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Seeing such a posture, Aunt Xia's mouth twitched again. Just now, she heard the senior sister call her disciples to watch the fun. She thought it was a joke, but she didn't expect it to be just to watch the fun.

Moreover, the few disciples who looked very calm in the academy on weekdays seemed to be different people when they arrived at Qingyunmen.

That Bai Zhan had already sat on the bamboo chair at the far end, looking very energetic and showing his sharpness, he seemed to be looking forward to this exchange.

Jiang Xuan, who seemed very quiet in the academy, was chatting and laughing with his fellow apprentices here, and even helped arrange fruit and snacks together.

Especially the son of the Eastern family, he was polite and polite in the academy, even if he had practiced swordsmanship, he could still see the self-cultivation of the son of a rich family.

But when he arrived at Qingyunmen, it seemed as if he had taken off the shackles, chatting and laughing with the brothers and sisters around him, and even chatted about some strange things, such as how many people need to kill the Yougu guest.

Aunt Xia immediately felt puzzled, hadn't Youguke been dealt with already, did he come back to life?

While thinking about it, Aunt Xia was immediately shocked by the scene in front of her. The floating mountain in the distance suddenly moved and moved a lot closer to this side. However, after a while, Aunt Xia realized the truth. He escaped, but the floating mountain he was standing on was much closer to the tall Five Fingers Peak.

Immediately afterwards, the floating mountains near Wuzhi Peak receded one after another, leaving space for more than ten miles around Wuzhi Peak.

On the opposite side of everyone's head is the tall Wuzhifeng.

It's not over yet, I saw Nangong Xiaojing tossing around, and suddenly a cloud of mist rose up on the open space on the left side of Changji, and when it stabilized, a smooth curtain of cloud and mist appeared, but it was still chaotic.

"Eldest sister, the senior brother who is in charge is going to compete, and I need the help of the senior sister." Nangong Xiaojing walked up to Senior Sister Qingchi holding the Magic Array Disk and said respectfully.

"En." Qing Chi nodded in response, raised his hand and popped out a thought into the array.

The thought of clearing the pool seemed to be activated, buzzing.

After Xiao Jingpan sat on the bluestone in front of the light curtain, he played out the spells in turn, and finally pressed his hands on the array disk, and the chaotic light curtain began to manifest on the screen.

The manifested image is exactly the Five Fingers Peak, and it seems that the image can follow that thought, moving near and far away, circling erratically, and even going around the back of the Five Fingers Peak.

Looking at this clear and colorful picture, Baiyunlou was also very impressed. It is also the art of turning the rainbow inherited from the elder sister. The formation method manifests multiple rainbow lights through the phantom formation of clouds and mist.

Although borrowing the formation foundation of the Wenxin Pavilion and the powerful thoughts of the elder sister to manifest it so freely, it can be seen that Xiaojing's understanding and perception of the illusion has increased a lot.

"Xiao Jing, you... the illusion light curtain seems to be much stronger than the last time in Luoshan Village." The head of the mountain praised.

"The disciple borrowed the idea of ​​the senior sister and the illusionary formation behind him, otherwise it would not be able to manifest so smoothly." Xiaojing explained seriously.

Aunt Xia was greatly shocked by Qingyun Sect and this group of young disciples today, and Dongfang Yu's words were still lingering in her mind, so she said: "Yunlou, since the preparations are complete, let's start."

After saying that, Aunt Xia went directly to the top of the Five Fingers Peak in a flash, raised her hand to spread thunder light around her body, raised her hand, and the dharma sword at Bai Zhan's waist flew out, turning into a golden light and falling into Aunt Xia's palm .

With a sword in hand, Aunt Xia seemed to be a different person, her body was full of thunder, and with a swing of the sword, a flash of thunder flashed, and a huge transparent crack was split on the top of a small peak of Wuzhi Peak.

"My aunt is actually a swordsman, why have I never seen my aunt touch a sword?" Xia Chaoyang said in surprise.

The head of the mountain caressed his beard and smiled: "He is still a very powerful swordsman. When your aunt held the sword, Chaoyang hadn't been born yet, haha..."

"Chaoyang, Feiyang, prepare quickly and show your strongest state."

After saying that, Baiyunlou moved out five Lingzhu swords, nailed them to the void above the head, and the sword domains came out layer by layer, extending to about ten feet around the body, and gradually stabilized.

Suddenly, the Dragon Scale Sword came out, Baiyunlou raised his hand to hold it, and a fiery pure Yang sword gang appeared.

Today's Chunyang Jiangang is so strong that it is as real as it is, and it can show its edge without borrowing the shape-changing technique.

Immediately, Baiyunlou's breath fluctuated, and the body-protecting true energy and body-protecting sword gang fell at the same time.

With a lift of the left hand, the Rijin Wheel flashed out, rotated for two breaths, and was retracted into the body by Baiyunlou.

When the preparations were complete, Baiyun Tower was about to jump out with the two senior brothers and sisters. The little fat man suddenly asked, "Senior brother, what should I pay attention to?"

"Responsiveness, play on the spot..." As soon as the words came out, Baiyun Tower was taken aback. It seemed that he had said these words in the small world in the tower two days ago, but this time he was facing a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm after all. I don't know anything about strength, so it's better to mention it.

The little fat man was a little confused, but he heard the elder brother continue: "Let's just say it briefly, the strength of a monk actually comes from the spirit."

"In the past, there were very few monks specializing in body training in the human world, and there were very few cultivation techniques for the soul. Of course, the strongest monks in the Nascent Soul Stage are Qi."

"Go down to the dantian and break the pill to form a baby. The Nascent Soul enters the Zifu Acupoint along the meridian pulse. It is the monk's sea of ​​consciousness. With the Nascent Soul as the foundation, the soul and soul can be combined with it. Even if the monk has not condensed the Nascent Spirit Quickly condense it out."

"The same goes for body refining. With the cultivation base of Yuanying, body training can go a long way. As long as you practice diligently and persistently, most of them can achieve the body of an immortal in the end."

"Aunt Xia has already cultivated the Yuanshen. With the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, she is extremely powerful. I can feel it later. Don't talk about it. Don't make Aunt Xia wait..."

After saying that, Baiyunlou carried Jianyu, and with a flash of Jiangang in his hand~www.readwn.com~, he came out as a rainbow, and slashed straight down towards the figure on the top of Five Fingers Peak.

In the first two days in the small world in the tower, I cooperated with the big brother very tacitly. Just like the big brother said, I played on the spot...

The most important thing is that the elder brother has already rushed up, Xia Zhaoyang didn't think much about it, the fairy light had already enveloped his body, and the Xuanwu Gang Qi was also circulating on the fairy clothes.

The Spiritual Bamboo Sword formed from the wishful pearl in his hand shook, and a powerful sword gang shot out through the sword. His figure escaped several miles away in a flash, and within a few flashes, he also escaped to the top of the Five Fingers Peak. With a sword intent, several sword gangs were thrown out in the air.

The little fat man looked at the two figures rushing out, and sighed that he couldn't do a volley escape, but he was still refreshed, the blue stone technique was cast, the Xuanwu Gang Qi penetrated his body, and the power of the primordial spirit was fully exerted, sensing Unprecedented strength, immediately a little more confident.

Immediately, the little fat man drew out a flying sword, leaped onto it, held the big meteorite iron sword, and flew towards the peak.

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