"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (!

The strength of this shock wave almost has the momentum to shatter the entire small world.

Ziyan's sword actually broke through the power of rules left by Linglong. Seeing that the shock wave was about to spread out of the holy lake, Baiyunlou still made a move.

The five-fold sword field sealed it with all its strength, except for the tens of feet of space around the fetish that still fluctuated, the rest of the shock wave gradually calmed down and returned to a rippling lake.

It is enough to feel the strength of the sword intent, it is better not to disturb Xiao Chaoyang's deep sleep.

Knowing what her senior brother meant, Zi Yan nodded her head slightly, then put away the boundless light around her, and followed the guiding light from the fetish to the next small world.

After Zi Yan disappeared, Bai Yunlou raised his hand and put away the dharma sword. With a flash of his figure, he escaped into the third small world following the aura of his junior sister.

In the dark night, with barren mountains and wild ridges, and winding mountain roads, two figures came leisurely, seemingly slow but fast, and within a few steps, they were approaching. They were Baiyunlou and Ziyan.

The two of them had been traveling for two days in this small world where the demon cultivator was in power, killing demons and eliminating demons all the way, how many demon souls, demon souls, and even wicked people's souls were smashed under the sword.

Judging from the posture of Junior Sister Ziyan's attack at the beginning, Bai Yunlou thought that this junior sister wanted to prove the way by killing, but after several times, he immediately understood that Junior Sister Ziyan was really cultivating that subtle sword intent.

Facing the demon cultivator, needless to say, most of the general demon cultivators trembled with a single slash, but the demonic thoughts were deeply planted, and the sword intent was so weak that they couldn't strip the demonic thoughts from the demon cultivator's soul.

Most of the magic cultivators' eyes were clear for less than a moment, and then their demon energy skyrocketed. Facing two decisive sword masters, they would not end well.

When encountering a demon cultivator with killing intent, Zi Yan didn't show any mercy, she slashed down with her sword, looking as long as she could get rid of the demon cultivator's killing intent.

However, most of the demon cultivators are single-minded. Even if they are injured and lose to escape, their killing intent is still deeply rooted, as if they intend to escape and wait for an opportunity to seek revenge.

This small world is full of demon cultivators. If these injured demon cultivators encounter each other, it will inevitably increase their strength. Junior Sister Zi Yan must have thought of this, and almost never let go of an injured demon cultivator.

Those villains who were punished by the sword actually deserved what they deserved. Seeing Junior Sister Zi Yan's beauty, they got carried away and dared to say anything.

It's just that before Bai Dameng came out with his sword, those villains became Ziyan's sword test objects one after another.

Although the scene was a bit tragic, the cultivation of the sword intent was quite effective. After two days, the wispy sword intent became a little more sharp and tough, and it added a lot of mysterious meaning.

After Baiyunlou used the infinite light to comprehend the misty sword intent many times, he gradually gained something. He took Ziyan to walk on a wild mountain road, and couldn't help it. What kind of thought did he have to cut out that sword.

"Cut the vulgar thoughts..." Junior Sister Zi Yan responded very simply.

"Common thoughts..." Bai Yunlou was startled when he heard this, and couldn't continue the conversation for a while.

The corner of Zi Yan's mouth curled up, and she asked quite casually: "Could it be that senior brother also has vulgar thoughts about Zi Yan?"

"Junior Sister Zi Yan's appearance and temperament are extraordinary and refined, how can senior brother have any vulgar thoughts..." Bai Yunlou said seriously.

"It's okay..." Zi Yan replied indifferently.

no harm? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you have vulgar thoughts, or...

As soon as Fang thought about it, Baiyun Tower dispelled all kinds of thoughts. In fact, this meeting is really not a common idea.

All the way..., along the way, the more you use the sword intent, the younger sister, the more smoothly you use it. Although you don't even have the prototype of the sword intent, if you miss it for a while and prove the Tao on yourself, it will be bad .

At this time, beside the barren mountain ancient road, a lonely inn appeared in front of the two of them.

"Here we are, Zi Yan, this is the inn." Bai Yunlou stepped down to the door of the inn, looked at the four rather wild characters of "Mountain Inn", and smiled freely.

"A mountain inn, with a demonic aura inside, actually made senior brother feel happy. It seems that this inn is not simple." Zi Yan smiled lightly.

Stepping into the front yard of the inn, Zi Yan glanced at the stables, still unrestrained, a sword light slashed out, this time it seemed that there was progress, when the sword light swept across the invisible enchanted frog monster, it brought out a ball Black magic energy.

This ball of devilish energy fluttered for a while, as if it wanted to penetrate into the body of the devil frog again, but it could no longer melt into the demon body of the devil frog.

Then the cloud of devilish energy floated towards Baiyun Tower, but it was smashed and dissipated by two sword intents in an instant.

The magic frog was swept away by the sudden sword light, and was so frightened that it almost appeared. After finding out that it was not injured, it didn't dare to make the slightest movement, and continued to hide in place.

Although the sword light just now didn't hurt the magic frog, it seemed to wake up the demon frog's bewildered demon thoughts a little bit, knowing to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister, you have finally mastered the Dao Severing Sword Intent."

"Cut Dao... that's too much." Zi Yan shook her head slightly.

"It's just a title... if you practice it to the great perfection, or even transform it, you may be able to cut the way." Bai Yunlou said quite casually.

"Brother, just now junior sister unintentionally used a combined move..."

Baiyunlou asked in surprise, "Sixth form?"

"Exactly, I didn't expect to inadvertently integrate the sword intent into the sixth form, not only the sixth form was displayed, even this... Dao Slashing Sword Intent has also shown its edge." Zi Yan sighed quite a bit.

Speaking of this joint move, it was also derived from Ziyan's more than two months of meditation.

Originally, the combined moves of Yin and Yang swordsmanship required two people to cooperate in order to see its power, but now that Ziyan has not only cultivated the pure Yang Qi, but also condensed the Xuan Yin Qi, she began to think about the combined move to be performed alone method.

After many attempts and deductions, Ziyan really found out the way to control Qi.

The body of the sword has two sides, and each of the two streams of true energy accumulates on one side, following the sword move, when the sword is slashed, the two streams of true energy are combined with the sword move.

It sounds simple, but it actually requires a powerful soul power to make the sword moves perfect and unified, and there must be two different kinds of true energy to cooperate.

However, Baiyun Tower also happens to be very suitable for both.

When she left the Qianshan Tribe, Zi Yan passed on the method of practicing joint moves to her elder brother.

Therefore, Baiyun Tower was not idle along the way.

What's more~www.readwn.com~ Master Bai has more than two kinds of true qi, yin and yang, five elements true qi, and even the true meaning of wind and thunder can be condensed into the sword intent.

Along the way, Baiyun Tower has become very familiar with the first five joint moves, but he is still a little confused about the sixth joint move.

"Why don't you share the sword intent that Junior Sister has realized with Senior Brother?" After speaking, Zi Yan stretched out her right palm.

Seeing the jade hand stretched out by Junior Sister Ziyan, Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the door of the inn, and the two looked at him at the same time.

"Two guest officers, are you passing by for a meal or staying at the hotel?" The innkeeper warmly greeted the two of them.

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