Seeing that the golden feather bird was interested, Caiwei immediately forced the ball of juice to approach it.

The golden-feathered bird came to the milky juice and drank it peck by peck, and then seemed to find it troublesome, so it buried its head in it and swallowed.

"Sister Caiwei, what kind of formula is this? It looks so strange. Why haven't I seen it used before? Don't ordinary young birds like to eat bugs?" Xia Zhaoyang ran over and asked curiously.

"This is the formula that the elder sister just taught this morning. She said that it is the condensed spiritual liquid. It is most suitable for ordinary newborn babies and young animals to drink. I didn't expect that even this newborn baby bird likes it so much." Wei also said very curiously.

I saw the little golden feather bird sucking the juice while shaking its little wings, some messy feathers were straightened out by the fanning airflow.

"Innate supernatural powers!" Baiyunlou said in amazement, this little golden feather bird was born with Fengxing supernatural powers.

"Eldest brother, just this little bird has supernatural powers? I didn't go to the hills where the spirit birds were, but I went to the forest that specially raises mortal birds to find them. How could the spirit birds mutate?" Luo Yu asked in amazement. .

"Who said that mortal birds cannot mutate into spirit birds? The ancestors of those spirit birds were not all mutated from mortal birds, not to mention that here is full of fairy energy, and it is common to mutate one or two." Bai Yun Lou replied calmly.

"Junior Brother Xiaoyu, are you still baking these leftover bird eggs?"

Luo Yu couldn't help being taken aback, but still said: "Uh..., roast, roast, I hope I don't run into another explosive one..."

"What is explosive... It's because you fired up the magic circle too much!" Xiao Jing interjected angrily.

"Really? Oh..." Luo Yu responded sullenly, and walked slowly towards the grill.

"Eldest senior brother has deep eyes, can you help junior brother see if there are any mutated spirit bird eggs in the pile of bird eggs?" Finally moved to the side of the grill again, Luo Yu couldn't help turning his head and asked.

Master Bai couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and replied: "I've seen it, it's just this one..., the other eggs are egg liquid, don't worry, bake them..."

Looking at Luo Yu's appearance, Nangong Xiaojing couldn't help shouting: "Zhenmoji..., Xiaoxi, Lanzhi, you two have learned the true biography of Huo Linger, go and help me, otherwise I don't think I can eat tonight." It's time to bake eggs..."

"Okay..." Elder Xiaojing spoke, but the two disciples responded straightforwardly.

Ah Li looked at the fun and stepped forward to help, but he didn't have the consciousness to fry the eggs of the same bird at all.

Seeing that the younger brothers and younger sisters were very busy, Baiyunlou turned around and said to Caiwei: "Junior Sister Caiwei, since this golden feathered bird was baked by your family, this is also your fate, so you will put this little bird Adopt the bird."

"Yeah, Sister Caiwei, it just so happens that you still have some juice to feed the little Jin Yu." Junior Sister Xia also enthusiastically reminded her that she had even decided on a name in a while.

Caiwei also liked this clever little bird, nodded in agreement, and knelt down to hold the little golden feather.

Smelling the familiar scent, Xiao Jin Yu was obedient, Xu Shi had just tossed about, and then Meimei drank the elixir, she would feel drowsy, and fell asleep in Caiwei's palm.

Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help stretching out a finger, gently touched the little golden feather that was only the size of a fist, and asked happily: "Sister Caiwei, you haven't said the name of Shentong just now, it was named by the elder sister. The names are so interesting."

"Elder Sister said that this supernatural power is called Ru..." Caiwei looked at the little golden feather in her hand, and replied casually. She suddenly felt inappropriate in the middle of the sentence, and after thinking about it, she continued: "Forget it, that name is too vulgar, and I will use it in the future." Just call it Xuanlingye."

"Milk what, milky white juice?" Xia Zhaoyang murmured.

The corners of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "It's not bad to call it Xuanlingye, this liquid is really extraordinary, just looking at it, there is a mysterious aura in it, it seems to be able to contain the innate energy brought out by human babies from the mother's womb Qi, if this is the case, it is really a big deal."

"With this innate qi, when the baby grows up, the chances of developing cultivation aptitude will be greatly increased. Even if there is no cultivation aptitude, it will be immune to all diseases and prolong life."

"It's so powerful..." Xia Chaoyang understood after the elder brother said this, and couldn't help but exclaim.

The little fat man also became interested, and said aloud: "Just now I saw that Caiwei's condensing technique doesn't seem to be complicated. If you can condense some casually every day and seal it in a glass bottle, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce will help you to promote it. It will definitely work." Let those monks go crazy."

"It's not very troublesome to refine this kind of mysterious spirit liquid, and you can condense a lot of it every day, but..." Caiwei thought for a while and continued: "Elder Elder, it's okay to sell some to monks in the cultivation world, but Caiwei hopes to keep half of it and donate it to the charity hall."

Hearing this, Xia Zhaoyang happily pulled Caiwei's arm and said, "I'm so thankful to Sister Caiwei. With these mysterious liquids in the Charity Hall, those poor children will not have to suffer so much."

"Sister Caiwei, don't worry, I went to inspect it on purpose two days ago. The charity hall is in good order. If you hand over these mysterious spirit liquids to the charity hall, the deacons of the charity hall will definitely handle it properly."

While talking, the people who baked the eggs finally packed up and brought a few large plates of hot roasted eggs to the table.

Luo Yu finally successfully baked two big bird which can be regarded as a completed dish.

The head of the mountain and Aunt Xia looked at the busy group of academy students, and they didn't feel a little rigid here, and they didn't have half a bit of arrogance of a high-ranking monk, and they felt very relieved in their hearts.

The host and guest had a great time at a sumptuous dinner, and with a bit of alcohol, they chatted freely.

Chatting and chatting, a group of young disciples talked about the illusion, talking about the novel moves of the Yougu guest for a while, and joking about how deceitful Dongfang Yu's latest dream is.

Dongfang Yu is very popular in Qingyun sect now, and his temperament was very calm and indifferent before. In the past two months, he has restrained this indifference to the bottom of his heart, and became one with all the brothers and sisters.

And with these years of hard work and hard work, I can chat with almost every senior brother and sister very speculatively, and I can easily respond to jokes.

Aunt Xia became more and more curious as she listened to the words of this group of young disciples, so she asked Xia Zhaoyang carefully.

After a while, Aunt Xia finally realized that the Yougu guest mentioned by several people was just an illusory character derived from the illusion.

This illusion looks similar to the illusory small world in the small tower, but it is derived from the dream in the Dongfang Yu Consciousness Sea.

After listening to Xiao Chaoyang's description, this illusion seems to be much simpler than the small world in the tower. I have been to most of the scenes myself. little interest.

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