The disciples of the Qingyun Sect went into battle together, and without much effort, they activated the turntable cloud table that had not been used for a long time, and all kinds of spiritual fruits, wines, and snacks were served on the table one after another.

Not only that, under the instigation of Head Master Bai, each academy student has to cook a specialty dish for the two distinguished guests to taste.

Everyone was busy with their work, Caiwei took Luo Yu back to Qingyunmen with a happy face, and went directly to the main hall of Wenxin Pavilion according to the summons.

"Eldest brother, what's wrong with these floating mountains, I almost didn't find Wenxin Pavilion..." Luo Yu yelled as soon as the clouds fell.

Judging by the tone, it seemed that he was appreciated by someone, and his heart began to swell.

Master Bai waved his hand, and all the suspended mountains slowly returned to their positions. He turned around and said, "Young Master Luo is now very rich and powerful, so don't get carried away..."

Luo Yu couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and then he saw the head of the mountain and the supervisor on the main table, and quickly pulled Caiwei forward to salute and greet him.

Seeing a pair of Bi people standing in front of him, the head of the mountain was very pleased, and chatted with them about preparations for their marriage.

Luo Yu didn't know anything else, but when it came to buying real estate, there was a lot of talk, why did he choose the best floor tiles, how bad the previous gate was, so he just replaced it.

"Master Luo, the head of the mountain and the supervisor are the first to come to Qingyunmen. All the disciples have to cook a special dish. Most of the disciples have already prepared it. Hurry up and get busy... If you have anything to say, I will talk about it later " Nangong Xiaojing couldn't stand Luo Yu's horse-racing words, so she stepped forward to remind her.

This is still the supervisor of Shanzhangyuan, if it is normal, Elder Xiaojing probably has already started to reprimand him.

"Special dishes? Elder Xiaojing, the disciple is best at tasting dishes..."

"I don't care about this elder, this is the decree of the head of the sect, if you disobey..." Xiao Jing said and took out the photo jade plate from the treasure bag.

"Elder wait a minute, wait a minute, this disciple is going to prepare now..." After speaking, Luo Yu pulled Caiwei aside, and the two began to discuss.

"Senior Sister, what are your specialty dishes?" Luo Yu had high hopes for Senior Sister Caiwei.

"What kind of dishes are you good at? The senior sister is the same as Ayu. Of course the best food is food... Haha, Ayu just said that, and the senior sister laughed secretly." Cai Wei was so happy that she couldn't straighten her waist.

Luo Yu also wanted to laugh out loud, but seeing Elder Xiaojing who was looking over from a distance away, he couldn't laugh, so he dragged Caiwei to find Master Bai.

At the critical moment, you still have to ask the master for help.

"Senior brother, this is your jade token, put it away first, the senior brother of the sect master has really helped my little brother this time... Can you do me a little favor?" Luo Yu asked with a shy face.

"What about special dishes? This is really not good. Brother still has to do it himself. There is no reason to take back what I said, brother. You see, brothers are serious about grilling food." Bai Yunlou carefully turned over the herring on the grill , the old **** said on the ground.

"Brother, don't worry, I have to do it myself, but what I can do is limited, I would like to ask the head brother to give me some pointers... and Senior Sister Caiwei." Luo Yu didn't forget the senior sister beside him.

"Two dishes, it's a little troublesome. The time is limited, and most of the dishes that are easy to make are preempted by the younger brothers and younger sisters."

Baiyunlou pondered for a while, and then said: "That's it, among the favorite dishes of the juniors and younger sisters, there is only roasted bird eggs left to cook. You two, one is responsible for finding bird eggs to bake, and the other is responsible for preparing the sauce material."

Hearing this, Luo Yu was overjoyed. This should be the simplest dish, and he couldn't help sighing. It's the big brother who takes care of himself. This configuration of sauce is very suitable for him...

"Don't think about good things, the head of the mountain is still waiting to taste it, hurry up and touch the bird's eggs." Seeing Luo Yu's leisurely appearance, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but said aloud.

At this time, Xia Chaoyang ran over enthusiastically, took Caiwei to the table next to him, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Caiwei, how is your new house neat and tidy? Senior sister will help you prepare the sauce, while junior sister is busy Let's talk about..."

"Oh, okay... Senior Sister Chaoyang, why don't I go touch the bird's eggs, this junior sister is familiar with..." Caiwei said a little bit.

"It's getting dark, leave this kind of matter to Junior Brother Luo, Junior Sister, you can just make the sauce with peace of mind, this is actually very simple..."

Luo Yu looked helplessly at the back of Senior Sister Caiwei, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and hurried to touch the eggs before it was completely dark.

After a cup of tea, Luo Yu lived up to everyone's expectations and returned with a full load from the floating mountain in the distance. He proudly poured out dozens of bird eggs from the treasure bag, large and small, and piled them on the table, which was a magnificent sight.

Having won the first battle, Luo Yu's confidence was greatly boosted. He randomly took two large bird eggs, washed them in clean water, and put them directly on the grill to roast them.

Turning and turning, it still looks the same, but the firepower of this grill has been turned up a bit.

Baiyunlou, who was roasting a large herring on another grill with a slow fire, sensed something was wrong in his spiritual thoughts, and quickly turned his head to remind him: "Junior Brother Xiaoyu, fire..."

Halfway through the conversation, there was a "bang" sound, and the first bird egg baked by Luo Yu burst open.

Luo Yu dodged the egg liquid and looked at the second bird egg, only to see that the bird egg was shaking violently, and was even more startled, so he hurried forward to **** the bird egg off the grill .

It turned out that the bird's egg jumped off the grill by itself before it touched the bird's egg.

A bird egg that was about to be cooked could actually immediately attracted the attention of all Qingyunmen disciples.

Baiyunlou raised his eyes and couldn't help but curl his mouth. This bird egg actually gave birth to a mutated spirit bird. The baby bird in the eggshell has not yet broken out of the shell, only two bright yellow feet grasping it. wear a hard eggshell.

It seems to have been burned just now, and this meeting is bouncing non-stop, it is very funny to watch.

Luo Yu was tossed so hard by two bird eggs in a row that he didn't have the time to bake any more.

And Caiwei had already prepared several kinds of sauces with ease under the guidance of Senior Sister Xia, just now she was dragged by the curious Senior Sister Xia to ask questions, when she heard a loud noise, she hurried to Ailang's side to watch.

Seeing that Ayu was fine, he felt relieved.

The eggshell bouncing on the ground looked very funny, and all the disciples were instantly attracted by the aptitude and talent of this young bird.

This little bird with a hard shell jumped up and down, suddenly jumped up as high as a person, then turned around and fell, with a click, the eggshell shattered a little smoothly, and then tossed several times, a golden young bird Finally came out of the shell.

Seeing the curious look of the little bird, Caiwei's heart twitched, and she concentratingly pinched a strange formula, which actually aroused the spiritual energy around her body, and finally condensed a ball of milky white juice the size of a fist.

The golden feathered bird looked at the ball of juice in mid-air, as if smelling a peerless delicacy, it immediately jumped towards Caiwei.

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