at that time, I would have followed her wish."

After saying that, Aunt Xia sat cross-legged on the side, and poked towards the small pagoda's door, and instantly entered the Linglong small pagoda with consciousness.

Sure enough, he just went as soon as he said, the corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, he touched his forehead, and secretly said, before he explained anything, the aunt rushed in...

Baiyun Tower followed with an idea to enter the pagoda, and found that the aunt had left her name and entered the wild small world.

On the light curtain at the entrance of the small pagoda, there is a name left by the aunt.


Too domineering, the corners of Baiyunlou's mouth twitched, instead of entering the small world to observe Lord Thor's heroic appearance, the idea was to exit the small tower directly.

Half an hour later, Baiyun Tower put away a few gadgets that were improvised for refinement, and woke up Junior Sister and Senior Aunt Xia, got up and pushed the door out. The little fat man followed Shan Zhang into the backyard of the mechanism room.

It seems that the head of the mountain has already arranged for the students of the academy to go out for training, and the little fat man is temporarily busy.

After Aunt Xia and Xia Chaoyang woke up from the small pagoda one after another, they walked into the courtyard, and they immediately got up and went to Qingyunmen.

Speaking of which, these two Yuanying stage monks from the academy have not been to Qingyunmen yet.

It may be that the cultivation base has reached the fairyland, and the state of mind becomes more and more stable. It is difficult for him to think about ordinary things, and he often forgets the time in practice.

For most of the day after the festival, the head of the mountain was meditating in the back mountain, and he took less care of the affairs of the academy.

After getting rid of the monsters, Aunt Xia went directly back to the back mountain of the academy to retreat and meditate for more than a month, and then went to the Northern Territory to find out the reality of Qingqiu. Albatron Cave Heaven has been forgotten.

This time, Head Master Bai personally invited them and proposed to discuss the matter, so the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the academy made the trip.

Outside the gate of the mountain, the head of the mountain stood in the sky, pointed to the lake below and sighed: "That night, there was a lot of movement. When I arrived with a few fellow Taoists, I only saw this deep lake. Leaving aside Lou, I really didn't expect that the gate of Dongtian Mountain is actually in mid-air."

Baiyunlou smiled slightly and said, "The disciple was also very surprised that night."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, a portal to the cave appeared in front of them.

Even if I heard some instructors mention the strangeness of the Qingyun Cave, talk about floating mountains, the world in the clouds, etc., but there is no shock from observing it in person.

Standing at the mountain gate, I sighed for a while, and suddenly a rainbow light flashed, and Qingchi sensed the breath of several people, and came to watch the excitement.

"Senior Sister..." Bai Yunlou brought his younger brothers and sisters forward to salute.

"Fellow Daoist..." Shan Zhang and Aunt Xia also bowed their hands in salute.

"You two fellow daoists don't need to be too polite." Qing Chi nodded in return.

Immediately, Baiyunlou explained the purpose of coming.

"Oh..., it turns out that the junior master of the sect intends to compete in the cave, so let's go to Wuzhifeng. There is a senior sister guarding the cave, so feel free to use your spells and supernatural powers."

After saying that, Qing Chi looked at Junior Sister Xia and the little fat man who were eager to try and smiled and said: "Xiao Chaoyang's strength as a dragon-turning queen is not bad, he can fight, Xiao Feiyang, are you sure you want to try?"

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother wants to see the difference..." the little fat man mumbled.

"It's up to you, do you want Senior Sister to give you some cultivation before the battle? Senior Sister has recently deduced a magic technique that can burst out with great power in a short time. Do you want to try it..." While speaking, Qing Chi raised his hand and condensed a bright light. The ball of divine light looks extremely dazzling.

The little fat man hastily declined and said: "No need, junior brother will go to the stage to try it out first, if the gap is really too big, then I will ask senior sister to help."

"Junior brother is so ambitious." Qingchi raised his hand to absorb the divine light, turned his head and shouted softly: "Don't be so busy, there is something lively~www.readwn.com~Gather in front of the main hall of Wenxin Pavilion."

The sound was not loud, but it spread throughout the Qingyun Cave, and in a moment, pieces of clouds flew towards the Wenxin Pavilion.

Hearing these words, Aunt Xia's mouth twitched slightly, she secretly sighed that they were all casual people, and she took this fighting skill competition quite seriously, and it became a lively event in front of this goddess.

I saw Qingchi raising his hand, and a cloud flew over, wrapping the figures of the people, and in a flash, they arrived in front of the main hall of Wenxin Pavilion.

Almost all the disciples of the Qingyun Sect were students of the academy, and when they saw the head of the mountain and the supervisor of the courtyard coming, they all stepped forward to salute.

Afterwards, when she learned that the senior brother and senior sister were going to compete with the strong men in the Earth Wonderland, Nangong Xiaojing immediately became energetic and told his disciples to get busy immediately.

The long table and bamboo chairs were quickly set up, and the long table was filled with melons and fruits, snacks, green tea, and spiritual wine in a short while.

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