"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (!

God? Feng Qimei's eyes lit up when she heard it, but she didn't dare to ask more questions.

After glancing at Feng Qimei, Baiyunlou continued to Hua Xiaojiu, "This Concentration Art can be passed on to others when you have achieved great achievements in the first chapter. At that time, whoever Xiao Jiu wants to teach it to, you can think about it yourself."

Then Bai Yunlou gave a few casual instructions, and let the two of them go about their work.

Zi Yan looked at the two leaving figures, her eyes seemed to have a green glow, as if she saw something, she nodded slightly.

Immediately, they exchanged a glance with the senior brother, turned around and walked towards the Goddess Shrine together.

Inside the Goddess Temple, Junior Sister Xia was lying on a flower bed full of flowers, sleeping soundly.

"Slept so soundly, Senior Brother, what's going on with Chaoyang, hasn't he been so sleepy last time?" Zi Yan asked with some doubts.

Baiyunlou said helplessly: "Aunt Xia is not very clear about the cause of lethargy, but Xiao Hualing knows a little bit. She said that it might be due to the awakening of the blood, and she should not be disturbed by drowsiness after she cultivates into the body of an earth celestial being."

"The body of an Earth Immortal?"

"For Xiao Chaoyang, the body of the Earth Immortal should be fine. Now Chaoyang's body training state is already inborn Dzogchen. Xiaohua Lingyan said that falling asleep is actually cultivating. If she turns into a dragon body and falls asleep, the progress of cultivation will be faster. Some."

Hearing this, Zi Yan smiled and said: "If Xiao Chaoyang is sleepy in the future, come to Jinghu Cave to sleep, just to be a companion for Zi Yan."

"Wait another half a month. During this period of time, Xiao Chaoyang probably won't be free."

After saying that, the two walked back to the courtyard, and Baiyunlou told Ziyan about Luo Yu and Caiwei's upcoming marriage, the students' experience in a few days, and the trip to Qingqiu.

Finally, I asked Ziyan: "I also want to ask my junior sister this time, if you have time to go back to the academy to be lively?"

After thinking for a while, Zi Yan replied: "This time, I may not be able to walk away. This time, I felt a sword intent in the retreat, and just now it has a prototype. Zi Yan wants to perfect it. If the sword intent is cultivated, the junior sister will rush to it immediately. "

"That's fine, Ziyan can cultivate swords with peace of mind. There is a senior brother over there in the academy. Now this small world in the tower is suitable for sword cultivation. I wonder what sword intent my junior sister has realized?" Bai Yunlou asked curiously.

Zi Yan pondered and said: "This sword intent is just an idea of ​​my junior sister, and I don't even have a name..."

"I used to think that my mother would be fine if I stripped away my obsessions. In the end, my mother's spiritual consciousness almost dissipated. During this period of time, Ziyan watched my mother's spirit while practicing. Come up with some clues."

"Junior Sister sensed that there was an illusory connection between Mother's soul and that obsession. Zi Yan didn't know what it was, but she immediately had the idea of ​​wanting to cut off the sword, and even really condensed a tiny Sword intent."

After saying that, Zi Yan frowned slightly, and the space a foot in front of her eyebrows fluctuated slightly.

Immeasurable light fell, and the Baiyun Building operated the Celestial Eye and Divine Sense, and finally clearly sensed this wisp of sword energy for the first time.

After watching carefully for a while, Baiyunlou felt a little comprehension, turned around and said: "Ziyan, this sword intent is really wonderful, but this small world is not the best place to practice swords, brother will take you to the third and sixth A small world."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the five Lingzhu swords flew out, fixed in the void, superimposed on each other, and the sword field covering dozens of miles gradually expanded to more than a hundred miles, and the strength of the sword field also increased several times .

Zi Yan's eyes lit up, she didn't say much, followed her senior brother's figure and stood up with the sword, and fled away into the distance.

The two of them fled faster and faster in the sword field, surpassing the speed of thunder in this small world in a moment, and it didn't take long before they fled to the sky above the holy lake.

At this time, the holy lake was calm and calm, and the Baiyunlou imperial envoy covered the entire holy lake with a fivefold sword domain, and then his figure flashed, leading Ziyan to the place before the sacred object hiding in the void.

"If Zi Yan is not in a hurry, you can first feel the power of the rules in this small world." Bai Yunlou raised his hand to invite.

Ziyan looked at the dao mark in the void, nodded slightly, sat cross-legged on the lake, raised her hand to condense into a Xuanbing Yaoqin, stroked lightly, a ray of melodious voice followed the string, and a shock wave gently The power of rules brushing across this small world.

Bai Yunlou couldn't help but admire such a method of comprehension. He originally planned to share his comprehension, but it seems that it is unnecessary.

While thinking about it, strands of immeasurable light fell through the sky and shone on the figures transformed by the two people's spiritual consciousness. Baiyunlou took advantage of the opportunity to dissipate the transformation technique and revealed their true colors.

"Hey, it seems that senior brother has beheaded a lot of demons in this small world in the tower..." Zi Yan said with divine light on both sides.

"It's quite a lot, Zi Yan can actually see it..." With a slight thought, Bai Yunlou concentrated on observing himself.

After careful observation, Baiyun Tower gradually sensed the abnormal fluctuations in the body's spiritual consciousness, which was formless and formless, somewhat illusory, but faintly revealing the breath of evil thoughts.

This is the first time Baiyun Tower has sensed this kind of breath, and suddenly there is a very familiar feeling, such as the causal line of Buddhism and the fate and cause of Taoism.

So it turned out that in an instant, Baiyun Tower had a clear understanding, and it should be due to this that the divine sense could sense disasters and benefits.

Thinking through this reason, Baiyunlou couldn't help becoming very interested in Zi Yan's ethereal sword intent.

If you can really cultivate that sword intent, wouldn't it be... omnipotent, and even fearless of those powerful schemes.

With this in mind, Baiyun Tower did not rush to deduce, but looked at the infinite light falling from the void.

This immeasurable light... is really miraculous and extraordinary. It can be used to see invisible things. I don't know where these immeasurable lights come from, and why a monk with a clear mind can attract it.

There are too many unknowns, but it is precisely because of these unknowns that the human monks continue to try to deduce various paths of practice. Isn't Ziyan and herself always looking for it.

With a little emotion, Baiyunlou put away his distracting thoughts and looked at Junior Sister Ziyan. The two of them looked at each other, and the feeling between their minds became stronger and stronger. With the sound of the zither~www.readwn.com~, one after another sentiments were in the minds of the two of them Echoes endlessly.

Those invisible and formless magic breaths don't need to worry about Baiyunlou, they will gradually dissipate without a trace under the shining of the infinite light.

Since there is no plan to practice swords in this small world, Baiyun Tower fully assisted Zi Yan in deriving the power of rules, and with the help of Jian Yu, Zi Yan had already explored the power of rules in this small world of the clan in just half a stick of incense time. a transparent.

Immediately, the two stood up at the same time, and came to the center of the lake. Ziyan raised her hand and condensed an ice crystal sword. Looking at the divine object hidden in the void, the sword's intent moved with the divine object.

A moment later, Zi Yan slashed down with a sword, and a burst of extremely strong fluctuations immediately burst out from the fetish, and the fluctuations instantly spread out in a radius of hundreds of meters, and spread outward quickly.

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